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Who the fuck moved our thread?

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Another whacky find~!


How about you put the effort you're using here and go email or PM a mod fer me, okay? I appreciate your endorsement of this thread through your participation, but it could be more beneficial elsewhere. Thanks.

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C'mon, TC, you're a bluey, Dr. Tom wouldn't touch this for some reason so hows bouts you?

Yeah, it wasn't me.


*passes the buck*

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Dr. Tom wouldn't touch this for some reason so hows bouts you?

This would be because I don't really care about your precious thread.


I mean, I would've, had you opened the topic like a rational human being. But swearing and yelling when you want something done will get you nowhere, at least not by me.


BTW, according to the logs, Dames moved it. If you're ready to be civil, I'll move it back. Otherwise, it can languish right where it is.

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Oh this is bullshit. Dames? DAMES?! I'm... I'm heart broken...


I didn't want anything "done", once the thread got put there it lost any sort of functionality and purpose, I just wanted to know who did it and why - since it clearly wasn't done to other threads and merely because CWM, of all dolts, asked wanted it moved. Fuck that shit. Clearly old ties still hold strong and this bullshit has to be put up with cause Dames owns the fucking board.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
And who the fuck listens to Cobainwasmurdered? How the fuck does he dictate what is and what isn't? And more importantly, WHO THE FUCK LISTENS TO CWM!?


I didn't want anything "done", once the thread got put there it lost any sort of functionality and purpose, I just wanted to know who did it and why - since it clearly wasn't done to other threads and merely because CWM, of all dolts, asked wanted it moved. Fuck that shit. Clearly old ties still hold strong and this bullshit has to be put up with cause Dames owns the fucking board.


Oh...this is delicious, just delicious.

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And who the fuck listens to Cobainwasmurdered? How the fuck does he dictate what is and what isn't? And more importantly, WHO THE FUCK LISTENS TO CWM!?

You repeated the same question twice you moron.


Oh, and you POSTED A FREAKING SPIDER? Of all the stupid things to do in a thread, you do the ONE thing that Dames SPECIFICALLY asked everyone NOT to do. Hello dickhead.

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He posted an ant, not a spider.


And why do you say Hello when you finish speaking with someone, don't you say that when you greet them? Or have I been doing it wrong for all these years?

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

If I had the power to get threads moved from the WWEolder then I'd have used it on something else.


Like the 1,000,000 shitty threads started by the Dynamic Duo. (BBCW, IB,)


Maybe your thread didn't deserve to be in Fantasy but it didn't belong in the WWE Folder.


If anything we need to bring back the Smarks Krew folder.


It was just my personal opinion that it shouldn't go in there. It's not like I ran to Dames and tattled.


If it helps I don't think any of the "Poster Recaps Smackdown/Raw)" should be in there. That's not what the folder is for.


It's creative writing. Bring Back Smarks Krew and I won't have the slightest problem with you guys posting it.


Well...I won't have a problem with LOTC posting it. RRR's just shown himself to be incredibly immature and petty.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

You guys are being total idiots over this. It's pathetic.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

After looking at it for four seconds, I've decided that it needs to stay in a folder I never post in.

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