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Top 5 Favorite Movies Ever

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Guest Crazy Dan

In no real particular order:


Pulp Fiction

Raging Bull

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Empire Strikes Back



And there so many more... but these five I could never get sick of watching

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Guest Choken One

1. Fight Club

2. Shawshank Redemption

3. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

4. Goodfellas

5. Truman Show

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1. Gone With The Wind (why am I the first person to have this in their top five!? Heathens!)

2. Life Is Beautiful

3. Blade Runner

4. Apocalypse Now

5. A Clockwork Orange

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5. Cannibal! The Musical

4. Spider-Man

3. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

2. The Princess and the Pirate

1. The Empire Strikes Back


I love these threads, Everyone has different tastes in movies and it shows what type of person they are.

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1. Star Wars-Entire Series-Favor Episodes 4-6

2. Spirited Away

3. The Crow

4. Blow

5. Rush Hour 1 & 2

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Guest ian.

1. Shawshank Redemption

2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

3. Requiem for a Dream

4. The Shining

5. Blow

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*cough*Fight Club is overrated*cough*


I'm giving my top ten because top five is too short.


1. American Beauty

2. Memento

3. The Others

4. Shawshank Redemption

5. Dazed and Confused

6. Enternall Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

7. Se7en

8. Thirteen

9. Bully

10. To Kill A Mocking Bird

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Duck Soup

Now that is a GREAT movie. The Marx Brothers are amazing, it is too bad that Hollywood execs had to fuck them over.

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It varries amongst certain flicks but at this moment:


1. Lord of the Rings: The Return of The King

2. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (this movie gets not near enough love)

3. Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of The Ring

4. Platoon

5. The Sweet Hereafter

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Guest Ray

Not in order:


A Clockwork Orange

The Searchers


Saving Private Ryan

Full Metal Jacket

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Guest Mosaicv2

1 Evil Dead II: Dead By Dawn (of course)

2 ET: The Extra Terrestrial

3 This is Spinal Tap!

4 Jaws

5 Dawn of the Dead


many others... but these are the few on the top of my mind. :headbang:

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*cough*Fight Club is overrated*cough*

It is. It's still on my list, but I know what you mean.

I said that a few weeks ago when I walked into my friends room when it was on and they almost killed me.


Then after the movie, they were complaining how there were a lot of corny lines in the film. DUH, one of reasons why it is overrated. Still a good movie, just overrated.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

5. Matrix

4. Fight Club

3. Royal Tenenbaums

2. Rear Window

1. Memento


really, there's like 20 movies that could be #5. and an honorable mention to Magnolia for best ending ever.



EDIT: what's all this about a 12 Angry Men remake?

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Shit, I totally spaced Pi and Requiem for a Dream.


Also, right the fuck on to whoever mentioned Cannibal! The Musical.


I saw North by Northwest mentioned up there, too, and that movie rules as well. Cary Grant is one suave bastard. Certainly my favorite Hitchcock movie, and the scene at the bus stop in the middle of nowhere is marvelous.

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1. Gone With The Wind (why am I the first person to have this in their top five!? Heathens!)

*shrug* I was the only one to have Casablanca in the top 5

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Guest Skironox

No order, because my tastes depend on the phase of the moon.


American Beauty

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

The Fellowship of the Ring

The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

Pink Floyd : The Wall

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Guest Coffey

1.) Scarface

2.) Rudy

3.) The Boondock Saints

4.) First Blood

5.) Reservoir Dogs

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Guest krazykat72

1. Crimes and Misdemeanors

2. Annie Hall

3. Platoon

4. Blue Velvet

5. JFK



-Paul Jacobi-

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