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Guest wildpegasus

Wrestlemania 21

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Guest wildpegasus

So what does everyone think the top 3 or 4 main events for Wrestlemania 21 will be? There doesn't seem to be anything too obvious right now so if we look back at this thread a year from now at things I think this thread would be really interesting.





Benoit vs HHH -- I could see Jericho in this spot too

Edge vs Jericho

Eddie Guerrero vs Brock Lesnar



Since it's inevitable people will say their wants for Wrestlemania 21 please post them seperate. Here are mine:


Benoit vs Eddie Title vs Title

Benoit vs Jericho for the title

Edge vs HHH

Eddie vs Undertaker

Eddie vs Paul London

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Guest Anglesault

I think they'll continue a trend and send Angle out as the heel challenger to the belt.

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Guest Anglesault

Wow. I remember when you were an over the top Brock booster, screaming about how heat and good matches aren't prerequisites for getting the belt.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Wow. I remember when you were an over the top Brock booster, screaming about how heat and good matches aren't prerequisites for getting the belt.

Yes, and I remember how you were moderatly insane in your views on the product.


The more things change, the more they stay the same.

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Guest Choken One

A year ago...Brock/HHH was already penciled in...now with Brock gone...


It's wide open...Seriously...After WMXIX, did anyone think that two workers in the three way tag match would leave with the World Titles against the same person who left that show with those


Looking at that format...



RVD Vs Chris Benoit

Rikishi Vs Eddy Guerrero




I'm going to go on a limb and say John Cena headlines WMXXI in the title match...the heel in question though? Not sure...


the talk was that we'd get Orton/HHH in a unification Title Match...I'm not seeing that anymore.


looking at the success of WMXX...I'm betting vince has finally learned that Nostalgia acts dont work past the first two weeks.


I want


World Title Match

Chris Benoit Vs Chris Jericho©


(Jericho turns heel during summer...screwing Benoit in a Tag Title Match against Evolution at Slam)


(Jericho wins the title at Series, After Benoit drops it to H3 at Blood, Edge wins it from H3, Jericho the heel wins it at Series and Then Benoit, has to win the title back from the man who betrayed him)


WWE Title Match

John Cena Vs Eddy Guerrero©

(Eddy Has a year long reign but turns Heel in the process ala Savage, Cena the Austinish face is there to dethrone him)


The Final Act

Triple H Vs The Rock

(The ultimate Blowoff to one of the greatest rivalries in wrestling history


Kurt Angle Vs HBK

(Straight Up, Keep Angle out of the ring until like mid-summer...Have him be "suspended" for something so he can get his surgery...comes back round Late 2004, still a heel and starts a deal with Shawn...Two great workers with their final WM hurrah)


I.C Title Match

Randy Orton © Vs Shelton Benjamin


(Make Orton's run a HTM run, and Benjmain will eventully get over as a face, Benjamin ends Orton's 17 month reign)


U.S Title Match

Rob Van Dam Vs Charlie Haas



(why not)


CW Title Match

Paul London © Vs Rey Mysterio Jr


(London drops the pasty white boy gimmick and gets a fucking personality and steals the title from Rey)


Dunno about the rest...

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

Choken One, I don't know where you draw some of those ideas from, but some are pretty damn good.

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Guest Anglesault
I.C Title Match

Randy Orton © Vs Shelton Benjamin


(Make Orton's run a HTM run,

God no.

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Guest Choken One

well...it's only to keep him from touching the WORLD title...we gotta sacrifice something.

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Guest Anglesault
we gotta sacrifice something.

No we don't.


Plenty of heels go titleless very year

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Guest Anglesault
we gotta sacrifice something.

No we don't.


Plenty of heels go titleless very year

But if he's not the IC champion, then he'll be in the main events. That's the way it goes.

No it's not. Look at Kane. And Jericho and Christian


I'm not helping my point, am I?

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we gotta sacrifice something.

No we don't.


Plenty of heels go titleless very year

But if he's not the IC champion, then he'll be in the main events. That's the way it goes.

No it's not. Look at Kane. And Jericho and Christian


I'm not helping my point, am I?

Not at all!


Let's be honest, Randy is the future star of Raw, just like Cena is the future start of Smackdown. As long as both have a mid-card title, niether will be in the main events. Might not be a good thing for Smackdown though, seeing as they have hardly any main eventers.

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Guest Choken One



Umm...Orton breaks his ankle permantly and becomes the annoying sidekick like his father was...


The title is vacated and Rhyno wins it at Bad Blood beating Benjamin...Because Orton returns with a leg brace ala his Father and he becomes Rhyno's secondman. He cuts annoying Jim Cornette style promos...going back to the RNN character base...Benjamin chases him for the title...leading to 'Slam...Benjamin wins the title...Orton "fires" Rhyno...Rhyno turns face...Orton announces he will bring in his "hired" gun...so bring up some OVWer with some working talent...That said guy kills Benjamin and takes the IC Title...Orton pests at that said guy...That said guy attacks orton...turns face and loses the title to Nick Dinsmore...the most technical worker alive (using the mr. wrestling gimmick)...Benjamin, the big babyface faces Dinsmore at Mania and wins the IC title!


And Orton orders a Bacon Cheeseburger at Planet Hollywood across the street.

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Guest Anglesault
Let's be honest, Randy is the future star of Raw, just like Cena is the future start of Smackdown.

You'll have to excuse me. Matt just had a seizure


-Mrs. Sault

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking
its called logical reasoning and storylines that worked before...


Exactly - which is why it's great. But I do have one problem - Rob Van Dam VS Shelton Benjamin. The match could be great, but one's a mat wrestler, and one's a spot machine - it wouldn't be pretty.


Let's be honest, Randy is the future star of Raw, just like Cena is the future start of Smackdown. As long as both have a mid-card title, niether will be in the main events. Might not be a good thing for Smackdown though, seeing as they have hardly any main eventers.


Maybe for the next year or two, but soon after, they're going to be pushed to the upper-card, if they can get over enough to be there (in Orton's case), and smaller guys are going to be in the running for their respective mid-card Championship.


At least, that's the ideal structure.

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Guest wrestlingbs

Orton vs. HHH for the World title


-sorry, but I can definitely see this happening. If Trips will put over anybody, it's orton.

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Guest SP-1


Let's be honest, Randy is the future star of Raw, just like Cena is the future start of Smackdown.

You'll have to excuse me. Matt just had a seizure


-Mrs. Sault

Quote of the year candidate.


Hm. I can definitely see Cena challenging for the WWE Title next year. Hopefully against Eddy.




I'd like to see Benoit vs Eddy to unify the titles, though. But that's a BIG want.

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Let's be honest, Randy is the future star of Raw, just like Cena is the future start of Smackdown.

You'll have to excuse me. Matt just had a seizure


-Mrs. Sault


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I expect the main event will be Benoit jobbing to the Gobbeldy Gooker, who demasks to be HHH.


However, I also expect Orton vs Edge as Vince will have approximately a year to decide which up and comer he likes better than try to transfer heat by having one guy job clean to another.


If that happens, go Edge.

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Orton vs. HHH for the World title


-sorry, but I can definitely see this happening. If Trips will put over anybody, it's orton.

Didnt HHH put somebody else over clean at WMXX?....

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Guest Choken One

Not yet...


And I don't know why some are putting him in the MAIN...I don't see him getting past the US/IC title ranks anytime soon...


I wonder what Incentives Vince will throw at RVD to get him to stay...Wasn't Jericho given a "WORLD TITLE" clause when he resigned? RVD should get a World Title Clause in his contract...or at least a 3 Main Event deal or something...see how serious they want him...or if they really just want his merch sales.

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To everyone including RVD in their fantasy booking...


Hasnt he yet to be resigned?

We're assuming he'll be happier now that he's not on Monday NigHHHt Raw.

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