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Guest Anglesault

What's next for Kurt and Eddie?

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Guest Anglesault

With this feud over, (At least for now) where do both guys go?


I think Smart Money would say Big Show challenges Eddie for a while, while Kurt goes on to another Big Face. The main problem is, the only big face is The Undertaker, and if they were gonna have Kurt challenge again over the Summer (Which they kind of have to no that Brock is gone) they can't make him Undertaker road kill. So does he just wander around aimlessly for a couple of months?

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They'll bring back Ken Shamrock and he'll feud with Angle for a few months.

It can be a battle over who is master of the anklelock.



First man TO ACTUALLY DO some ankle work to lead to the anklelock will be declared the winner.



Running match time before either man figures it out: 2 hours.

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Guest Anglesault
You really think Eddie versus Angle is over AS? I seriously doubt it after the ending. I'd say this'll drag on until May's PPV.

If they do, they'd have to take the belt off eddie at the May PPV.


They shouldn't do that.


They'll bring back Ken Shamrock and he'll feud with Angle for a few months



Edited by Anglesault

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They'll bring back Ken Shamrock and he'll feud with Angle for a few months



Think about it though...it could work.


Angle beats down someone badly on Smackdown, still FURIOUS at losing at WrestleMania...


Then he cuts a post-match promo about how no wrestler in WWE history has been more DANGEROUS than him..


Shamrock's music then hits, and we have a brawl...Shamrock puts Angle briefly in the anklelock before Angle escapes.


Insta Feud!

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Guest Anglesault
They'll bring back Ken Shamrock and he'll feud with Angle for a few months



Think about it though...it could work.



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They'll bring back Ken Shamrock and he'll feud with Angle for a few months



Think about it though...it could work.



What's your vendetta against Shamrock?


EDIT: Oh, and nice ignoring the rest of the post there. :P

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Guest Anglesault

I'm sorry if a three month midcard feud with Ken "Hold My hand, Shawn" Shamrock over the frigging anklelock doesn't tickle my fancy.

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They shouldn't do that... but they will...


Man...SD needs more World Championship-worthy MEers that haven't feuded alot before. All they got is Angle, Eddie, Show, and Taker (but I really don't want to see Taker with that title).


The only plausible MEers the WWE has are those that I just mentioned and Benoit, HHH, HBK, Edge(?), and Jericho. The WWE needs more than those 8 guys to run with the boat for a while so they can push up guys like Cena, Rhyno, A-Train, Booker, and I would bet money that the WGTT will be broken up by Xmas and then into singles action.

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I'm sorry if a three month midcard feud with Ken "Hold My hand, Shawn" Shamrock over the frigging anklelock doesn't tickle my fancy.

You rather he have another feud with Cena?


I seem to remember you not liking that either.


...hmm...to anyone who watched older TNA...how well did Shamrock compete in NWA?

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Guest Anglesault
I'm sorry if a three month midcard feud with Ken "Hold My hand, Shawn" Shamrock over the frigging anklelock doesn't tickle my fancy.

You rather he have another feud with Cena?

God No.


Besides, he can't, since Cena stole that belt from Show.


If it comes down to Undertaker, Cena and Shamrock, I take Undertaker.

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I'm sorry if a three month midcard feud with Ken "Hold My hand, Shawn" Shamrock over the frigging anklelock doesn't tickle my fancy.

You know what would tickle my fancy?


You not posting a bazillion topics a day over inane crap.


Thank you.

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Guest Anglesault

Everything I have posted today has to do with major events from Wrestlemania.

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Especially with Brock gone, I actually see Angle/Eddy being the feud on Smackdown through the summer. Big rematch at July's show which Eddy wins again and then there's the big blowoff at Summerslam that Angle can win.

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Guest Anglesault
Especially with Brock gone, I actually see Angle/Eddy being the feud on Smackdown through the summer. Big rematch at July's show which Eddy wins again and then there's the big blowoff at Summerslam that Angle can win.

What about the May show?

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Especially with Brock gone, I actually see Angle/Eddy being the  feud on Smackdown through the summer. Big rematch at July's show which Eddy wins again and then there's the big blowoff at Summerslam that Angle can win.

What about the May show?

Oh good point...uhhhhhh well they could go the route of last year with Brock/Angle/Lesnar. Have Angle/Eddy straight rematch in May, add someone else like Big Show for the July show and then the Eddy/Angle iron man/last man standing/whatever blowoff at Summerslam. Either way I have a feeling they have many great matches left to give us. :)

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Guest Anglesault
Especially with Brock gone, I actually see Angle/Eddy being the  feud on Smackdown through the summer. Big rematch at July's show which Eddy wins again and then there's the big blowoff at Summerslam that Angle can win.

What about the May show?

Oh good point...uhhhhhh well they could go the route of last year with Brock/Angle/Lesnar. Have Angle/Eddy straight rematch in May,

They can't do that unless they're gonna take the belt off Eddie, and they shouldn't do that.

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Guest Choken One

Clearly they will blow that off...Angle/HBK likely will be done down the line anyways...I'm pushing for a Slam Date.

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Guest Anglesault

Summerslam leaves WAY too much down time for Angle. There's literally no one for Kurt for five months.


Do Shawn/Kurt now-ish and renew Kurt/Eddy in time for Summerslam.

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Guest Choken One

I just feel Angle/HBK is a BIG PPV spectacle match like Jericho/Shawn was...


we will have to wait until next Monday to see exactly what lies ahead for Angle as far as his options are concerned...We can't do Angle/HBK right now since HBK needs to blow off the Benoit thing(likely at 'Lash) first before anything...I'm thinking HHH goes SD by himself without Evolution since he won't need them anymore, which would end the HBK/HHH thing right there...Judgement Day is Smackdown...So that, I guess is when you would start the Angle/HBK program for Bad Blood or whatever its called this time...Angle goes over and it's Angle/Benoit for one last time and angle retires at Summerslam or In Pittsburgh shortly after on Raw in a "BIG" match against a Jericho or Benoit or Eddy or someone...

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Guest Anglesault

If you're gonna start angle/HBK in a month, run Angle/Undertaker for Backlash (while continuing the Taker/Kane feud)

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Guest Choken One

Doesn't Taker have to go over? And does that mean Angle runs off like a bitch to the NLL(National Lacrosse League)?

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Guest Anglesault

Have Kane cost him the match.


If Taker must go over, I have no idea what kurt could do for a month. Face Flair is my only idea.

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