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Batman: War Games

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There's going to be hell to pay this summer in the city of Gotham. All of the Batman Family is affected when the ruling crime factions decide each wants to be top dog. The streets are covered in blood, as war erupts. Villains may not be the only ones in dangers through this saga. Members of the Batman clan may take a hit or two themselves. The 25-part, three-month spanning Batman: War Games, begins in a special twelve-cent issue and will rock the very foundations of most Batman related titles. Batman Group Editor, Bob Schreck gave THE PULSE a few details about this upcoming event.


Some of comics brightest stars are working on this huge crossover. Devin Grayson is writing the opening chapter in Batman: The 12 Cent Adventure, which, in case you haven't guessed by the title, costs just 12 cents. The initial battle soon escalates to a full fledged war which crosses over into Batman, Robin, Nightwing, Batgirl, Detective Comics, Legends of the Dark Knight, Catwoman, and Gotham Knights.



Robin's current scribe, Bill Willingham isn't just writing the teen wonder's adventures, he's also tapped to write three months of Batman as well, during the event. Some other writers scripting the battles are also familiar to the land of Gotham: Andersen Gabrych, Dylan Horrocks, Andy Lieberman, and Ed Brubaker.



A stellar list of artists are also involved in this Bat-Event. Bob Schreck quickly named all the suspects. "Pete Woods, Nathan Massengil, Cam Smith, Damien Scott, Robert Campenella, Paul Gulacy, Jimmy Palmiotti, Al Barrionuevo, Francis Portella, Brad Walker, Troy Nixey, Mike Lilly, Andy Owens, Ramon Bachs, and John Holdredge," said the Group Editor. "And a new artist to the fold, named Kinsun."



Schreck said DC will be using cover markings so people can quickly tell where each story takes place within the grand scheme of things. Although a lot of people view events like this as 'money grabbers' and some are quick to complain before an issue even sees print. However, Schreck explained a little about why stories like Batman: War Games are necessary. "We haven't done this since Bruce Wayne: Murderer & Fugitive which was extremely well received by our readers," began Schreck. "It's fun to shake things up and change the status quo and in the process, bring attention to these characters and let them strut their stuff. Why do people run to see Jason Vs. Freddie? It's obvious, isn't it? It's an event. We just don't settle that easily or aim as low as that example when it comes to our stories and we work very hard at putting together an event with some substance, with a story and drama that's worth the price of admission. Our writers and artists have been working with these characters for months and sometimes years on end, and they challenge themselves to construct a tale that they'd like to read themselves, if they were the consumer. I don't feel that raising awareness of our characters, providing solid entertainment and making a few dollars have to be mutually exclusive to each other."



"It's a lot shorter than the former [No Man's Land] and a only little shorter than the latter [bruce Wayne: Fugitive/Murderer]," the Group Editor stated, when asked how Batman: War Games was going to be different from those prior Batman tales.


"I think both of the aforementioned were very well-executed and positively received, so in that regard we're hoping that lightening strikes thrice!" Schreck enthused. "I firmly believe that the ramifications of WARGAMES will have a significant, and much longer lasting effect on the look, feel and geography of the Batman's world."



When asked if people have to buy each part to understand the entire story, Schreck replied, "They should each be entertaining on their own, but, not self contained, so, yes ... much of what will be happening will be thread from issue to issue, from one title to another. Otherwise ... what's the point?"



The behind-the-scenes team are working hard to make sure everything is kept straight between the titles. Schreck explained some of the challenges to getting Batman: War Games put together just right. "Making sure that we are hitting all the right beats with all the characters and aligning the best writers for each of the key moments and playing to everyone's strengths ... all the while making the story unfold as naturally as possible is a challenge," Schreck said. "Matt Idelson is the point man making sure all this comes together. That said, none of this is done in a vacuum. From Paul Levitz and Dan Didio to Michael Wright and Nachie Castro, we're a pretty damn good team and now how all get in line and pull in the right direction. Our creative teams have been pouring their hearts and souls into this to make it the best it can be. It's a tall order, but I have every confidence we're going to deliver."



The action begins this August with Batman: The 12-Cent Adventure and continued that month in Detective Comics #797, Legends of the Dark Knight # 182, Nightwing # 96, Batman: Gotham Knights # 56, Robin # 129, Batgirl # 55, Catwoman # 34, and Batman # 631.

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Well, this should be interesting. I mean, Batman's always been a "submit or surrender" kinda guy, but isn't it kinda cruel to put Robin inside the caged double ring?

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Honestly, does anyone not already buying all these books have the money to buy 25 issues over three months. That's asking an awful lot from your fans, DC.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Honestly, does anyone not already buying all these books have the money to buy 25 issues over three months. That's asking an awful lot from your fans, DC.

They don't care anymore. The worst part of it all is that it's nowhere near as bad as Marvel is right now.

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Honestly, does anyone not already buying all these books have the money to buy 25 issues over three months. That's asking an awful lot from your fans, DC.

They don't care anymore. The worst part of it all is that it's nowhere near as bad as Marvel is right now.

How are they as bad as Marvel? Marvel's storylines has been self-contained for the most part. I don't remember the last time that had a crossover this bad.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Honestly, does anyone not already buying all these books have the money to buy 25 issues over three months. That's asking an awful lot from your fans, DC.

They don't care anymore. The worst part of it all is that it's nowhere near as bad as Marvel is right now.

How are they as bad as Marvel? Marvel's storylines has been self-contained for the most part. I don't remember the last time that had a crossover this bad.

Because EVERY Marvel storyline must be at least like six parts. And could easily be told in two.

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Because EVERY Marvel storyline must be at least like six parts. And could easily be told in two.

Ok I'll give you that. Some of the storylines in the Ult. lines could be told in fewer issues. Sometimes it seems that they write the storys for the trade paperbacks. But, still at least the stories are self-contained in that title and aren't crossing over to tons of books like this Batman story. So, this is no where near as bad as Marvel.

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Honestly, does anyone not already buying all these books have the money to buy 25 issues over three months. That's asking an awful lot from your fans, DC.

They don't care anymore. The worst part of it all is that it's nowhere near as bad as Marvel is right now.

How are they as bad as Marvel? Marvel's storylines has been self-contained for the most part. I don't remember the last time that had a crossover this bad.

Because EVERY Marvel storyline must be at least like six parts. And could easily be told in two.

I will agree with you that some of the pacing in Marvel books, particularly the Ultimate line, is a little stretched. The good thing is that for Marvel's arcs are usually title contained. But pulling off a ridiculously long, multiple book crossover is just annoying.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Because EVERY Marvel storyline must be at least like six parts. And could easily be told in two.

Ok I'll give you that. Some of the storylines in the Ult. lines could be told in fewer issues. Sometimes it seems that they write the storys for the trade paperbacks. But, still at least the stories are self-contained in that title and aren't crossing over to tons of books like this Batman story. So, this is no where near as bad as Marvel.

I'd rather have an epic crossover if the story warranted it. Marvel is ripping your ass off with EVERY title you buy. They literally do not have a single title I'd recommend.


They are FAR worse than DC.

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Obviously you don't read enough stuff from Marvel. Mark Waid's Fantastic Four, JM Stracynski's Amazing Spidey are both great titles. I will admit that the whole X titles have gone to hell in a handbag, but they are about to get fixed.


I'm not DC hating. I love both equally.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Obviously you don't read enough stuff from Marvel. Mark Waid's Fantastic Four, JM Stracynski's Amazing Spidey are both great titles. I will admit that the whole X titles have gone to hell in a handbag, but they are about to get fixed.


I'm not DC hating. I love both equally.

Ah, I *do* like Waid's FF but I would not recommend it due to constant rumors of creative changes. JMS' ASM is not what it once was in my opinion, and he really hasn't hit a home run since Issue 38 a while back where Peter and May had "the talk."


Come pare that to DC that has the VERTIGO line, THE FLASH, DETECTIVE COMICS, GREEN ARROW, BATMAN ADVENTURES, AQUAMAN, THE OUTSIDERS, TEEN TITANS, JSA, and for younger children, SUPERMAN/BATMAN and it's no damn constest.

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Marvel's decided that Waid gets the flagship Fantastic Four series.


Marvel has had some strong showings with Punisher, Hawkeye, Ultimates, Daredevil, Captain America, Thor, and you can't forget their edgy Supreme Power.


And Alan Davis/Chris Claremont on Uncanny X-Men is going to be geat.


I know you hate TPBs and reprints, but I do like Marvel rereleasing material in trade format much quicker than DC.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Marvel's decided that Waid gets the flagship Fantastic Four series.


Marvel has had some strong showings with Punisher, Hawkeye, Ultimates, Daredevil, Captain America, Thor, and you can't forget their edgy Supreme Power.


And Alan Davis/Chris Claremont on Uncanny X-Men is going to be geat.


I know you hate TPBs and reprints, but I do like Marvel rereleasing material in trade format much quicker than DC.

Ultimates? It's a joke, and it'd be much better served if it was called SAM JACKSON AND THE AVEN-JERKS.


PUNISHER has improved, bit I still find it forced.


DAREDEVIL is so very stale and Bendis needs to stop writing a million titles a month.


I'm reading Thor now and I don't HATE it... but it's nothing special.


Supreme Power is good too.



Wow, TWO really good titles in the whole line. You're right, they are kicking DC's ass all over!

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Too each their own. But to blow off a complete line is ignorant.

I didn't blow off anything. I got sick of Marvel stealing from me.

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Whoa, whoa - Alan Davis & Claremont are returning to X-Men?


And this is somehow good?!?!?!


They were awful the last time they had the book, a handful of years ago. AWFUL. I can't take Davis, and Claremont couldn't write the characters he breathed life into.

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Punisher has been a good series. Like Zsasz said, it's a bit forced, as sometimes it seems like Frank can't walk down the street without tripping over a gang of drug-smuggling baby rapists who "deserve" to be shot down where they stand. (Also, Garth Ennis feels this inexplicable need to absolutely hate on and bury every other Marvel superhero who has a cameo in the series, especially Wolverine.) He happens upon more random crime than Batman ever did. But still, at least the dialogue has been interesting, and the violence is anything but boring.


Daredevil has been a very mixed bag over the past couple of years. They've done some very interesting stuff, like the Kingpin's "murder" and Matt's secret identity being exposed (which has been fascinating to watch, I've never seen the alter ego simply deny who they are, and sue the people who spilled the beans!), but they've also been party to some really lame shit, like most anything involving Echo or Bullseye these days. But still, it's worlds better than any of the X or Ultimate comics.


Hulk has had a quiet revival of late that most people haven't noticed. They've been doing some well-planned, long-term storytelling with a lot of interesting twists and turns, and still ain't done yet. The beginning of the current storyline was really, really confusing (who the hell are all these evil government agents? Why do they keep coming back alive after they're killed?), but it gets explained more and is more clear and exciting as it goes along.


Spiderman has felt almost like it's been afraid to raise its voice ever since the Clone Saga nightmare-come-true. They've done mild little storylines, nothing earth-shaking; the biggest surprise over the past couple of years was Aunt May finding out who Peter really was at night. (Which provided the funniest line in comic book history from May: "You were quiet, a loner, coming and going at odd hours, never talking to people, always a bit strange. Frankly... we thought you were gay.) The work overall has been decent, but bland and uninspiring. It seems like the writers are trying harder to avoid mistakes than to write well.

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Frankly, I liked the Punisher / Wolverine fight, for two reasons:


1.) It was realistic. At least, as realistic as a comic book fight between the two of them would be - Punisher not pulling ANY punches as he knows to put Wolverine down he has to quite literally be as brutal as he fucking can be.


2.) Wolverine got owned. That's refreshing, considering how much Logan's cock gets sucked by Marvel. And I'm a Wolverine FAN. But it was good to see, for once, a "normal" guy like Punisher handing Wolvie's ass to him.

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