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Guest MikeSC

When did this happen?

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I guess you weren't reading the SF Chron.


For three days, they were doing hatchet jobs on Kill Bill.

The SFC isn't exactly on my list of newspapers to read -- sorry.


That's my point.


And I was re-enforcing it. God it's weird when we agree on stuff, isn't it?...

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Well that's what you get for broadcasting smut, hippie.


What was the clip, btw?...

It was a clip of Oprah talking about sex. The clip got fairly graphic, to the extent of Howard Stern-esque in its language (an interview with a sex therapist, I believe), and the host was asking why she'd never get an FCC fine for it while they'd get fined for saying the same thing.


They got fined for it.

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And I was re-enforcing it. God it's weird when we agree on stuff, isn't it?...

Yes, yes it is.


*scratches his head at the prospect of this... "agreeing"*

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
OK, kids, what celebrity has been the most controversial this year? Which celebrity has generated the most negative press?


Best I can guess, it's been one Mel Gibson.


Why? Because he made a religious movie.


At what point in our history did people expressing their RELIGIOUS beliefs become so shocking? Why do some on the left view expression of religious beliefs as being offensive, while expression of POLITICAL beliefs are just peachy?


He made a film about the death of the most debated, investigated, and well known man in the history of the WORLD. What did you expect? NO NEGATIVE PRESS? What kind of dream world are you living in Mike?


Oh and not to mention the film offended members of the Jewish faith, which was bound to attract attention.

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Guest SP-1

I guess all those letters written by multiple people in an eyewitness generation who knew Jesus and were there don't count as "records".


Downhome, if you're lurking about didn't you post something about the Roman records documenting the crucifiction of a Jesus of Nazareth or something?


I'm not in the arguing mood right now so don't expect one those of you who love this sort of thing, but the general consensus that there aren't any records isn't true. The New Testament is comprised of letters -- documents -- written in an eyewitness generation -- often by eyewitnesses of the events themselves. Other types of documents, more often than not hand-me-downs from hundreds of years through methods far more questionable than the Jewish scribe system are trusted more simply because they don't talk about an existing and personal God who loved us enough to send us His Son.


As for Mel's flack: I don't believe the movie is anti-jewish. At all. The jewish race, like all types of people, do not have their hands squeaky clean. A Christian who hates jewish people because the religious leadership had a hand in the events leading up to Christ's death on the cross needs to realize that (1) Jesus was a Jew from the House of David (which you know, he needed to be since the prophecy about Him said he would come through that line, (2) the apostles were Jews, (3) The apostles were Jews and that includes Paul who wrote alot of the NT, (4) "Christian" and "Catholic" leaderships have done some pretty bad thigns as well since the Church was established (The Crusades, the modern sex scandals in the Catholic church, etc.). But just as not all Catholics are child molesters and true Christians shouldn't be of the mindset that produced the Crusades and neither should be judged by those events, we cannot judge the Jewish people for the Sanhedrin and their ilk's hand in the death of Christ.


They also need to realize that those events were ordained and Jesus knew they were coming ahead of time. And those events led to His atoning death to pay the price for sin so we could be restored in our relationship with God. And He chose to go through it willingly. If I could go back in time and stand at the cross I'd smile and look at one of those leaders and tell them that they didn't know what they had done. They had no idea their evil was being used for the grestest good in history. Which doesn't make the evil good. It just shows God's sovereignty and control over events.


There's so much more out there than alot of people want to check into or research. Especially not when it means stepping outside of the comfortable little box they're in and the resources there that will back up their existing system of beliefs. And before anyone says it: I was a part of the New Age movement and involved with the practice of contacting spirit guides, and I was a borderline Atheist before I came to know Christ. I've been around. And the truth will breed convictions.


No, I'm not going to argue these points. If DH wants to post the information about those Roman records that's up to him. I'm not going to get into a petty flame war with any of you here either. If you want intelligent conversation then hit me up on AIM or PM me and I'll be happy to chat with you. But TSM doesn't generally allow good conversation between all the flaming that inevitably results so I'm not planning to reply further here.

Edited by SpiderPoet

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Guest SP-1

Because somebody should say something to dispell the normal myths about those things. But at TSM, it turns into an argument too easily. The information that there's something different than what's normally accepted out there is at least presented.


I'm done.

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One could ask why you posted at all...

Because it's a religious thread, of course.


But, to SP's credit, at least he spoke out against the people who hold grudges on Jews nowadays for things that happened in the Biblical ages, instead of just a denial of association. So for once, a good change.

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