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Guest The Minor Threat

ROH "Generation Next" - 5/22/04 thread

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Guest The Minor Threat

ROH World Title Match- Must Be A Winner

Samoa Joe defends vs. Homicide with Julius Smokes


Huge Special Attraction

In ring confrontation between Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat and CM Punk


No DQ ROH Tag Team Titles Match

CM Punk & Colt Cabana defend vs. Dan Maff & BJ Whitmer with Allison Danger


Generation Next Series, featuring:

Austin Aries

Jack Evans


Alex Shelley

Roderick Strong

Jimmy Jacobs

Nigel McGuiness



Special Must Win Challenge

John Walters vs. Jimmy Rave


Grudge Tag Team Match

Carnage Crew vs. Whoever vandalized their bags on 3/13


Tag Team Scramble

Special K vs. Dunn & Marcos vs. Christopher Street Connection


Tag Team Match

Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. ???


Plus: Trent Acid, Prince Nana's Embassy, Gary Michael Cappetta and much more!!!

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Guest TDinDC1112

I think ROH has taken some major steps backward in the last couple of months. Show moved into a tent. Top talent taken away. RF scandal. Any buzz ROH had 3 months ago is TOTALLY GONE. It's a shame.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

This show doesn't look to be very good on paper at all. 2 good matches maybe.


The RF scandal definately took all the momentum RoH had going for itself.

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*AJ Styles has been stripped of the ROH Pure Wrestling Championship. A new champion will be crowned on 7/17.


*Homicide has been entered in the Shane Shamrock Cup Tournament.



- Austin Aries, Roderick Strong and Jack Evans defeated Special K in a tag team Scramble Match after all 3 hit their finishers on the 3 Special K members. Said to be ***.


- Trent Acid defeated Loc after a Yakuza Kick. Said to be decent.


- Nigel McGuinees (sp, I know) defeated Jimmy Jacobs (HUSS!)


- Alex Shelly defeated Hydro with a Crossface in the opener for the show. Said to be MOTN....after about 2 matches...


- Briscoe Brother's defeated Outcast Killaz.


*Shelley/Aries/Evans/Strong vs Briscoes/Rave/Walters has been added to the show. The booking for this show has been extremely messed up, but meh. Whatever.


- Shelley/Aries/Evans/Strong defeat The Briscoes/Rave/Walters in what is considered a MOTYC.


*Punk/Steamboat confront each other. Punk & Steamboat fight. Cabana helps Punk with a ring bell off the top. After the attack, the Prophecy check on Steamboat.













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Guest Jimbo
I think ROH has taken some major steps backward in the last couple of months.  Show moved into a tent.  Top talent taken away.  RF scandal.  Any buzz ROH had 3 months ago is TOTALLY GONE.  It's a shame.

I don't think they tried to get put in a tent....


And what buzz is gone?


RoH is still very hot from what I can tell


Y'know whose "buzz" is gone? CZW's.

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Guest bort

Too bad about the tent, there gonna get shit on by alot of fans for not saying the show was going to be held in the tent ahead of time but i think it was a good bussiness move as they were gonna get the hate anyways at this point.


Alot of the fan boys have moved on and jumped ship to being fanboys of IWA and Teddy hart. Reading the results at some sites is upsetting, the amount of negitive backlash ROH is getting.


Show looks good soo far, I say get the prohecy a big new leader or drop the group and push Maff to the belt. { I say a evil Hero is perfect}. Shelly is money, same goes for Strong. looks like a solid show to me

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The problem with this show is that they randomly cancelled and added matches. I'm sure the matches themselves will be fine, but the booking is somewhat questionable. They might as well call it Unscripted II. I still like RoH, but I'm not exactly big on how this show went down.

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Here is a report from the show that my friend just sent me (that he is sending to sites) ..............


Ring of Honor returned to the Pennsylvania National Guard Armory (or, more accurately, just outside of the Pennsylvania National Guard Armory, as the show was held outdoors due to troop mobilisation) for "Generation Next," or as I liked to call it, "Generation Put Alex Shelly Over A Lot."


1. A scramble match between the Ring Crew Express and the Christopher Street Connection never took place as Generation Next, a heel group led by Alex Shelly consisting of Austin Aries, Roderick Strong, and Jack Evans attacked both teams. An open challenge led to a six man tag after that.


2. Roderick Strong, Austin Aries, and Jack Evans defeated Special K (Izzy, Dixie, and Angel Dust) when Strong hit his power bomb into a backbreaker, Aries hit his 450, and Evans hit his 720 for the simultaneous pin. Afterwards, Shelly did mic work saying that nobody in Special K could wrestle, leading to...


3. Alex Shelly made Hydro tap to his crossface-like submission. A good match, but by the end of the show, I had to wonder why these two matches even took place.


The Carnage Crew hit the ring for their match with the people who pooped in their bags at the last show in Elizabeth. While the music of Trent Acid and Danny Daniels played, Masada of the Carnage Crew attacked Loc from behind, leading to...


4. Masada, Trent Acid, and Danny Daniels over Loc, Devito, and Justin Credible after Masada pinned Loc. Between the tan, the tatoos, the short black hair and goatee, and the orange bandana, Loc looked like Taz. Devito looked to have perhaps injured his knee in the match.


5. John Walters and Jimmy Rave was another no-contest when Generation Next did another beatdown on the two of them, saying they were going to take their spots.


6. Nigel McGuinness defeated Jimmy Jacobs using an arm submission. Nigel looked impressive with his cool mat work.


7. Colt Cabana and CM Punk defeated Danny Maff and BJ Whitmer to retain the ROH tag titles after Punk pinned Whitmer after a Pepsi Plunge. This started off as a formula tag that degenerated into a brawl over the building type match.




8. The Briscoes defeated the Outcast Killaz, who were accompanied by Prince Nana and Josh Daniels. Daniels showed more personality than I've ever seen him show on his way to the ring. This was basically a glorified squash.


After their match, Generation Next came down to the ring again and told the Briscoes that they were going to take their spots. Jay Briscoe did some mic work saying they weren't going to back down, and then John Walters and Jimmy Rave came out to back up the Briscoes, leading to an eight man tag...


9. Generation Next defeated the Briscoes, John Walters, and Jimmy Rave after Shelly made Walters tap to his crossface like move in approximately 45 minutes. This was a good match, but a lot of people will say it was Match of the Year quality when it was nowhere near it. It was a fun match, with Strong really impressing me the most with his offense. However, just because a match goes 45 minutes does not make it a Match of the Year candidate. This was booked to get over Generation Next strong, and I suppose it accomplished that, but it probably went a little too long. Also, what was the point in having the earlier six man and the Shelly singles match if they were going to have a 45 minute match later in the show? Especially when the show wound up going almost 4 hours, they could have shaved some time off by dropping some of the undercard matches.


The confrontation between Ricky Steamboat and CM Punk saw the two argue back and forth, and Steamboat challenged Punk to a fight. Punk backed down and offered his hand for a handshake. After Steamboat grabbed it, Punk attacked. It was kind of sad, because it was apparent Steamboat really shouldn't be doing stuff like this, as he seemed to really stiffen up when it came time to bump. He got an advantage on Punk, and went for the flying body press, but Cabana cut him off and the two of them laid out Steamboat, including Punk coming off the top with a chair. Steamboat had to be helped to the back.


10. Samoa Joe defeated Homicide to retain the ROH World title. This would have been a great match if Homicide was winning the belt. As it was, it was still a good match. Homicide had most of the offense, and brought out old stuff like his fork. It really got over the fact that Homicide would do anything to win the title, but in the end Joe pinned him after a brainbuster. Afterwards, Julius Smokes and Homicide did some mic work with Smokes saying that all of the people in the crowd were racist, and called them all crackas. Homicide turned heel also, saying that he didn't need the fans. There may have been more, but it dragged out for like 10 minutes and I really didn't see the point anymore, so I left.


Overall, it was a good show, but WAY too long. Four hours is a little too long for a show like this, especially one outdoors in the heat. The last two matches were good matches, and worth buying the tape/DVD for, but don't believe the Match of the Year hype for the eight man. It was good, but not at that level.



credit to indyking from czwfans.com

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Honestly, I don't want to see this show. I hate Homicide and the rest of the show sounds disorganized as hell. I kind of want to see the 8 man, but nothing else interests me.


EDIT: From CM Punk on EWB4


Just got back from the show and I figured I'd post my thoughts/reactions.


First of all, I thought the show being held outside was gonna be really stupid but it was actually pretty cool and I liked the change. It wasn't that hot but it wasn't pleasant either.


I was really looking forward to the Tag Team Scramble with the RCE but it turned into put over the new stable Generation Next (Alex Shelley, Austin Aries, Jack Evans & Roderick Strong) and Alex Shelley, which was was a recurring thing throughout the night.


So we get Austin Aries, Jack Evans & Roderick Strong against Special K (Angel Dust, Dixie & Izzy) which was a pretty good match. Evans pulled out an awesome 720 -> Senton hybrid which was awesome and they pick up the win.


This leads into Shelley saying Special K had no one who could wrestle, which brings Hydro into the ring to a big pop. Shelley makes Hydro tap in a crossface in a decent match and I was REALLY hoping to see Hydro pull it out. Afterwards, Shelley offers him a spot in Gen Nex but he turns it down. Good.


The Carnage Crew hits the ring with Justin Credible & Masada and immediately I think Justin & Masada were the ones that crapped in Loc & Devito's bags. Turns out I was half right, after Trent Acid comes out with Danny Daniels and Masada turns on TCC.


Danny Daniels, Masada & Trent Acid vs Loc, Devito & Credible with Team Acid going over after Masada pinned Loc. Interesting note, when Loc came out I thought he was Homicide. He looked just like him.


John Walters vs Jimmy Rave is supposed to be next but Generation Next comes out and says they want their spots. So they beat down Walters & Rave and I'm kinda glad.. I'm not really that high on Rave. Walters was laid out and looked to have hurt his neck.


Nigel McGuiness vs Jimmy Jacobs was next and I was popping huge for the Huss and Nigel. It started off as five minutes of comedy work with Nigel even playing along to some of the crowd saying "USE ANOTHER FUCKING ARMBAR!" and he was cool as hell. Nigel wins after actually using an arm-submission after working the arm the whole match. Great work by both men.


ROH Tag Team Titles NO DQ Match: The Prophecy vs The Second City Saints is up now with The Prophecy getting the face pop. Another confrontation between that one fan that HATES Punk and always chant DIE DIE DIE. Good stuff and a solid match-up. They brawl to the outside by me and Maff NAILS Colt with a GATORADE! And a wicked chair shot. Punk pins Whitmer with his Pepsi Plunge, after Cabana & Maff get knocked off the ropes and to the floor.




The Briscoe Brothers vs The Outcast Killahs is up next and I couldn't believe it. THIS was the match that was going to steal the show? Mark looked like he didn't even care in this match and I found out why afterward. The Briscoes beat the OCK in about five minutes when Jay hit the Jay Driller and Mark hit the Cut-Throat Suplex.


Then we get The Briscoes trying to leave but Generation Next hit the ring AGAIN and say they want two more spots now. And the Briscoes were gonna be it. Jay said they never back down from a fight and Shelley points out there are four of them and two Briscoes. Which brings out John Walters & Jimmy Rave to a pop.


Alex Shelley, Austin Aries, Jack Evans & Roderick Strong (GenNex) vs Jimmy Rave, John Walters & The Briscoes Brothers was up next. And this was by far the Match of the Night. It went at least 40 minutes and it had me on the edge of my seat for nearly 30. Great, great work from all eight men (even Rave) and there were lots of high spots and GREAT moves. I really dug Roderick & Aries. But Strong (I think it was) nearly got killed by Walters, when he tried a second rope powerbomb and nearly fucked it up. GenNex pick up the win after Shelley made Walters tap out to a modified crossface. Lots of "Match of the Year" chants and it wasn't near that quality. But it was a great match. Evans is a really good spot monkey and can sell really well, I liked his stuff alot.


Then we get the confrontation between CM Punk & Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat and it started off with a cool promo Punk cuts on Steamboat, about wanting to be remembered and his matches with Flair and when he tore the house down at the Silverdome with Savage. This eventually leads into a fight between the two with Steamboat going uptop for a Flying Elbow Drop but Cabana crotches him. Then Punk & Cabana double team Ricky with Punk delivering a flying elbow drop with the ringbell. Which brings out refs and The Prophecy, to help Steamboat.




ROH World Title Match: Homicide (w/Julius Smokes) vs Samoa Joe is finally up after a pretty long event but it was enjoyable for the most part. A wild brawl from the start with Joe going for the Ole Kick early but Homicide stops it. Joe hits the Ole kick on Smokes but then Homicide comes back. They beat the shit out of each other, nonstop for awhile and then Homicide brings out a fork. Digging it into Joe's skull and then they GO STRONG STYLE with slaps & lariats for some close falls. Joe hits a modified Fisherman's Buster off the top but only gets two. Same for the island driver. Homicide comes back, hitting Joe with a piledriver for two. Then locks on the STF but no tap out. Goes for the Cop Killah but it's reversed. Joe then finally puts Homicide away with a Brainbuster in a HUGE anti-clamatic moment. Joe retains which I think is good and I thought he would.


After Joe leaves, J-Train proceeds to cut a 'Wiggah' promo about how him & Homicide don't need the wiggahs and white devils anymore. Then Homicide tries to turn heel to huge Homicide chants but he still does go through with it. Which brings on some great comedy moments for people around me and when Homicide tries to act all hard, he was still getting huge pops from the wiggahs and white devils.


All in all it was a very cool show and the outside atmosphere was interesting and pretty cool. I'd suggest picking up the tape or DVD when it comes out. It seems like they really wanna push Shelley and I bet he picks up the Pure Wrestling Belt soon.

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I understand what Ring of Honor is trying to do by establishing new superstars and new angles, but without A.J. Styles and Christopher Daniels headlining these shows seem kind of weak. Independent wrestling as a whole has seemed to be losing popularity over the past couple of months, with IWA Mid-South being the only promotion putting on shows that I would pay to see. And about the World title situation, extended title reigns do build prestige but at this point anyone Samoa Joe would lose to would probably hurt his credibility. He has beaten guys like A.J. Styles, Briscoe Brothers, Bryan Danielson, Christopher Daniels, and Homicide, C.M. Punk is busy with Ricky Steamboat, so there is really no challenger who could live up to the standards of Samoa Joe's other opponents.

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Guest TonyJaymzV1

I'm actually loving this whole GenNex thing, the more young, good wrestlers, the better says I.


I mean this happens all the time in Indy feds. When ROH first started out, they where headlined by Low'Ki, Corino, AmDrag, and Daniels.


Then it was Styles, Joe, Daniels, Raven


And now they are just revovling again. Something some feds should do more often

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Y'know whose "buzz" is gone? CZW's.


CZW loses and gains a new buzz approximately every 3 months. It has nothing to do with this show which is a progression of some really nasty setbacks ROH have encountered and just a weirdly booked show that had been super hyped.


Trying to distract attention from your favourite promotion's current problems by pointing out a rival promotion is just silly.

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Maybe it's just me, but I really think this show sounds great. I like the booking of the show and now I really want to see both April ROH shows and this one too.

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Guest Jimbo
Y'know whose "buzz" is gone? CZW's.


CZW loses and gains a new buzz approximately every 3 months.




Hi-V's death kinda killed it's "buzz" for me, and random Teddy appearances have gotten old.


It has nothing to do with this show which is a progression of some really nasty setbacks ROH have encountered and just a weirdly booked show that had been super hyped.




I don't get what a tent has to do with it all (which most all accounts, wasn't much worse than the hot armory)....


Trying to distract attention from your favourite promotion's current problems by pointing out a rival promotion is just silly.


...the hell? :-/

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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood
Independent wrestling as a whole has seemed to be losing popularity over the past couple of months, with IWA Mid-South being the only promotion putting on shows that I would pay to see.

Eh, I disagree a little bit with that statement. PWG is putting on consistent quality, and Wildside's Freedom Fight show never disappoints- that's coming up pretty soon. Not only that, CZW's building to Best of the Best 4 - and with guys like Quance and Frantz already booked, and some really heavy hitters being rumored for it, it should blow away last year's.

Edited by Jay Z. Hollywood

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...the hell? :-/


The way you came out with the 'CZW has lost it's Buzz' line made you sound like one of those RoH fanboys who'd say the same sort of thing - rather than arguing the points they'd push blame / focus on anyother promotion or something else.


From the sounds of it, that wasn't how your comment was intended

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Sounds like a good show, i'll be interested in picking this one up in the near future. I've like Alex Shelley since i checked him out in the 2003 TPI i think it was IIRC, pleased to hear he's doing bigish things now in ROH.

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1. A scramble match between the Ring Crew Express and the Christopher Street Connection never took place as Generation Next, a heel group led by Alex Shelly consisting of Austin Aries, Roderick Strong, and Jack Evans attacked both teams. An open challenge led to a six man tag after that.

Looks like it was booked out of EWR. :P


The Steamboat stuff kinda made me mad and sad that they would treat him like that, but hey he does what he wants.

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Guest OSIcon
The Steamboat stuff kinda made me mad and sad that they would treat him like that, but hey he does what he wants.


What do you mean by "treat him like that"? Not seeing where he was treated "badly".

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Acid/Loc sounds like a weird combo. Should be interesting to see how it comes out on tape. The eight-man I really wanna see. It sounds really awesome. Good to see Joe retain the title. I didn't really expect him to retain, but it's good he did, because finally we can see the Joe vs. Punk rematch. I saw the match live last year and it was really good, but in a really hyped match like this, it should be even better. The Punk/Steamboat angle sounds intriguing. Punk's so awesome because nobody could've ever expected the Raven feud to go as far as it did when it was first beginning, but now it's considered one of the best feuds on the indy circuit. If booked right, this Steamboat storyline could be GOLD. Shelley/Hydro sounds like it could be really good, too. Those guys are both rising up the ladder. Briscoes/Outkast Killaz sounds...well...like a weird combo, although the Briscoes are awesome, so hopefully it turned out well.


Y'know whose "buzz" is gone? CZW's.


The Teddy/Acid match was really entertaining, as have been many of Sonjay, Strong, Petey Williams, and Blackouts showings, but the main event scene and lower card scene have been HORRIBLE. I don't even know if Acid vs. Sabu can save it. It's not so much the matches that suck as it is that CZW doesn't have the aura about it that it once did. They used to build their shows strictly around homegrown guys, but now they're bringing in all the guys who happen to be popular a particular week. The talent unity backstage is pretty much gone, especially compared to where it was two years ago, and Zandig isn't even getting along with many of the guys. Even with BOTB coming up soon, you gotta wonder - how many more guys can they keep flying in from Cali if they're drawing next to nothing at Viking Hall each month?

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I lost most of my interest in CZW when John Zandig won the Heavyweight title. I can't believe he would put the title back on himself after seeing how far The Messiah/Nick Gage/Nate Hatred took his company. I only check in on the shows to see what's going on in the lower-card with B-Boy, Blackout, Chris Hero, Jimmy Rave, Roderick Strong, Sonjay Dutt, etc.

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