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Guest gearhead

Does RandY Orton deserve a title shot yet?

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Guest gearhead

With the recent events of Randy Orton being promoted on the cover of the RAW only PPV Vengeance in July. With Randy Orton being promoted on the cover of the Vegeance poster, it has sparked rumours about Randy Orton poosibly taking the next step and recieving a title shot against either Chris Benoit or Kane, depending on who wins at Bad Blood. The question I'm asking in this thread is do you think that Randy Orton deserves a title shot?


Now most people know that I don't like Randy Orton. Randy Orton has not proved anything to the WWE or the WWE fans that he deserves a shot at the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at Vengeance. Orton has already recieved a title shot and that was last year at Summerslam in the Elimination Chamber. He was undeserving of that title shot then and he is still undeserving of a title shot now. Orton still hasn't proved that he can carry himself in matches, RVD carried him, HBK carried him, Edge carried him and Mick Foley carried him. Randy Orton also needs to prove himself in the ring. If we go back a few weeks to when Orton put his Intercontinental Title on the line against Edge, Orton was very sloppy in the first five minutes of the match. Why? Why does Orton deserve another Title shot? He is far too green to be given a singles title shot, If it wasn't for Orton's name he wouldn't even be recieving this push. It is disappointing to see an un-deserving wrestlers like Orton reciving title shots in front of deserving wrestlers like Jericho, Edge and Christian.

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Guest wildpegasus

No, because he rescently lost a couple of tag matches and one of those was agaisnt Benoit himself.

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Sadly, as much as I hate this little weasel I guess he really is the only obvious choice to dethrone Crippler. Your other option is HHH but that just doesn't sound like it's worth a crap. Have him drop the title to Shelton and then pin Chris in a three on three tag leading to Bischoff awarding him the title shot over HHH.


I hate Orton, I find him to be the most boring man on the roster and his ringwork to be subpar as ever. But it's time the WWE starts making winning the IC title the next to the championship once again to restore the credibility of that title and using it as the grooming block it once was.


Now excuse me, I have to go scrub the stain of saying the bag o suck should be the #1 contender.

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I wouldn't want to see him main eventing a PPV against Benoit, but I wouldn't mind seeing a World Title match as the main event of Raw. He'll obviously have to finish up with Benjamin first.

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Guest Trivia247

Um I wouldn't even consider his involvement in the Elimination chamber match as his Title shot, because he was only there to watch Hunters Back. Like how the whole Evolution was in the Battle royal. their whole point was to get HHH to win.


How about Orton Lose the IC title first to someone worthy of it (If there is anyone left who does on Raw) and Then maybe get some tag title or so.


lets not Darken our doorstep with the topic of Orton's World championship reign until the suitable year.... like three years from now or something.

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Orton still hasn't proved that he can carry himself in matches, RVD carried him, HBK carried him, Edge carried him and Mick Foley carried him.


I'm not really big either way with Orton. I don't really like him, but I don't dislike him. However, could you PLEASE tell me how Edge carried him? Really, show me how Edge carried that match because I don't see it. Shawn vs Orton at Unforgiven sucked, and Randy more than held his own against Mick Foley. I would say you're doing some unfounded Orton bashing. Say you don't like him, he doesn't desrve it, fine. I know alot of people feel that way, and I myself don't want him anywhere near the World Title. Don't just make up criticisms because you want to bash him.

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Guest JacK

Yeah . . . Orton isn't as bad as everyone makes him out to be.

Oh well, I'd buy a PPV with him main eventing. For me, that's all that matters.

Think of it this way, Orton >>> Bradshaw / Holly.

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I dont think hes ready for the main event yet, but then again if Bob Holly and Bradshaw can main event then whats stopping Mr. RKO?

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No. Randy Orton has improved to the point where he is now a vaguely credible IC champion, at least by today's standards - his ring work is OK, his timing is less cringeworthy than it was and he no longer trips himself up on the mic. But now he's comfortably on this level, let's not elevate him another one yet, hey?

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

Kane vs. Orton WILL NOT happen. It will probably be Orton vs. Benoit. And Orton will not win the World title yet. It's being kept warm for HHH. Then Orton might take it at Survivor Series after a face turn.

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Guest gearhead

Originally Posted by 2GOLD:

But it's time the WWE starts making winning the IC title the next to the championship once again to restore the credibility of that title and using it as the grooming block it once was.



Don't you think it still is used as the grooming block? I mean look, the IC Title is going to be held by Orton and eventually he will get the World Title. Same goes for the US Title. Cena has it right now, but there is not a doubt in my mind that he will end up WWE Champ one day. I'm just saying Orton isn't ready just yet to hold the belt and carry the company. Several people act like it is time for Benoit to drop the title now. He's only held the belt for a little over 2 months, he should remain champ for longer before we start jumping to conclusions on the next World Champion. Same goes for Eddie Guerrero and the WWE Title.

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Title shot? Sure, why the hell not? At a PPV? Ehhh--no. A title win? HELL NO!!!


Until Randy has a much more dynamic and fleshed-out character, he should stick to the midcard. If he takes over Evolution and has a strong singles run a la HHH/Rock, then they can right ahead.

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Originally Posted by 2GOLD:

But it's time the WWE starts making winning the IC title the next to the championship once again to restore the credibility of that title and using it as the grooming block it once was.



Don't you think it still is used as the grooming block? I mean look, the IC Title is going to be held by Orton and eventually he will get the World Title. Same goes for the US Title. Cena has it right now, but there is not a doubt in my mind that he will end up WWE Champ one day. I'm just saying Orton isn't ready just yet to hold the belt and carry the company. Several people act like it is time for Benoit to drop the title now. He's only held the belt for a little over 2 months, he should remain champ for longer before we start jumping to conclusions on the next World Champion. Same goes for Eddie Guerrero and the WWE Title.


Then I guess the WWE forgot that RVD and Booker held the belt. It doesn't mean as much as it once did, it used to be that belt was just the next step to a World title shot.


Now it's just there.

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Guest Coffey

Yeah, he defended it against Rob Van Dam after he won it off of him. He defended it against Foley at Backlash too. He also had to defend it on RAW against Edge. He'll be putting it up against Shelton too.

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Well WWE have had the ability as of late to make things on the Raw side work e.g Eugene. Who knows, maybe they'll be able to make Orton look like a credible threat for the World Title.


Seeing as HHH has to go film another movie now i'd say the best thing to do is to have a confrontation between the two where Orton turns his back on him and beats the living shit out of HHH "hospitalising" him. HHH goes off to make his movie, Orton gets heat and lets just say Orton does win the belt he has a ready made fued where HHH can come to challenge the cocky, arrogant, traitor Orton.


It could work..

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...many times.

The title defenses were nothing special outside of the Foley one which made him everybody's favorite "blue chipper" recently. Can't seem to remember the RVD one so it couldnt of been a MOTY or anything. I don't see why Orton deserves the title match against Beniot.


Randy does not work well with Edge nor HBK and only looked good in the Foley match. I see no reason for a title match oppertunity. Randy Orton has done nothing recently for me to think "Orton should be the next world title contender". Big deal he had a few tag matches with the main eventers but those matches did not help his cause any. If anything it should be Batista who should be the next Evolution member to get the title shot, after his tag matches looked better than Ortons. Beside Randy is in an angle with Shelton for the IC title which looks rather boring with the racism bs. The cocky bastard promos of "You're not on my level" are not working in my opinion and neither is the "I'm a legend" bs. Randy still needs to work on his promo skills as he is not a convincing heel yet. Orton is still a year or so away from deserving a title shot.

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(Seeing as HHH has to go film another movie now i'd say the best thing to do is to have a confrontation between the two where Orton turns his back on him and beats the living shit out of HHH "hospitalising" him. HHH goes off to make his movie, Orton gets heat and lets just say Orton does win the belt he has a ready made fued where HHH can come to challenge the cocky, arrogant, traitor Orton.)



Of course, that would mean Triple H turning face. Which does not work. Orton getting the belt does not work. I wouldn't mind having Orton face Benoit on Raw, but in the mauin event of a ppv? Give me Jericho or Christian vs Benoit before Orton vs Benoit. Infact, I would rather see Batista main event against Benoit than Orton. Not due to any preference between the two, I just think he would be a better opponent.




Orton's IC Title Matches

Orton vs Mick Foley was a NC

Orton beat Booker T

Orton beat RVD

Orton beat Booker T and RVD in a Triple Threat Match

Orton beat Mick Foley

Orton beat Val Venis

Orton beat Edge


I think that's all of them.

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The title defenses were nothing special outside of the Foley one which made him everybody's favorite "blue chipper" recently. Can't seem to remember the RVD one so it couldnt of been a MOTY or anything. I don't see why Orton deserves the title match against Beniot.

His match with Val on Heat was pretty good.

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The title defenses were nothing special outside of the Foley one which made him everybody's favorite "blue chipper" recently.  Can't seem to remember the RVD one so it couldnt of been a MOTY or anything.  I don't see why Orton deserves the title match against Beniot.

His match with Val on Heat was pretty good.

It was so good that it was on the B show?

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Using that mentality means that no matches on B-Shows can be good. It contained Val Venis, which is why it was on the B-Show. They wanted it to go 15 minutes. There is no way (at this time) that they would want to put Val Venis in a 15 minute match with a guy they are supposed to be pushing on Raw. Having it on Heat allows them to have a good match, not upset the 'rankings' (or at least, no one will know) and still put both guys over. There have been some good Heat matches this year that wouldn't have got as much time on Raw. Putting them on Heat gives them the time and let's them have a good match.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I can guess most people complain about lack of title defenses, but that's a good thing. IC Title matches can be more important than being defended every week like in 1999, where the title changed hands like 15 times.


Orton is fine for a mid/upper-midcard feud, but I wouldn't let him challenge for the World Title. Maybe a RAW title match where he has no chance to win, but on PPV, hell no.

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No, the belts don't have to be defended each week. They do, however, need to be defended AT LEAST once a month. Every 28 days (that's the ruling, right?). But they never enforce it (except when the storyline calls for it). Triple H didn't defend the belt between RR and WM. Surely they could have found an opponent for a Raw between the 2 ppvs? Eddie didn't defend his belt between the Booker match and the JBL match. Once a month is all you need, but they don't even do that anymore.

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Guest Champ

I believe that this is time for Randy Orton to get a title match-up in a major Pay-per-view, as this would be the perfect time to establish him has a up and coming main event star. He should not win the match, but should be placed in a competitive match-up with Benoit. This reminds me of the time in the 1994 King of the Ring Pay-per-view when Diesel faced Bret Hart for the title, because Diesel and Orton were in major pushes but not fully ready to have the championship belt.

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Jericho vs Benoit and Christian vs Benoit should both be Title matches before they even think about Orton. They have years with Orton, they don't need to push him to the main event now because he has improved a bit.

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Guest Korgath

Does he deserve a title shot? Yes.

Does he deserve the title? No.


He should get into a programme with Benoit while the Crippler's still Champion.

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Randy's close, but it's not quite his time yet. As long as HHH is the unquestioned leader of Evolution, Randy can't be taken seriously as a title contender. What he needs is some time to grow into the role while HHH is off making his movie. Then by this fall, around Survivor Series time, he'll be ready to not only compete for, but also win the World Championship.


Benoit is perfectly capable to be the champion at that point, but if he is, he should give a quick one-month reign to someone like Kane on the way.

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Meh, might as well give it to him, they already did it with Bradshaw.

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