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Going to New York next weekend

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Other then the obvious stuff I plan on going to see (Statue, Ground Zero, Times Square), are there any other interesting tourist attracrions?


Also, what should I do at night? Give me the names of some kick ass bars and their locations.


Thanks in advance.

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Guest drdrainoscott

Theres a deli in Times Square called Maxie's, which has the biggest sandwiches I have ever seen in my life and they are pretty damn good. Good luck trying to finish one though.

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I don't recall asking about food, you fat fucks.........


LOL j/k, ok new request. What are the chances of finding a hotel under $100 a night and close to all the usual attractions.........


Here's all I got so far, the HOTEL 17 (225 EAST 17TH STREET) and the Morningside Inn (235 W 107th St) Thoughts?




Here is a list of bars I have compiled and may be visiting:


Barrow St. Ale House, International Bar, The West End, Patriot Saloon, Detour, Parkside Lounge, Iggy's Keltic Lounge


Again, any thoughts, been there, etc..........

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Before I went, I went to Barnes & Noble and picked up some tourist book....not that I used it much, but it was kinda helpful. It gives you maps of certain areas which you'll need because it is easy to get yourself turned around. The book I have tells you all the bars, clubs and other shit.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Wear Anti-Red Sox stuff, and go into some Pro-Yankee places. Guranteed free stuff :D


Or of course, get some pizza. Nothing like New York Style.

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Also, go to the ESPN bar in Times Square, near where the World used to be. Also, another cool place to go is into ANY subway and watch the freaks come out. Just watch Michael Jackson breaking it down, Ruben singing New Edition and people taking pictures of people breaking down in GSS.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Also you can stay in Central Park for a few hours and watch people pay no attention to someone getting mugged and/or murdered.

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And if you are looking at a map, make sure you are going the right way. Don't walk yourself 10 blocks in the wrong direction....that's a bitch.

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Bring money. New York is expensive, and especially the tourist trap sections.


Basically, you can't go wrong with any restaurant you choose. New York has some of the best food in the world. With that much competition, you have to be good to survive.


If you're traveling by subway, make sure you look at the maps, make sure you're on the right subway line, on the right side of the platform (uptown/downtown), and notice whether or not a particular train is running express.

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Bring money.  New York is expensive, and especially the tourist trap sections.

Bring money.  New York is expensive, and especially the tourist trap sections. 


Bring money.  New York is expensive, and especially the tourist trap sections.


Bring money.  New York is expensive, and especially the tourist trap sections.


This can't be repeated enough. New York is not that fun without lots of money (without resorting to crime).

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Basically, you can't go wrong with any restaurant you choose.

Except a place called Tads. Someone I was with tied up a piece of chicken* they'd been served to one of the balloons placed in the eating area and left it to float in the air just because that was the most they felt that could be gained from receiving it.


Just awful.


* - At least thats what they called it anyway

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For someone like me who had never been to New York, I found Times Square to be kinda cool. Just all the hustle and bussle, but damn when we went you had to hold hands or you'd get seperated real easily.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

The difference between Las Vegas and Atlantic City is the difference between getting hustled by a gorgeous callgirl and getting mugged by a crackhead. You'd be better off heading north to the indian casinos, probably.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
ask directions from friendly new yorkers

Yeah, don't ever ask "Where am I" or you'll get a smart ass remark like "earth" or "here".

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The difference between Las Vegas and Atlantic City is the difference between getting hustled by a gorgeous callgirl and getting mugged by a crackhead.

You just totally plagarized Drew Carey! Shame on you!

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The two Casinos in Conn are really fun. Or atleast I heard being I am 20 and can't go in them yet. But MSun does have a sweet Jordan steak house.

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