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The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

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Guest Urine Sane

If the Lakers didnt have That Big Ape Shaq they would be horrible, so I dont know why they are so cocky and arrogant.

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Guest Flyboy
If the Lakers didnt have That Big Ape Shaq they would be horrible, so I dont know why they are so cocky and arrogant.

They wouldn't be as dominant, but that comment is fucking stupid.


Oh, and I love this officiating.

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Guest OraleHolmes

They're booing because they are seeing blatant corruption transpire before them. I knew the only way the Wolves could win tonight was if the referees did whatever they could to change the outcome, and as you can see tonight, it's happening.

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Guest Urine Sane

Are you fucking kidding me? The Lakers have been jacked off all series by the refs in LA, they're finally getting called for all their hacking and now you bitches whine. Boo Fuckin hoo, Lakers had 14 fouls, Wolves 9, not all that lopsided.

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Guest Flyboy
I knew the only way the Wolves could win tonight was if the referees did whatever they could to change the outcome, and as you can see tonight, it's happening.

Too bad the officiating is... *gasp*... FAIR.

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Guest Urine Sane

Its nice how the refs stop calling fouls because of the crowd, fuck LA they bought a championship.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly
If the Lakers didnt have That Big Ape Shaq they would be horrible, so I dont know why they are so cocky and arrogant.

They're cocky because they have him. Duh.

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Guest slacklet
Its nice how the refs stop calling fouls because of the crowd, fuck LA they bought a championship.

Yes, I'm sure they manipulated that salary cap to their advantage.


Oh wait...



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Guest OraleHolmes

What a bunch of bullshit. After all the hard work by the Wolves, they get beaten by a scrub who goes 6/7 from threes and Slava Freakin Medvedenko who scores 8 points in 8 minutes -- all in the 4th quarter -- on 4/4 from the field.


Kobe only shot 6/17 and Shaq missed 14 free throws, so the Wolves, as undermanned as they were, had a great chance, and hats off to them, especially Kevin Garnett, for playing hard the whole way through.

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See, this is what I was talking about. When the Lakers feel tested, they play good team basketball and they demolish the competition. There's only one team in the league good enough to play with the Lakers when they're on, and thanks to Fisher's shot in Game 5 with .4 seconds remaining, they're already out.


The Pistons have about as good a chance of beating the Lakers as the Expos do of going to the World Series.

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Guest OraleHolmes

Again, if Cassell and Hudson were healthy, the Lakers would lose the series -- there's no doubt about that.

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Again, if Cassell and Hudson were healthy, the Lakers would lose the series -- there's no doubt about that.

Bullshit, they just would have played harder. The Lakers played with full effort for maybe two or three games this series, and when they did, they won every time. Look at Game 1. The X-factor in the series was the Lakers' interest, not Cassell or Hudson's health.

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God damn. It was looking good in the first 3 quarters. Me and my friend were getting excited for the outcome. Then it all fell apart.

Come on Detroit beat Indiana! Come on Wallace and Wallace! Stuff those Lakers! Detroit has a very good chance of winning against LA though.

Oh well......at least they won't be as good next year....hopefully. Hopefully all those players with an option they showed at the end exercise said option.


Sad thing is that I'd like the Lakers if they and there fans had a little respect. They mention the T-Wolves playing hard and the fans boo them out of the building. They could've showed a little respect for a team with one of there big guns missing fighting there hardest. But no.


I remember Roger Clemens getting cheered by the Marlins in the World Series.

I bet if a player pulled that in the NBA the Lakers would jeer him as he left the court and I can picture Kobe with his dumbshit smile saying something to the effect of "Get out of here old man! Let the real players play!"



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The Wolves lost. I am sad yes, hard work and a great season come to an end.


I want Detroit to win and go to the finals, so Rasheed Wallace and Rip (Rip Rip, Rip and Destroy) Hamilton can punk out the Lakers like they should be.


I still say the Lakers don't deserve this championship, a team like the Kings, or the Pistons and yes the T'Wolves deserve it more due to teamwork and dedication, something the Lakers have only on good days.


I'll go back to playing Live 04'.

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So, are the Lakers a great team amongst other good teams? I mean don't get me wrong, they the championships they have won, were fair and square overall, and you can't deny them that glory, but lets take a look, they were a Portland 4th quarter NOT melting down, an injured Peja & poor free throw shooting, and possibly this year, a non injured Sam Cassell away from possibly only being 1 time Nba champions.


I think it really sucks that every year the Lakers make it to the WCF, the other team seems to be beat up and injured. When you make it that round you want to see the best on the best, and I just think it is shame that we have not seen that in the past few years.


That is why IMO, the Lakers are a GREAT team, beating merely good teams, as opposed to the 80's era where, GREAT TEAMS had to play GREAT TEAMS in the playoffs/championship game.

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Guest Vitamin X


[Laker gloating mode] NA NA NA NA.. NA NA NA NA...HEY HEY HEEEEEEY GOOODBYE!!!![/Laker gloating mode]


Damn that felt good to get rid of those pesky pups. Bring on the East!


I think Laker hate fuels Laker fandom even more, especially when LA goes and proves them wrong, and they get all pissy, sputtering out things like

If the Lakers didnt have That Big Ape Shaq they would be horrible, so I dont know why they are so cocky and arrogant.

Are you fucking kidding me? The Lakers have been jacked off all series by the refs in LA, they're finally getting called for all their hacking and now you bitches whine. Boo Fuckin hoo, Lakers had 14 fouls, Wolves 9, not all that lopsided.

Its nice how the refs stop calling fouls because of the crowd, fuck LA they bought a championship.

I still say the Lakers don't deserve this championship, a team like the Kings, or the Pistons and yes the T'Wolves deserve it more due to teamwork and dedication, something the Lakers have only on good days.


[Laker gloating mode back on]Oh SHUT THE FUCK UP. If the Kings, Pistons, or Minnesota deserved the Finals appearance, they'd FUCKING BE THERE. Go cry yourselves a river and drown in it already, stop making excuses and suck it up. THE LAKERS ARE THE WESTERN CONFERENCE CHAMPIONS FOR THE FOURTH TIME IN FIVE YEARS. DEAL WITH IT. And they had to get past the a team with great upside in the first round, the defending champions in the 2nd, and the #1 team in the West in the championship. To say the Lakers didn't earn the WCC is ludicrous.[/Laker gloating mode back off] Now I'm not saying the NBA championship is all but within the Lakers grasp, but it is within their reach, and to be one of the top two teams in the league is still something worth braggin' about.


And the officiating was horrible in both Games 5 and 6, both as much against Minnesota as much as the Lakers. They really need to just let them play the damn game, it really makes it unenjoyable when there's a whistle seemingly every minute (And Game 5 had plenty of that).

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Hopefully Detroit whips there disrespectful cocky asses back to LA so they can cry on the shoulders of the movie stars that will leave them next year when they don't advance past the 2nd round of the playoffs. God next season will be glorious. Go Detroit.

I say Detroit b/c I think they'll finish Indiana off tomorrow night and they have the best chance of whipping the shit out of LA.

I'd love to see Malone retire without his championship ring. He couldn't beat Jordan so he ran his ass to LA in hopes that the good players around him would give it to him.......and then he doesn't get it still......HA! That'd be glorious.

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There is such a thing as being a sore winner, you know. Let's bypass the Laker bitching and discuss matchups for the Finals, hmm?

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There is such a thing as being a sore winner, you know. Let's bypass the Laker bitching and discuss matchups for the Finals, hmm?

That's the thing. The Lakers are the sorest and most disrespectful winners I've ever seen. I don't think I've heard them give any of there opponents this post season any credit. They act as if they swept them all and beat them by 20 points. Yeah right. They know that if Fisher hadn't bailed there collective asses out that they would've gone home because SA would've had renewed vigor and confidence.

I'd just like to hear them give the other teams some deserved credit and there fans to not act like complete jackasses. Then maybe I wouldn't have a problem with them.


I had somebody say "Well you just hate them because there good!"

Oh really!? Is that why I liked Jordan's Bulls!? Give me a fucking break.

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As a Kings fan, I should hate the Lakers beyond sane control, but I am almost over it it really, I am starting to direct that hatred towards Laker fans. Everytime they have a home game on and they pan to the crowd, so you can see "random celebrity fake laker fan #1, 2, 3, 4 etc....." It is just irritating. Like it is some how more presitgious to have Jack Nicholson arguing an officials call instead of random drunk guy at every other stadium. Then you have celebs there that really have no business ever at a sporting event like Paris Hilton, I mean come on wtf is she doing there besides for the publicity?


The only thing that still really makes me fume at the actual Lakers is the fact that they don't think they EVER COMMIT A FOUL, EVER. I have not seen any Laker play just take the foul call like a man and start walking up the court, every whistle blown turns into a staredown with the ref and the classic, "do you who I am bitch, do you know who the fuck I am...." gaze. I mean just STFU and play.


Then there is Phil Jackson waiting for the refs after the game in the tunnel to "let them know" they called a bad game that night. Then he will go on a press conference and try to call the other team out for complaining about the calls.


Just ridiculous.

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It's LA. Probably 50% of the people that attend Laker games actually are passionate and know something about basketball, the rest are celebrities wanting camera time and people who just watch because they're winning. LA just doesn't strike me as a city that knows it's sports (unlike cities like Boston, NYC, Philly, etc.)

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