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Guest Cerebus

Why are gas prices so high?

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Guest Brian

Ugh, gas is $2.15 a gallon in the NW, 8 cents over last weekend. What can we expect for the summer?

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Guest Choken One

I went from 1.69 to 2.07 in just under 10 days.


This is bullshit.



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Guest MikeSC
I went from 1.69 to 2.07 in just under 10 days.


This is bullshit.



Heck, I was depressed to learn that hybrids don't APPROACH their reported mileage numbers. Honda's hybrid, apparently, gets 31mpg, instead of the reported 47.




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Guest Choken One

I'm still not driving those slow ass cars.


*hugs Gas guzzling Silverado*

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Gas right now is at 1.99 at the cheapest station up to 2.40 for 87 reg. With most stations over 2.12 a gallon. The federal Gov and OPEC both need a ball kick soon.

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Heck, I was depressed to learn that hybrids don't APPROACH their reported mileage numbers. Honda's hybrid, apparently, gets 31mpg, instead of the reported 47.




Heh. A buddy of mine, who could only be described as an uber-environmentalist, has a Prius. We were going to lunch one day and he was demonstrating the fancy, unnecessary digital gizmos in the dash, one of which calculates the engine's fuel efficiency and gas mileage.


His MPG was calculated at 33.6, which is only about twice what my big old gas hoggin' Dodge gets. I asked him what the point of buying a car that gets only marginally better MPG than a similar-sized "normal" car and has only half the power. He kinda stuttered for a bit before saying, "Well, it IS better."

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Guest MikeSC
here in Sacramento, CA, the cheap stuff is $2.15 at the cheaper places in town like Arco-AM/PM.

Dang, I thought $1.79/gallon was bad here for the cheap stuff.


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Here in Mass, which usually is immune (as far as I know) from these really high prices (the home heating oil is what's usually outrageous), every station I've seen is hovering around the $2.00/gallon mark. And the price shot up FAST; I filled up about a week ago, and it was around $1.84/gallon. I went today, and it was $2.01/gallon. That's a pretty big jump for just a week.


I remember in '97(?) when the prices were .87/gallon. In JUNE.

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I liked how CNN or someone showed Gas prices in California at over $3, and then they moved up the board and you could see that it was for Full Service and Self Service was like $2.50.


Gas here just hit $1.9x which is supposedly the national average.

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If a Prius another hybrid is twice as efficent as your gas guzzler, then it's like gas is costing you half as much per tank right?


If you're complaining about $2, you'd be fine with $1, right?


Oh, I'm sorry, I guess 100% better isn't good enough for you. The MPG rating is always a little over what regular usage would be, for any car. I'll admit 10 MPG is too much of an error though.

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Jesus, just start walking, fatties!

You're right, why drive for 20 minutes to and from work, when you could walk there for over 4 hours there and back! :lol:

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I remember like four years ago when gas was about 1.29 a gallon at one point. Now the shit is out of hand. The price has jumped 55 cents since I left for college. Over two dollars, the highest prices in history, and its not even June yet, will we be seeing 4 dollar gas prices in July. Someone needs to do something fast, I don't care if its drilling in Alaska, stealing the Iraqi oil, or selling Jessica Simpson to Saudi Arabia, gas prices need to go back down, now.

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Jesus, just start walking, fatties!

You're right, why drive for 20 minutes to and from work, when you could walk there for over 4 hours there and back! :lol:

Yeah, I'll pass. In addition to living 20 miles away from my office, my office is located just east of downtown Houston and let's just say that I'd rather not risk it.


"Walk you fatties." Pfft. I might consider it if it were that simple.


And for Eric:


If a Prius another hybrid is twice as efficent as your gas guzzler, then it's like gas is costing you half as much per tank right?


If you're complaining about $2, you'd be fine with $1, right?


Oh, I'm sorry, I guess 100% better isn't good enough for you. The MPG rating is always a little over what regular usage would be, for any car. I'll admit 10 MPG is too much of an error though.


As someone who has only driven trucks since I got my license, I don't care how much more fuel efficient any vehicle might currently be, I'm still going to drive my truck. My beef with the gas prices has nothing to do with having to buy twice as much gas than a hybrid or anything, but rather with the fact that there is NO real reason why gas prices keep climbing, except for simple greed. I know my vehicle of choice means I have to buy more fuel, but I'm willing to deal with it.


Find me a hybrid pickup that gets "100% better" fuel efficiency while still giving me all the towing power, cargo room, and cabin space that I currently enjoy, and I might think about switching.

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I remember like four years ago when gas was about 1.29 a gallon at one point. Now the shit is out of hand.

I remember six or seven years ago when you got it for $0.75 a gallon here. THAT was a sweet deal.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

In response to the recent gas prices, I finally bit the bullet and went auto shopping. The lease on the trusty Silverado (better than Choken's) is up, so I need to find something to drive. After carefully considering my options, I'm pretty much settled on a 2001 Dodge Ram V8 Crew Cab. That's right. An even bigger truck. This is my fuck you to OPEC. They can go ahead and gouge me, I just got a raise, you slippery bitches. AND AND...I'm going on vacation this summer. I'm going to spend hundreds of dollars just wantonly torching fuel in a gorgeous leather living room on wheels, wheeling effortlessly past these plastic Tonka cars with engines like sippy cups, snickering as they blow back and forth from my wind shear.

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Guest BDC
In response to the recent gas prices, I finally bit the bullet and went auto shopping. The lease on the trusty Silverado (better than Choken's) is up, so I need to find something to drive. After carefully considering my options, I'm pretty much settled on a 2001 Dodge Ram V8 Crew Cab. That's right. An even bigger truck. This is my fuck you to OPEC. They can go ahead and gouge me, I just got a raise, you slippery bitches. AND AND...I'm going on vacation this summer. I'm going to spend hundreds of dollars just wantonly torching fuel in a gorgeous leather living room on wheels, wheeling effortlessly past these plastic Tonka cars with engines like sippy cups, snickering as they blow back and forth from my wind shear.

I'd quote that if it wasn't so big.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
how is yours better?

I was just talking shit. It might be though. It's a 2000 (or maybe an 01, I've only had it a few months. Picked up an old lease.) Extended cab, has an extra tow package. More torque than the truck can handle, really. It can spit gravel for several seconds if I want.

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In response to the recent gas prices, I finally bit the bullet and went auto shopping. The lease on the trusty Silverado (better than Choken's) is up, so I need to find something to drive. After carefully considering my options, I'm pretty much settled on a 2001 Dodge Ram V8 Crew Cab. That's right. An even bigger truck. This is my fuck you to OPEC. They can go ahead and gouge me, I just got a raise, you slippery bitches. AND AND...I'm going on vacation this summer. I'm going to spend hundreds of dollars just wantonly torching fuel in a gorgeous leather living room on wheels, wheeling effortlessly past these plastic Tonka cars with engines like sippy cups, snickering as they blow back and forth from my wind shear.

How is this "showing Opec" you think they give a shit? Hell they are probably glad and wish every single american drove big trucks and SUVS. I am not quite sure the point you are trying to make here.

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Guest Choken One
how is yours better?

I was just talking shit. It might be though. It's a 2000 (or maybe an 01, I've only had it a few months. Picked up an old lease.) Extended cab, has an extra tow package. More torque than the truck can handle, really. It can spit gravel for several seconds if I want.



I got a cute BUMPER STICKER~!


So there.

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I was mad today. The one place I normally go for gas has kept their price at $1.79 for about the last two weeks while everyone else has kept going up. I noticed the place (Which is a bit off the radar for most people) was slightly busier last week, but yesterday there was a freaking line of about 25 cars on both sides of the pump and they had police cars blocking off traffic and not lettings some people in to get gas to keep the line from getting longer. I couldnt see waiting almost an hour or better to save about $.13 (prices everywhere else locally are at around $1.92 or so).

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Jesus, just start walking, fatties!

Well, poor EricMM has to use vehicle now due to his recent accident (how's that coming along, btw?)


I take my car to work and back. That's about it. If I go to the store for something I usually just go on my way home from work. Still costs $15-20 a week to fill up; no bitching from me.


But ... but ... I thought high gas prices were good because that means people would be forced to be more efficient with their fuel...

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Hows it coming along? I got a new bike on May 10th with my birthday money, and it got stolen on may 11th.


So I got another new bike last saturday.


I can't go without one for long :(

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Hows it coming along? I got a new bike on May 10th with my birthday money, and it got stolen on may 11th.

WTF? I think it's God's way of telling you to get a SUV. Where did your bike get stolen -- Home/work/etc?...

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

That's what I told him.


Incidentally, gas went DOWN to 1.97 around here. I'm taking a bath in it later, then I'm going to use it to water my lawn.


How is this "showing Opec" you think they give a shit? Hell they are probably glad and wish every single american drove big trucks and SUVS. I am not quite sure the point you are trying to make here.


It works out in my mind, even if it doesn't on paper. I have a theory that the more recent fuel crisis is a conspiracy by the auto industry to make us buy little cars that are easier for cops to catch. It's all a system of control, and I'm not going to take it anymore. I've decided to stick with my Silverado, though. I like it too much to bother getting a different truck.

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The Buy No Gas day I heard about today is pretty dumb. It'll have no effect.


Incidentally the "real" price of gas is the physical cost and time cost. Bravo to Marvin for seeing this.

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I hope the price of gas jumps a quarter after today so all those in protest would have to pay the higher price.


Incidentally, gas went DOWN to 1.97 around here. I'm taking a bath in it later, then I'm going to use it to water my lawn.


Hope you don't plan on lighting up one of your cancer sticks...

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Guest Choken One

what I hate is when 8 gas stations in one corner all have the same price (1.91)...you would think one of those places would go..."mmm...let's just knock it down to 1.87" but nope they all insist to maintain the 1.91 price.

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