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Scooter's lattest brainfart

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So here’s the deal: Much like Thunder in 2000, this show has gotten to be such an insufferable bore with no signs of improvement showing that I’m giving it one month to shape up, or else I find something better to do with my Thursday nights. If, by the May 27 show, I don’t feel there’s hope for the future or watching it makes me feel as depressed and annoyed as the past two months have, then kiss me goodbye as Smackdown reviewer, and I’ll just stick with RAW from then on...


If Scott could sit through Raw throughout 2002 and 2003 and not complain one iota about the shittiness of the show or of HHH's machinations to make the show suck in order to feed his ego during those dark days, he can be a man and endure watching SD until further notice, or at the very least say fuck it to his "I refuse to bash the WWE when they deserve to be mocked and have proverbial firey hot pokers rammed into Steph's cunt until she dies from both the burns and from the repeated sodomization" writing style and make mocking the WWE merciless fun again....

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I can't seem to disagree with the guy. RAW had some bad moments, but it had a solid undercard for the most part ALWAYS. SD is really in the dumps. I think he would just take a break from it because of un-interest and resume when something caught his attention again. Big whoop.

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He kind of acts as if he is giving the WWE a huge ultimatium and they're going to desperately try to shape up lest they lose his recapping.

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To be fair, SD was improving a bit, that is until tonight's show ruined all that.

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He kind of acts as if he is giving the WWE a huge ultimatium and they're going to desperately try to shape up lest they lose his recapping.

Given how Keith killed his credibility as a recapper in 2002/2003 with his castrated rantings that had him going out of his way to not badmouth Vince, Steph and Hunter, it makes him sound like a total geek if that is really true...

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Guest Anglesault
To be fair, SD was improving a bit,


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Guest MikeSC
He might as well quit now. I cant see Smackdown getting better in 3 weeks.

They could run re-runs of 2002.


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Guest thatdude21601

Even though we had a Velocity ME, I thought the second half of this show was reasonable compared what we've seen recently.


Dupree and his Taliwhacker beating Cena was kinda cool, and I think the houseshow fans thought the Mamma Guerrero segmant was legit lol.

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First off, who the fuck cares? He's tired of watching the show; if it doesn't get better, he's gonna stop. Hell, I feel the same way - who gives a fuck?




Given how Keith killed his credibility as a recapper in 2002/2003 with his castrated rantings that had him going out of his way to not badmouth Vince, Steph and Hunter


I'd like to see these rants, because I sure as hell don't see SK going "out of his way" to put over how great HHH/Steiner or HHH/Booker T was.

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I read his rants. He trashed them.


As was already mentioned, Raw was bad, but it had Jericho, Christian, Victoria when she was evil and could thus wrestle. Most of the crap surrounding Raw was HHH vs. Jobber of the Month. Kane, Goldberg, Nash, Booker. It was painful, but there other stuff to divert the pain. Smackdown has nothing to divert the pain. Everything is bad.

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Given how Keith killed his credibility as a recapper in 2002/2003 with his castrated rantings that had him going out of his way to not badmouth Vince, Steph and Hunter, it makes him sound like a total geek if that is really true...


He didn't want to piss off someone in WWE who might go to someone in the office since they could very well have sicked the dogs hard on him and tied up legal rights and shit for his book and future projects.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Y'all need to be more concerned with your own business...

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Guest Hot Ticket
So here’s the deal: Much like Thunder in 2000, this show has gotten to be such an insufferable bore with no signs of improvement showing that I’m giving it one month to shape up, or else I find something better to do with my Thursday nights. If, by the May 27 show, I don’t feel there’s hope for the future or watching it makes me feel as depressed and annoyed as the past two months have, then kiss me goodbye as Smackdown reviewer, and I’ll just stick with RAW from then on...


If Scott could sit through Raw throughout 2002 and 2003 and not complain one iota about the shittiness of the show or of HHH's machinations to make the show suck in order to feed his ego during those dark days, he can be a man and endure watching SD until further notice, or at the very least say fuck it to his "I refuse to bash the WWE when they deserve to be mocked and have proverbial firey hot pokers rammed into Steph's cunt until she dies from both the burns and from the repeated sodomization" writing style and make mocking the WWE merciless fun again....

you mean you cant have your OWN opinions of wrestling?

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He recently stopped bad mouthing him. He said something like "Triple-H has been picking it up lately and if he stays like this I have no problem with him."

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First off, I've never understood your claims that SK went out of his way to praise the likes of HHH, Vince, etc. Maybe it's because he didn't. In fact, I seem to recall him bashing them on a weekly basis. Rarely has he given HHH props and at times, he's sounded much like one of the sheep around here who hate on HHH just to fit in.


And big deal if he doesn't want to recap it anymore? How's that a brainfart? Even doing a crappy recap takes up a couple hours of your time, so why do it if you're not really obligated to do so or feel it's no longer worth your time?

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Who exactly are you referring to with your first paragraph there, Bruiser? No one has yet made the claim that Keith ever tried to praise HHH - but the claim has been made, both by RHTITE (somewhat indirectly) and JasonX that Keith went out of his way to not badmouth them.


Since then, I've been waiting for someone to show me where the fuck they're getting this from. I browsed through a few random old rants, and saw nothing but hhhatred.

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Guest hunger4unger

I enjoy reading Keith's rants, have done for years now. I personally think that Smackdown is pretty good still; sure the really good matches aren't there anymore but the entertainment value is still there. Cena, Angle, Eddie, JBL = me liking the show. Keith ought to be careful about dropping a recap for SD as he has a new book coming out and I would have thought needed as much exposure and plugging for it as he can get. If he doesn't have the time any more he should just say so.

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Who exactly are you referring to with your first paragraph there, Bruiser? No one has yet made the claim that Keith ever tried to praise HHH - but the claim has been made, both by RHTITE (somewhat indirectly) and JasonX that Keith went out of his way to not badmouth them.


Since then, I've been waiting for someone to show me where the fuck they're getting this from. I browsed through a few random old rants, and saw nothing but hhhatred.

I was referring to the first post. I meant that I don't recall SK ever going out of his way to avoid badmouthing HHH, because honestly, it seemed like he badmouthed him in virtually every RAW rant since HHH's return in 2002.

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He recently stopped bad mouthing him. He said something like "Triple-H has been picking it up lately and if he stays like this I have no problem with him."

Which is true. HHH has had better matches lately. I'm sure that can be attributed to his opponents (Benoit, Michaels, Benjamin) but at least his matches have been enjoyable and he's done the job more than in the past couple years.

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Guest Y2G
He recently stopped bad mouthing him. He said something like "Triple-H has been picking it up lately and if he stays like this I have no problem with him."

Which is true. HHH has had better matches lately. I'm sure that can be attributed to his opponents (Benoit, Michaels, Benjamin) but at least his matches have been enjoyable and he's done the job more than in the past couple years.

HHH was working really well in WM20 and since. He definitly worked with much better oponents as the ones you mentioned, but he also elevated his game.


As far as Scott Keith, Why should i care what he says? I didn't like HHH. Now i like him. Tomorrow i might hate his guts again...

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Is Scott Keith's threat to stop recapping SD REALLY worthy of it's own thread? I posted the same thing in the SD thread, and no one couldn't care less about what he says.

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Guest Astro

Think about what the next 4-5 weeks of SD! will be


building to the crappy PPV, and then after that the final blowoff matches for the crappy PPV will be the SD! main events for a few weeks


/SK a goner

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Is Scott Keith's threat to stop recapping SD REALLY worthy of it's own thread? I posted the same thing in the SD thread, and no one couldn't care less about what he says.

90% of this forum's postings aren't worthy of their own thread but they still happen.

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