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G4TechTV launches May 28th

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That article was just about spot on accurate.


Maybe, after Sessler punches out of his contract, he and Leo Laporte and Cat Schwatz and a few other refugees can get some backing to do a production company up in San Francisco. Maybe that company can start producing shows to sell to places like SciFi (you think a "Call for Help" wouldn't go over well in the three pm block at SciFi? Or at least better than "Old Manimal Episodes" does?) and Spike-TV and maybe even VH-1? TechTV's gone for good, but we can get glimpses of quirky substance over plastic style once more. Maybe, after a few years, Morgan Webb -- having been ground out of the LA Machine -- will hook back up and remind everyone she really is a producer, too.


I always thought the Discovery Science Channel would be a good spot. Sci Fi wouldn't be a good place..neither would SpikeTV.

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Guest MikeSC

After watching for the last few days, I think we can safely say the "TechTV" part is gone (they've even brought back the old CG G4 bumpers that, well, I bloody hated).


X-Play is still good and most of the shows canned, to be generous, sucked hard. I have no beef with TSS at present.


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I liked Tech TV a lot better than G4. The only reasons I even tuned into G4 were for Laura Foy and Filter. I'm sure they'll find some new G4 show for Morgan and boot Adam and get rid of what was left of Tech TV for good.

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Is there any update on the whereabouts of Martin Seargant? I loved Unscrewed with a passion, and it just mysteriously disappeared one day. My current favorite shows on the channel are X-Play, Filter, and Icons. Icons is pretty informative, and Filter is just a fun show to watch.

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After watching for the last few days, I think we can safely say the "TechTV" part is gone (they've even brought back the old CG G4 bumpers that, well, I bloody hated).


X-Play is still good and most of the shows canned, to be generous, sucked hard. I have no beef with TSS at present.


Did they change the name of Screen Savers to "ATTACK OF THE SHOW" yet?

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I remember Laura wearing this big bulky sweater on one episode, with a vest over the top of it. The first thing martin asked when the show began was "Laura, Why are you covering up the only 2 reasons anyone watches this show?". I laughed my ass off at that. I hope Martin Seargant can find another network to move a potential new show to, because he was pretty entertaining.

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Guest MikeSC
After watching for the last few days, I think we can safely say the "TechTV" part is gone (they've even brought back the old CG G4 bumpers that, well, I bloody hated).


X-Play is still good and most of the shows canned, to be generous, sucked hard. I have no beef with TSS at present.


Did they change the name of Screen Savers to "ATTACK OF THE SHOW" yet?

Not yet.


That's coming soon.


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