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Tivo, DVR

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Anybody else have this marvel of greatness?


We've had it in my house for about 4 months, and it's only about $2 a month extra (each person, I live with 7 other people). It's amazing to have. I watched the Academy awards in 45 minutes. With one click, you can record every episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm or Family Guy that plays throughout the week/month.


I really think it's one of the greatest inventions ever.


So...anybody else have?

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I got a DVR because it was so cheap (8 bucks a month total...including box rental).


Currently I'm taping every episode of Two Guys and a Girl that airs on WE (Women's Entertainment).


I also used it to tape Curb Your Enthusiasm, and I'm starting with the new Sopranos season.


Even better...I don't have to miss Smackdown or Velocity anymore...and can fast forward through the crap.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Definately do. Dish Network started selling the boxes with this feature in them about 3 years ago. Nothing beats rewinding tv and being able to come in 20 minutes late for the sole reason of skipping commercials. Now the next step is upgrading to a box with 90 hours of memory.

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Guest The Notorious CRD

I'm on Time-Warner Cable and have the DVR unit offered by them. It truly is a miracle to behod. ;)

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Guest TheHulkster

I have a DVR. It's the greatest thing to hit TV since cable. My only gripe is when you want to tape 2 shows at the same time, you have to watch one of those shows or a previously recorded program. You can't change the channel. Otherwise, it's a godsend.

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That can be an annoyance...but being able to tape two things at once still rocks.


I'm shocked how many things I watch now that are on opposite each other.


It really changes the way you watch TV. At night, instead of flipping through what's on...you can sit and watch anything you wanted to see that day.

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When I move off campus next fall, I will push so hard to get either TiVo or DVR.


I just have a few questions about DVR:


What exactly is DVR?

Is it for satelitte and/or digital cable?

If it is for digital cable, does Cablevision have it?


I haven't read anything about DVR. but I've read plenty about TiVo. The one thing I read about TiVo is that it takes a long time to set-up.

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The one thing I read about TiVo is that it takes a long time to set-up.

'Tis a myth. A myth I say! Seriously, it really depends on your setup. There's a 90% chance you won't need to buy any extra cables. I had to hook up my TiVo, VCR, television and PS2 to each other and doing so only took about ten minutes. The online proces to register TiVo service takes a few minutes too, but it's incredibly simple. The only downside is that you have to configure the system after registering online, which takes about twenty minutes, and then you have to wait a few hours before actually using the majority of the system's features. You can fast forward, rewind, pause, and go slow-mo right off the bat however. All things considered, setting up is really not that big of a deal.

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If it does take a long time, then I say this...


All of the time you spend pouting about how long it took/takes could be spent waiting for it to be connected.

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What exactly is DVR?

Is it for satelitte and/or digital cable?

If it is for digital cable, does Cablevision have it?

To answer mole:


DVR - Digital Video Recorder...same exact thing as Tivo, except different name.


It's for digital cable, and I don't know about cablevision. I have Time Warner.


Someone mentioned when does it know to cut out? You set it up by recording from the digital cable guide that comes with your digital cable package. So, if you don't have digital cable, there is basically a TV guide channel that is interactive and you can choose your shows. You just hit record there and it records. So, it basically just records the entire time block the show was given by the digital box. I've had it cut out a few minutes too early a few times, but that really only happens with HBO shows that run a bit too long (Curb, Sex, Sopranos).

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Guest KJ Brackish

I have DirecTV Tivo, considering I used to work there, and got it for free. It's pretty kool. Day before yesterday the "showcase" on TiVO (for those that have it, you know what I'm talking about), and this time it was WrestleMania XX, they featured some stuff that wasn't even shown on TV. Twas pretty kool.



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What exactly is DVR?

Is it for satelitte and/or digital cable?

If it is for digital cable, does Cablevision have it?

To answer mole:


DVR - Digital Video Recorder...same exact thing as Tivo, except different name.


It's for digital cable, and I don't know about cablevision. I have Time Warner.

Thanks Mik.


If it is a big thing, if Cablevision doesn't have it, they might by the fall. Well, I hope they do.


Does TiVo work with digital cable?

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So, you just fast forward through the commercials instead of not showing the commercials at all?

Yeah, it doesn't cut commercials out. You fast forward, but with 3 arrows it's over in 5 seconds.

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