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Shelton Benjamin needs a good finisher

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Spinning Top Rope Vertebreaker




"Or CIMA's 44 (Double Chickenwing, swing around into facelocke still holding one arm, snap into a "dangerous" DDT)"

I must see this move




Hey, YNA what's the Chaos Theory?





Personally, Shetlon should use the Texas Cloverleaf.

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I think the hammerlock DDT that CM Punk uses a bit called the Devil Lock DDT would be a cool finish for him, its a cool looking move and looks cool visually.

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Has anyone said Texas Cloverleaf yet?


I vote Texas Cloverleaf.

Agreed its about time someone in WWE started using this on a regular basis again, its a good looking hold, i'd mark if he did the powerbomb s well before applying it.

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Has anyone said Texas Cloverleaf yet?


I vote Texas Cloverleaf.

I did :P




But you're a mod so it's ok for you to ignore my posts

I just clicked the link and skipped all the posts.


But we're agreed. Texas Cloverleaf it is.

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See, the 44 looks really sweet, not a really bad bump and can be taken softly and still look half decent.


I'd mark for him using Kanyon's (Attacker) Inverted Crab.

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Has anyone said Texas Cloverleaf yet?


I vote Texas Cloverleaf.

I did :P




But you're a mod so it's ok for you to ignore my posts

I just clicked the link and skipped all the posts.


But we're agreed. Texas Cloverleaf it is.

Most definetly.




I think it's the perfect move Shelton.




Speaking of perfect, didn't Shelton used to use the PerfectPlex?

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Clip of the 44


Enjoy leaching my bandwidth.

HOLY FUCK! That move is sick.

Not really, just the selling.

No, the bumping. You don't seen much selling, but the bump is great. The selling is just sort of ... it helps but it's the bump that's brutal.

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Indeed, but hey. Back to the point at hand.


I'd go with Cloverleaf and a simple something DDT as my bets. We'll see though.

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Guest JebusNassedar

Ah...the 44 isnt done by CIMA. That's CIMA getting planted by Magnum TOKYO's 44. But I'm just being a nitpicky purohead, and this isnt the place for that.


I vote Cannonball Senton. Or, remaking the DDT into a credible finisher. Or maybe just the Scorpion Splash to Back/Schoolboy thing. or maybe no finishers at all. Everyone loves an underdog.

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Guest MikeSC

How 'bout the Garvin Stomp? It's about time to shine up that gem.


Or the Boomerang clothesline? Heck, it made Outback Jack a household name back in the 80's.


...Heart Punch! Heart Punch!

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Ah...the 44 isnt done by CIMA. That's CIMA getting planted by Magnum TOKYO's 44. But I'm just being a nitpicky purohead, and this isnt the place for that.


I vote Cannonball Senton. Or, remaking the DDT into a credible finisher. Or maybe just the Scorpion Splash to Back/Schoolboy thing. or maybe no finishers at all. Everyone loves an underdog.

Ahh, thank you. I dunno why I said it's CIMA's....oh well.


I haven't seen a Senton Bomb I've liked since Dick Togo's. Mainly due to Winger and Briscoe Bros in CZW failling to connect every time with it.

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You have to remember that the WWE doesn't want a lot of moves going right down on the head/neck. I.E - no Burning Hammer, no Vertebraker, no Fisherman's Buster, no wrist clutch exploder, etc etc.


I would say the Dragon Clutch is a great idea...and it _can_ be put on quickly if done right. Just watch Low Ki go to work. And it looks painful as hell and tough to escape from.


I would say either a submission or a pinning-suplex maneuver. That would seem to fit Benjamin's style.

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Guest DeathBecomesYou

I don't know really, i'd like to see him bring back his OVW finisher and use the 450 Splash, but since WWE don't want their workers to take risks, I guess that's out. Another move i'd like to see him use that WWE wouldn't approve of would be the Screwdriver, I think Scott Steiner used it in the early 90's and i've seen Jay Briscoe use it on occasion as well, it just looks like devastating.

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The Chaos Theory is where Doug Williams grabs his opponent around the waist like he is going to German Suplex him, but pushes him into the turnbuckle, rolls over while still holding onto him, and rolls back into a German Suplex Pinning combination. It sounds complicated, but when done it is poetry in motion.

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You have to remember that the WWE doesn't want a lot of moves going right down on the head/neck. I.E - no Burning Hammer, no Vertebraker, no Fisherman's Buster, no wrist clutch exploder, etc etc.

I'm pretty sure most of those were jokes. You could do the Burning Hammer, just do an FU style flip to a stomach bump, the way it originally was in (once again) the Smackdown games. Shelton Benjamin has done a wrist clutch exploder a couple times though, in fact Charlie Haas has as well. I think I even remember Jamie Noble pulling one out.

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