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130+ Dead in Madrid blast

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Which is that being nice to them won't make you any safer. EVERYBODY is in danger from those monkeys.


Awesome. Just Awesome.

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Guest Anglesault

What about it?


The only time monkey has ever been used in a "racist" manner is when it's applied against black people.


Other wise, it's used to describe people who are out of control.

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Guest Anglesault

What about it?


The only time monkey has ever been used in a "racist" manner is when it's applied against black people.


Other wise, it's used to describe people who are out of control.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

i've never heard that term used before in that way.


If it is used in that way, then I apoligize

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Guest Anglesault

I certainly have. My grandmother used to use it all the time when us kids got out of control.


Besides, I'm not sure how "monkey" would apply to Arabs.

Edited by Anglesault

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Guest MikeSC
i've never heard that term used before in that way.


If it is used in that way, then I apoligize

I've referred to terrorists as sub-human monkeys for, what, 2 years running on this board? It's not a new thing.


I've explained, repeatedly, why I refer to them as such --- including to YOU personally months ago. I will not go over it again. A terrorist is not a human. Period.


And the new Spanish gov't wants to back out of Iraq? THAT will teach them a lesson.


Spain: When the Going Gets Tough, We Turn Tail and Run.


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Actually, Mike, I think the new slogan should be


Spain: Let the era of appeasement begin!!!

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Guest MikeSC
Actually, Mike, I think the new slogan should be


Spain: Let the era of appeasement begin!!!

How 'bout:


Spain: We're Sorry So Many People Got in the Way Of Your Bomb.


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Guest hunger4unger

The new Spanish government are actually doing what the VAST majority of the Spanish people want them to do by pulling out of Iraq. The Spanish aren't being weak - they are being sensible.

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Guest Cerebus

They're not actually pulling them out, they're pulling them out IF the US doesn't turn over control to the UN in June.

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How about


Spain:Beat that France!

I actually thought about that very point over the weekend, and in all seriousness, I think that Spain has replaced France as most pussy European nation.


France at least had an army to cave in to. The Spaniards did it to one single bomb.


I think the situation was summed up rather well by an individual who's email was read on CNN this morning: after America was attacked, we responded by taking down two tyrannical regimes.


When Spain was attacked, they promptly eliminated their OWN government.

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Guest MikeSC
Well, didn't take you lot long to stick the knife in, i'm impressed

If you're going to bo cowards, don't expect sympathy. Let them deal with whomever bombed them without our help, far as I'm concerned.

The new Spanish government are actually doing what the VAST majority of the Spanish people want them to do by pulling out of Iraq. The Spanish aren't being weak - they are being sensible.

Caving into a terrorist attack is being sensible?


Heck, why not give Al Qaeda money AND free lodging. That'd make them REALLY like Spain, right?


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Guest cosbywasmurdered
I will not go over it again. A terrorist is not a human. Period.

You see that's entirely the wrong attitude to take. A terrorist is a human. they are just as human as you or I. That's the thing. A terrorist doesn't have to be a bearded Arab, or accented Communist. It can be your next door neighbor.


Considering them to be less than human is not only foolish but the height of arrogance. Human beings are capable of homicide, suicide, and genocide. Acknolweding that terrorists are human is important. Because it can help us to learn how to prevent such horrible things from happening again.

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Guest Anglesault

They're not humans in the sense that Lionel Tate (Sorry to bring him up again) isn't human.


They're monsters.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Totally missing the point. Denying them as humans is denying the monster in all of us.

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Guest Anglesault

Most of us can control that monster, which makes us more human.


Those people can't control it, making them more of a monster.


Damn, we are sounding overly melodramatic.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered



But, no one is "More" human than anyone else. We're all equally human. But with some people there is a key difference. Wther it's caused by a mental disorder or something else. But they're still human.

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Guest MikeSC
Totally missing the point. Denying them as humans is denying the monster in all of us.

I manage to avoid blowing away civilians AND rescue personnel in the pursuit of my interests.


If you are struggling with that, then you are less human than I thought.


"Gee, why do conservatives on this board mock the libs here for being weak?" Gee, no reason at ALL for that.


I suppose we should all go find a terrorist and give them a great big hug and a cup of cocoa. Maybe a foot rub to boot.



But, no one is "More" human than anyone else. We're all equally human. But with some people there is a key difference. Wther it's caused by a mental disorder or something else. But they're still human.

This is sad. Actually trying to defend monkeys.


They are subhuman monkeys as the Nazis were and as the Soviets were. They TARGET INNOCENT CIVILIANS AND RESCUE PERSONNEL to achieve their goal.


If you are too weak to call them what they are, that is a blight on you.


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to settle this..


they're monsterous humans.


Each person has redeeming qualities, but in the case of mass murderers and terrorists, the bad qualities totally overwhelm anything positive, warping everything in a drastic way.


(I also believe in a Messiah who forgives people if they ask for it, no matter how evil they were. *shrug*)

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Guest MikeSC
to settle this..


they're monsterous humans.


Each person has redeeming qualities, but in the case of mass murderers and terrorists, the bad qualities totally overwhelm anything positive, warping everything in a drastic way.


(I also believe in a Messiah who forgives people if they ask for it, no matter how evil they were. *shrug*)

I am not Jesus and I have no interest in trying to redeem people with no worth to this world.


These people plant SECONDARY BOMBS to kill RESCUE PERSONNEL who come to deal with the aftermath of their primary bombs.


Do you have ANY clue how utterly screwed up you must be to do something like that? Do you have a clue how loathesome a creature you must be to decide that it is a good idea to do that to pursue your cause?


They are sub-human monkeys. They are genetic mistakes and their existence is a continuing blight on the world. Until they renounce their ways and rejoin the world of humanity, people must deal with them in the ONLY way they understand.


I refuse to insult fellow humans by putting them on our level.


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Guest cosbywasmurdered

Oh so if they renounce there ways then they're human again? what utter crap.


And it's weak to refuse to admit they're less than human. I think it's weak to refuse to admit that they are human beings that have done wrong. Yes their actions are horrible. I'd be the last person to be against putting Bin Laden to death.


But they are not sub-human monkeys. Their actions are monsterous and evil but they are still human beings. We are all god's children (not that I'm religious or anything) and we're all equal in his sight. They're actions show them to be worthy of scorn and death but they still are humans.

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We are all god's children (not that I'm religious or anything) and we're all equal in his sight.

I don't think we're talking about the same God here...

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Guest cosbywasmurdered

we aren't. I don't believe in God. But it was an example of some people's belief.


I just happen to believe it's folly to deny man's evil nature.

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Guest HoosierDaddy
This is sad. Actually trying to defend monkeys.



They are subhuman monkeys as the Nazis were and as the Soviets were. They TARGET INNOCENT CIVILIANS AND RESCUE PERSONNEL to achieve their goal.


If you are too weak to call them what they are, that is a blight on you.


So it's okay to target civilians if war has been 'properly' declared- something that EVERYONE did in WWII and the US was notorious for doing in Vietnam? If so that's interesting, since I believe most terrorist groups effectively declare war with the first attack. Please clarify when it's acceptable to bomb civilians- and whether it matters if the name of the city is Dresden, Hiroshima, Madrid, Baghdad, or New York.

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They are sub-human monkeys. They are genetic mistakes and their existence is a continuing blight on the world. Until they renounce their ways and rejoin the world of humanity, people must deal with them in the ONLY way they understand.

Now, I can't agree with this. I refuse to believe that people are simply born bad. It's upbringing and their life situation that makes someone what they are. Don't get me wrong, you have to deal with terrorists strongly, but you also have to look at where the come from and the reasons they do what they do. Without that the cycle of violence will simply continue. Violence against violence alone will NOT solve this problem.

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If so that's interesting, since I believe most terrorist groups effectively declare war with the first attack.


NO ONE recognizes declared holy wars by groups of individuals (instead of actual, you know, NATIONS) as legitimate. Not even the United Nations. I can hold a press conference tomorrow and declare a war between myself and, say, Mongolia, on the grounds that Mongolians are infidels and thus deserve death, and absolutely no one would recognize that as a legitimate declaration of war.


It's upbringing and their life situation that makes someone what they are. Don't get me wrong, you have to deal with terrorists strongly, but you also have to look at where the come from and the reasons they do what they do. Without that the cycle of violence will simply continue. Violence against violence alone will NOT solve this problem.


Then you're going to have to eliminate Islam from their culture, because that's the cause of 99% of all of their madness.

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Then you're going to have to eliminate Islam from their culture, because that's the cause of 99% of all of their madness.

Would you consider the destruction of a religon (to deal with the fundementalist belifs of a few) an acceptable price to pay for winning the War on Terror?

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