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Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

n64 controller pack question

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So I just got No Mercy yesterday (never owned an n64 until yesterday either) and now I've decided I don't want to throw this out while driving on the freeway. One problem, i can't save shit from the game. I get a little controller pack message saying that I don't have any free notes of whatever the hell.


so how do I delete some scrubs old saved games in order to play this game.

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When you're at the No Mercy title screen, hold Z (it's on the underside of the controller, under the analog stick) and press Start. You can either delete anything on the controller pack, or initialize the game cartridge data.


I hope yours doesn't have the glitch. I got one used and got hit by the glitch hard, even though I rarely saved during Championship mode. =/


I think it hits you if you "retry" a few times. Damn glitch.

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Well, I've lost my light heavyweight story arcs 4 times now. I assume this is 'the glitch'?

You saved between matches? Then it should be there.


The glitch is strange. It won't screw up your progress in Championship mode by all visible appearances, but the game will reset the champions to the defaults, and the roster will be defaulted: the hiddens you unlocked will be gone, and all the CAWs and appearance edits will be gone. You also lose all your money.


However, it will still show in Championship that you've completed so much % of the game.


The last copy of the game I had was glitch-free as long as I didn't save excessively or retry (if you lose, Reset or Quit).

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It's likely there are some glitch-free cartridges floating out there, but if you got one, you have to be extra-careful what you do.


1. Don't retry matches. Reset or "Quit" from the pause screen and continue from there.

2. Save every few matches or so if you need to, but saving after every match is risky.


I don't know if there are other ways the glitch is triggered, but I think doing the trick to go out into the crowd can cause it as well.


So...basically do what originally told you to Initialize the game and start over. Yeah, it sucks, which is why I really wish AKI made a follow to the game without that problem. =/

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I was playing the other day and the glitch didn't hit until I had entered several CAWs in a Royal Rumble. I had not even gone into Championship mode, but I had unlocked some secret characters (up to Cactus Jack, I think).

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There's a reason that long pointed protusion is sticking out from the middle of the controller, its so you can stab yourself with it for getting an N64.

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