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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

The Official Judgment Day 2004 Thread

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Guest Jim Ross

well tekcop, I didnt hear much of any heat for Holly and Gunn, So by the process of elimination i'd say Rico and Haas are the faces.


(three people cheered for them, as opposed to one person for Holly and Gunn)

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Well....I'm 2 for 3 so far...



I'm late but...MICHAEL COLE IS A RETARD. He said the arena is sold out on Heat.....and the entire section behind the announcers empty at a quarter past 7.


WWE out-drawing the Lakers? Maybe it this was 1993, and even then the WWF was terrible.


The production team fucks up by playing RVD's theme a few minutes before he wins.....ugh.


Torrie Wilson wins on PPV...surprise surprise.



Mordecai squashing a jobber...^----



Judgment Day sounds extra shitty. As for the idiot who's trying to say No Mercy 2003 was good..please explain HOW. a -star Vince/Steph match, a boring Eddie/Show match, a slow, predictable main event, a sloppy CW match, and some other forgetable shit. Angle/Cena is the only thing to care about from that show.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

If somehow Bradshaw wins the World Title (:() I will never watch Smackdown again, which means 1 less show a month to watch :lol:

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Guest Jim Ross
Are Haas and Rico suppossed to be faces or heels in this match? I never really figured that out.

Nobody knows. This is the kind of match we used to get for the UK shows. Made no sense or nothing.

I Fell your pain.. I cant believe i actually paid for a UK PPV once just to see a random assortment of heatless, meaningless matches.



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Guest Jim Ross
Bunch of "gay" spots so far in the match. That's about it.

Forgive me for being seriously out of touch, but wasnt Smackdown supposed to be the 'Wrestling' brand?

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Guest Besus
I'm late but...MICHAEL COLE IS A RETARD. He said the arena is sold out on Heat.....and the entire section behind the announcers empty at a quarter past 7.


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Bunch of "gay" spots so far in the match. That's about it.

Forgive me for being seriously out of touch, but wasnt Smackdown supposed to be the 'Wrestling' brand?

Well, before all the good wrestlers went to Raw.

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Haas and Rico win in 10 minutes.


Holly went for the Alabama Slam on Haas. Rico superkicked Holly, Haas sunset flipped him for the pin. *1/2

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Super Millionare is more entertaining than Judgment Day.

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Guest Jim Ross
Bunch of "gay" spots so far in the match. That's about it.

Forgive me for being seriously out of touch, but wasnt Smackdown supposed to be the 'Wrestling' brand?

Well, before all the good wrestlers went to Raw.

Christ, I seriously need to start watching regularly again.


When Undertaker rolling his eyes back draws the biggest cheer of the night, you know that this PPV is in the toilet

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Yay, I'm Three for Four in predictions...this means Guerrero wins! (both of them)

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I think I liked this match better than the opener. Haas played a much better face-in-peril than either RVD or Rey. The Dudleys' offense was much nicer than Holly and Gunn's and they sold better during the face-comeback section. Kind of makes me want to see Haas & Rico vs. The Dudleys.

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Super Millionare is more entertaining than Judgment Day.

Yeah, but Extreme Makeover: Home Edition was more exciting than both of them.


Harlem Globetrotters~!

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Since the PPV is in the toilet, let's talk about something else...


Anyone else buy the new(ish) D-12 CD? I think most of the tracks are very good, although I'm not really a big fan of CD skits.

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Since the PPV is in the toilet, let's talk about something else...


Anyone else buy the new(ish) D-12 CD? I think most of the tracks are very good, although I'm not really a big fan of CD skits.

How about we don't talk about something else since this is the JD thread.

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Guest Jim Ross
Since the PPV is in the toilet, let's talk about something else...


Anyone else buy the new(ish) D-12 CD? I think most of the tracks are very good, although I'm not really a big fan of CD skits.

I dont like D-12


I cant even be bothered to come up with some lame sarcastic remark about it either. This PPV has lowered my intelligence by at least 30 IQ points.



Is Jackie really the first womens CW champion? I have a feeling she isnt

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Since the PPV is in the toilet, let's talk about something else...


Anyone else buy the new(ish) D-12 CD? I think most of the tracks are very good, although I'm not really a big fan of CD skits.

Well, I didn't buy it :P I think the cd is tight and the songs are awesome. The song about Bizzare is one of the best tracks on the cd.

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