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My suit's better than your suit....

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

jsyk is surrounded by homely looking creeps...including that broad...

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Taken at my house, that's my friend Hank, his date Ali, me, and my friend Alex (we hadn't gone to pick up our dates yet.)

Don't be ashamed that you and Alex went to the prom together. I think it is touching how brave you both were.

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Holy crap. Make that two of us.

You and I seem to be finding a lot of common ground today, the dark side must be trying to draw me in

Wha-? Ripper's not part of "my side..."

There's going to need to be an intervention at the next meeting.


You're getting a little to urban for us.

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Guest Dids
Flame away, bitches.


Taken at my house, that's my friend Hank, his date Ali, me, and my friend Alex (we hadn't gone to pick up our dates yet.)


I have a cane. It's black steel with a bigass purple jewel at the top.

Image not working...

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Guest FrigidSoul

I'd fuck the chick.


Was the theme of the Prom "1940s Chicago"?

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Guest Dids
Copy and paste, Dids. And Ripper...how'd you know? What can I say, guy or girl, they all want me.

Thought I'd tried that.


Either way, I say you're lame for going to prom at all. Fucka prom.


That girl looks really excited about the train that's about to get run on her, and from her busted up grill, she should be.

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You look a lot different than I imagined you to be Tyler

Holy crap. Make that two of us.


Most Deanics have that throbbing vein going on in their forehead.


And who's the chick?...

I take Paxil to keep the throbbing vein from popping up.






And that's my fiance. This isn't actually a prom pic, considering I'm in college; I just saw "SUIT!" and said "omg i have a pic with a suit too!!"

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