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Guest FrigidSoul

Bruiser, I've been throwing down horrible umping bits the whole season as I see them. Today's homeplate umpire in the Red Sox/Yanks game seems to have an inside corner at time and at other times he doesn't. David Ortiz shook his head after a strike call and said "Looked inside" so Larry Youngblood(ump's name) whipped his mask off and started yelling in Ortiz's face and placing his index finger into his face as well.


Once again I blame Questec on the strike zone stuff. Its turning umps and players against one another and that's never a good thing.

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Guest Choken One

The reds/cubs series has been just one fantasicaly fun bunch of games.

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The reds/cubs series has been just one fantasicaly fun bunch of games.

Yeah, but the umpiring has made it a very frustrating one at times. Reds back in front again, but still, a long way from over.

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Guest Anglesault

I forgot about that play in Tokyo.


So, K-Rod's contribution to the Yanks so far has been a .150 BA and crippling one of our best relief pitchers.

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Guest Choken One
The reds/cubs series has been just one fantasicaly fun bunch of games.

Yeah, but the umpiring has made it a very frustrating one at times. Reds back in front again, but still, a long way from over.

I try not to worry about that and just enjoy the offensive onslaught.

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Yeah, but sometimes, it's just too annoying to overlook.


And the Cubs have tied it on an odd triple from Patterson. Unfortunately, Sosa grounds out on the first pitch to end the inning. A lot of the guys are clearly overanxious to hit it out of the park today because of the wind and it's causing them to swing at some pretty bad pitches.

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Guest Anglesault

Ortiz runs like my dad, so there was no sense or urgency on that nice Lee play.

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Questec isn't to blame for the umps. In fact, it should be expanded. Questec only forces umps to actually acknowledge the strikezone.


So, AS, maybe A-Rod was using roids. ;)


A-Roid is a catchy nickname

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We go to the ninth in Chicago tied nine all. Hawkins has been lights out so far, so one has to wonder if they'll stick with him for the ninth, since if the Reds are kept scoreless, we could be looking at extra frames.

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In Maddux's defense, he's been pitching very well today aside from a few select pitches, several of which have left the park. But then again, the wind is blowing straight out at about 45 mph, so you can't place all of the blame on Maddux here. High scores from both teams were to be expected today. The wind is crazy here today as evident by a great play by Griffey taking a hit away from Sosa and Alou following it with a TRIPLE over Griffey's head after he misplayed it. And that was followed by another one over Griffey's head from Ramirez. Alou's just a single away from the cycle. This one's a long way from over.


And the highlight of this game so far is the obese shirtless guy in the bleachers with "I ate Bartman" written across his chest.

The wind is crazy even 60 miles north at the state line

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Guest FrigidSoul
A-Rod was never a big guy.


Besides, K-Rod is much better.

K-Rod is the nickname of Fransisco Rodriguez though

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Guest Choken One
A-Rod was never a big guy.


Besides, K-Rod is much better.

K-Rod is the nickname of Fransisco Rodriguez though

exactly...I kept thinking of him everytime AS said that.


AS doesn't understand that stupid names like Suckbag or K-Rod are stupid...


Simply saying A-ROD or Randy Orton is offensive enough.

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Guest FrigidSoul

I'd like to keep AngleSault frustrated by letting him know that the Yankees bats were able to take advantage of a man who hasn't pitched in 12 days, however they have done nothing against our 1 year left hander and our rookie left hander.

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Guest FrigidSoul

Still, it means the Yankees offense can only beat up on rusty pitchers. If they face even a rookie who has worked lately then they're in trouble.


Seems like Steinbrenner should call Balco

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Guest Anglesault

I thought we were hitting decently and I know we've walked a ton since Lowe left.

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Guest Anglesault
Marienarra Rivera Sauce

::crickets chirp::


::Tumbleweed blows by::

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Guest FrigidSoul
Marienarra Rivera Sauce

::crickets chirp::


::Tumbleweed blows by::

::Mozzarella Sticks get dipped into Closer::

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Welp, Reds got a break in the way of Sosa not picking up on the ball and the Cubs had their chance in the 10th, so the Reds earned this one today. I think they need to evaluate the Borowski situation, because he's clearly lost something over the offseason and it's starting to cost them.

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Guest FrigidSoul

Cubbies were fools for falling for Maddux's demands. His career is done and yet the Cubs are stuck with him for a guarenteed 2 years and 3 years if he reaches so many innings in the first two...with Baker not going to the bullpen say hello to 3 years of Maddux.

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