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Guest Anglesault

What in all f'ing hell is wrong with the Yankees?

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Guest Anglesault
****Proceeds to take orgasmic pleasure in Yankees doing badly and Anglesault whining about it****



Ohhh... OH!


Please, never, ever, EVER involve me in your sexual fantasies or whatever that was.


Who cares? You're New York. Just throw money at the problem.


But I don't know what the problem is!

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But I don't know what the problem is!

Could it be a group of broken down, overpaid and overrated prima donnas with no team chemistry or camaraderie and devoid of any youth after they were all traded away failing to produce to their bloated expectations amongst the most high pressure and scrutinizing media market in the world under the watch of a curmudgeon perfectionist as an owner?



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Guest Anglesault
prima donnas with no team chemistry or amaraderie

Overrated and unneccesary.


devoid of any youth


We have a youngish infield.


bloated expectations amongst the most high pressure and scrutinizing media market in the world


What are bloated expectations? No one asked them to do anything undoable.


under the watch of a curmudgeon perfectionist as an owner?


What? How would being owned by a guy who doesn't mind failure get them to win?

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Overrated and unneccesary.


A team that plays together, wins together. Outside distractions only hinder concentration. Kenny Lofton is already giving you guys trouble, I know from experience what a pleasent guy Mussina is (blaming everyone but himself for his losses), and I'm counting the days until the inevitable Jeter/Arod lovers quarel.


We have a youngish infield.

Trading away Alfonso Soriano and Nick Johnson will come back to haunt you. Those are players you build around. How's Enrique Wilson doing at 2nd?


What are bloated expectations? No one asked them to do anything undoable.

I can't imagine why a player who's every move is scrutinized in every newspaper, and a team who's owner has a caniption if they perform any less than World Series champions would possibly be performing below expectations...

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Could it be a group of broken down, overpaid and overrated prima donnas with no team chemistry or camaraderie and devoid of any youth after they were all traded away failing to produce to their bloated expectations amongst the most high pressure and scrutinizing media market in the world under the watch of a curmudgeon perfectionist as an owner?


Team chemestry is a load of crap.

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Could it be a group of broken down, overpaid and overrated prima donnas with no team chemistry or camaraderie and devoid of any youth after they were all traded away failing to produce to their bloated expectations amongst the most high pressure and scrutinizing media market in the world under the watch of a curmudgeon perfectionist as an owner?


Team chemestry is a load of crap.

Keep telling yourself that Philly Fan ;)

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To Anglesault


Too high a percentage of your runs scored are from Home Runs; they showed that graphic yesterday during the Cubs/Reds game because my Cubs are second in that category behind you. That's why both our offenses are hit-and-miss, but The Cubs have better starting pitching.

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For god sake, so the Yankees aren't undefeated. Look around, no one in the major league is looking impressive.


Do you think the O's are going to hang around up top of the division for long? Or the Devil Rays?


So the Yankees are 5-5...so everyone else in the damn division minus Toronto is 5-4. If this gets you upset then I hate to see what George is like. Probably on the phone looking to trade A-Rod.


Relax, I mean the Cubs looked like royal crap for a couple of games and now they are starting to hit their marks. It's all about timing and patience.

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Guest Anglesault
Overrated and unneccesary.

A team that plays together, wins together.

As does a team that hates each other.


Trading away Alfonso Soriano and Nick Johnson will come back to haunt you. Those are players you build around.


You act like we traded and got decrepid men. A-Rod is probably younger than Soriano, and Javy is like a year older than Johnson.


and a team who's owner has a caniption if they perform any less than World Series champions


As well he should.

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Guest Anglesault
The highlight of my baseball season so far has been beating Detroit. Wanna trade?

All can give you is Tampa Bay.

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Guest Anglesault
stay positive

You forget who you're talking to?

I'm very positive. I even have a good feeling about today's game despite them giving me no reason whatsoever to have that feeling.

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Guest Anglesault

That's not very nice. I know they'll turn it around eventually. I'm almost "optimistic."

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That's not very nice. I know they'll turn it around eventually. I'm almost "optimistic."


Course, if they get crushed you'll call for the heads of the starting line-up.


And how did I forget the Marlins?

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Guest Anglesault
That's not very nice. I know they'll turn it around eventually. I'm almost "optimistic."


Course, if they get crushed you'll call for the heads of the starting line-up.


That doesn't mean I'm not positive about the team.


You can be positive without closing your eyes, covering your ears and screaming "nothing's wrong!"


Jeff Weaver is still in hiding because of Anglesault


I've got people looking for him in LA.

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Keep telling yourself that Philly Fan


Perhaps you have some PROOF that team chemestry is important? Or even exists? Is A-Rod going to hit 40 points lower this year (taking park effects into consideration) because Derek Jeter is a big poopyhead? Its a term that lazy sportswriters use when they can't be arsed to find reasons why a team has suddenly improved. It seems team chemestry pops up because a team is winning, and not the other way around. But from a fan whose team thinks their lack of success is the result of a mythical curse and not from a lack of championship-caliber team, I can understand the sentiment.


Too high a percentage of your runs scored are from Home Runs; they showed that graphic yesterday during the Cubs/Reds game because my Cubs are second in that category behind you. That's why both our offenses are hit-and-miss, but The Cubs have better starting pitching.


Too many home runs? What the heck does that mean?


You act like we traded and got decrepid men. A-Rod is probably younger than Soriano, and Javy is like a year older than Johnson.


A-Rod is six months older.

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Guest Anglesault
A-Rod is six months older.

As of today. Tomorrow he could be three years younger.

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Guest Anglesault

Oh, I have every reason to doubt it. He lied once, why not twice?


Hell, we still have no idea how old Duque is.

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Guest Anglesault



I don't care if you're a Yankee fan or not, the Yankees outing today had to personally offend you as a baseball fan. I've seen LITTLE LEAGUERS play better.

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Guest FrigidSoul

Don Mattingly can't even ride the coat tails of others to get a ring.


The Curse of The Sideburns lives~!

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Guest Anglesault

The only thing I can think of is humililation.


Have George publically come out and read off each man's faults. Then demote as many as he can to AAA and bring that team up to play.

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I think this thread should stay open all year, and if (when?) the Red Sox (or anyone else) beats the Yankees in the playoffs, it can serve as the OAO Anglesault suicide thread, and great joy will be had by all.

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