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Guest slacklet

AWA accepting bookings for Austin vs. Hogan

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Guest slacklet



After months of negotiations, the WWE has become unable to come to terms with not one but two of Professional Wrestling's biggest Superstars. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and the Immortal Hulk Hogan have both left the WWE, making them available for new national and international opportunities including wrestling on an AWA WRESTLING SUPERSTARS - LIVE! event. If you're a fair, festival, casino or promoter, the match of the century, Hogan vs. Austin, is an e-mail (info@awastars.com) or phone call away (507-281-8842). For more information, keep visiting awastars.com."


AWA is still alive?

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We'll bring them both to your fair, for only 2.5 million dollars!


Yeah, AWA is still afloat barely. Last I knew Evan Karagias was their champ.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
We'll bring them both to your fair, for only 2.5 million dollars!


Yeah, AWA is still afloat barely. Last I knew Evan Karagias was their champ.

That makes me sad....the worst of the dancing idiots from WCW is champion of AWA. Did he take talent pills or does he still suck?


And Hogan/Austin is impossible in my book. Both are near crippled, are extremly expensive to bring in, and Hogan won't even do TNA because it looks like the minor leagues. I can assume AWA doesn't draw that many fans either. Plus the fact they don't really like each other, although I heard this changed in 2002.

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Nnnnope. It seems to be alive, oddly enough. Of course, when one of your former champs had the nickname "The Underwear Model", you get the impression that it's not exactly what it used to be...

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Hmmm, it says a lot about a promotion when the picture of the Women's champion, Sherri Martel, is her in her WCW stint alongside Harlem Heat, with Booker and Stevie Ray both in the picture.

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Nnnnope. It seems to be alive, oddly enough. Of course, when one of your former champs had the nickname "The Underwear Model", you get the impression that it's not exactly what it used to be...



No underwear needed.

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Seriously, man. That was about as pleasant as Test vs. Scott Steiner.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Well....the picture proves one thing. You roid up, your dick shrivles to nothing.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
I always remember Larry Zbysko (sp?) saying he was the last AWA champ, but I wonder what he thinks of the current AWA?

Probably better off since AWA didn't draw fans when it died in 1990....and OMG WHY IS LA PARKA RIDING YOUR COCK!?

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I always remember Larry Zbysko (sp?) saying he was the last AWA champ, but I wonder what he thinks of the current AWA?

Probably better off since AWA didn't draw fans when it died in 1990....and OMG WHY IS LA PARKA RIDING YOUR COCK!?

I don't know what you're talking about. You must be seeing things...weird things.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

It was in your avatar....remember? The...thing...and La Parka was riding it flipping me off.

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It was in your avatar....remember? The...thing...and La Parka was riding it flipping me off.

Ha ha...I wondered if people would think he was flipping them off. It was actually his pointer finger, but in a small scale it looked like he was flipping you off.

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