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Guest FrigidSoul

Frigid Evaluations

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Guest FrigidSoul

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HungryJack - Jack reminds of the little spanish drug dealer from my youth. We called him Little Richie. Now you see Little Richie wouldn't come around often but when he did he always had something good to share, and share he did. The only problem is when he got us high as fuck he'd go and raid the damn fridge and we were powerless to stop him. We always forgot that was his intent too, to get us super relaxed stoned and then go and drink all the soda and eat all our lunch meat and pot pies. Anyways the comparison goes as is, HungryJack comes about rarely but when he does he has something good to bring...and if TSM had a fridge he'd be all up in it.

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Guest FrigidSoul

Oh, and if anybody is upset that I didn't really insult Jack, well...Lil Richie was a chubby bitch. He got beat up and his Mongoose bicycle was stolen along with his $30 fake gold NY Yankees chain he wore around his neck. So its kinda insulting him, you just have to know Lil Richie

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Guest FrigidSoul

Don't go telling me who I did and didn't know in my own thread. I'm telling you, he was this short pudgey spanish kid who often wore this yellow fuzzy sweatshirt with the Yankees symbol on it. He looked like he was 12 but claimed he was 15, I didn't really care though cause he had good weed.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Man he's got so much suction going on Jack's dick you can't even tell where one stops and the other begins.

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Don't go telling me who I did and didn't know in my own thread. I'm telling you, he was this short pudgey spanish kid who often wore this yellow fuzzy sweatshirt with the Yankees symbol on it. He looked like he was 12 but claimed he was 15, I didn't really care though cause he had good weed.

I love you, I can tell when you lie.

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Guest FrigidSoul

Damaramu - Am I the only one who looks at his under name and wants to call him "Damarama-mamogram-a"? You know those jocks on Saturday Teen shows who have no brains and just shout their school spirit? Well that's this guy. I mean really, if he was bright he would have taken the pussy presented to him. 4 girls and the man goes "Dirpty-dirp, I don'ts like putting up with teens in a relationship..........I have a rugby girl and she got drunk and I did nothing.......SCHOOL TEACHER LIKES ME". Man you should have railed at least 60% of those girls. You dweeb



Hoff - First of all I was the one that came up with the joke that he should be in a CBS sitcom with a hot chick because of his humor and weight. All you mother fuckers tried stealing my thunder and taking it as your own. Go look, its somewhere in the "What do you Look Like" thread. I could see Hoff pimpin a White Fur Coat and telling bitches "I love it when you call me Big Poppa" cause he's crazy like that. In fact I bet if I go out drinking with him I can get him to do something like that. Hoff is the master of MSPaint.



Sandman9000/Princess - Princess Sandy says he likes violence but I highly doubt this. See he once asked for advise on how to handle a situation where these goober friends of his were cock-blocking him. I told him to punch them both in the face and tell them to piss off and he said "Well no, I'd feel bad about it and they're my friends." Fuck that you poser. A real man who likes violence not only does what I said to but he takes a snow shovel to their face. You can redeem yourself though, go hit them and supply pics. The Heavy Metal you love so much commands you to do so.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

maybe he thinks you're a fucking idiot and wouldn't take your advice if you were the only person to respond to his thread.


I'd bet good money on that considering how many times he's trashed you on here.


Or are we going to blame that on me again?

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
Hoff - First of all I was the one that came up with the joke that he should be in a CBS sitcom with a hot chick because of his humor and weight. All you mother fuckers tried stealing my thunder and taking it as your own. Go look, its somewhere in the "What do you Look Like" thread. I could see Hoff pimpin a White Fur Coat and telling bitches "I love it when you call me Big Poppa" cause he's crazy like that. In fact I bet if I go out drinking with him I can get him to do something like that. Hoff is the master of MSPaint.


Hoff in a fur coat, rapping? No way. I'm going to picture Hoff doing something right now, and I'm going to write down the first thing that comes to mind.


He's drinking a beer in a dark room, organizing his stamp collection by light of a hockey game on tv.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
CWM - Truly there is no god because this man reproduced. I have a strong feeling his son will lead to the world's downfall since CWM was the better option of raising him between the two parents. I'd give him a mulligan on alot of things due to his life basically sucking the fat one but he continuously comes in on things with the basis of annoying me. He's that kid in grade school who kicks the back part of your chair and laughs, then you turn around and punch him in the face so he goes running off for teacher. If his son does turn out like him and my forsight for the future comes true then CWM Jr. will be complaining about Space Station 17 while he lives in Space Station 19 and only looks at 17 through his window. He'll also leave a gnome on the doorstep of some new species which in turn will melt his brain via mind-melding.


That was awesome until you got to the Space Stations.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Why must you taint my thread with your USELESS OPINIONS?

Because your thread is just a pathetic attempt to curry favor with the "in-crowd" of the Folder.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
No he's not, you're genuinely insulted.

whatever you say sir.

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Guest Dids
Why must you taint my thread with your USELESS OPINIONS?

Because your thread is just a pathetic attempt to curry favor with the "in-crowd" of the Folder.

Uhh... the only reason this thread exists is because other people convinced Frig to do it.

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Hoff - First of all I was the one that came up with the joke that he should be in a CBS sitcom with a hot chick because of his humor and weight. All you mother fuckers tried stealing my thunder and taking it as your own. Go look, its somewhere in the "What do you Look Like" thread. I could see Hoff pimpin a White Fur Coat and telling bitches "I love it when you call me Big Poppa" cause he's crazy like that. In fact I bet if I go out drinking with him I can get him to do something like that. Hoff is the master of MSPaint.


Hoff in a fur coat, rapping? No way. I'm going to picture Hoff doing something right now, and I'm going to write down the first thing that comes to mind.


He's drinking a beer in a dark room, organizing his stamp collection by light of a hockey game on tv.

Isn't there an HNL.com commercial like that? Or have I taken one too many to the head...


Anyway, nah. I'm not sayign I'm a fat white rapper/pimp -- for one thing, I wouldn't want to step on Biggie Size's toes. But Frigid's eval was closer to the real thing.


I do like hockey, though.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Oh man, I totally predicted that, and the fact that you're canadian didn't even tip me off or slide my judgment in the slightest.

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Hey now. I'm not Canadian; don't go spreading that kind of shit around.

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Why must you taint my thread with your USELESS OPINIONS?

Because your thread is just a pathetic attempt to curry favor with the "in-crowd" of the Folder.

There is no in crowd anymore. It has split into a Mount Olympus of multiple gods who may drink together or war depending on the day. He only needs the approval of one god, which I gave him.

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I'm actually impressed that out of everybody who did one of these threads, Frigid did it best. Kudos.

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Guest FrigidSoul
Why must you taint my thread with your USELESS OPINIONS?

you said taint.


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Guest Retro Rob

I don't see any introspection yet.... Afraid of what you might discover?

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