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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Final Smackdown Rating...

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

WWE Smackdown did a 3.0 rating this week with a 5 share. That is down from a 3.2 last week and is another horrible rating for the show.


Credit: PWInsider.com




Some backstage think that Rikishi will be released from WWE soon. He has been out for awhile due to an ankle injury but many think he is milking the injury and staying out longer than needed. Many have been upset with him for not losing some weight as well. Even still, he remains popular in the locker room.


Credit: PWTorch.com



Well, Smackdown's been sucking for three months, so I'm not surprised. As for Kishi, I don't think he'll be released, but he's been injured more often than he's healthy, and is grossly out of shape. He really adds nothing fresh to smackdown, and has beat the fat guy wearing a thong gimmick into the ground.

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Well, the rating was already discussed in another thread, even noting the difference in the way sites reported it (PWI says it's horrible, Meltzer said it's good).


I remember thinking last year that Rikishi hadn't renewed his contract and how he was gone from SmackDown matches forever, but then he finally signed a new deal, came back, and won the tag titles. Hopefully history does not repeat itself.


Edit: Oops, I forgot. The rating was actually being discussed in JHawk's feedback thread, not a thread of it;s own.

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Edit: Oops, I forgot. The rating was actually being discussed in JHawk's feedback thread, not a thread of it;s own.

Is it even being "discussed" in that thread? Posted, yes. But I haven't read any replies to the subject.


The way I see it, aside from something major, there should be no excuse for a low(er) rating other than a poor product. If the fans want to watch the show, they'll watch the show. If there is something better on, then they (the WWE) should be asking themselves "why aren't we the better show on?".

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

PWInsider is always negative, and Meltzer is always harping about ladder matches. I think it's a fair trade.


I didn't read the SD Feedback thread since I last posted in it, so I was unaware it was mentioned.

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IF you want to get technical, 3.Anything is horrible for Raw and anything less than 3.8 is horrible for SmackDown! based on past glory.


Past glory is done. Frankly, if the SD! rating maintains 3.0 or more, it's surviving fine considering the show at the moment. And yeah, Raw should be in the upper 3's - 4's range, but it could be doing 1.4 and it would still be a top rated cable show.

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There is no reason* why Smackdown can't do 3.7's and RAW can't do 4.5's constantly. They've been able to hit those numbers "after the boom" - which means the potential audience is there - but haven't been able to sustain it.


(*No reason, aside from a bad product)

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Guest sean pyro

Why does Rikishi need to lose weight? this whole EVERYONE NEEDS TO BE UNDERWARE MODEL bullshit is tired.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Maybe because before his injury he was like 350 pound, and when he returned he was at Yokozuna levels of fat?

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If they want him to lose weight, shouldn't they find him a persona that doesn't revolve around his big fat ass?


Because you know if he did lose the weight, they'd release him anyway because "creative had nothing for him to do."

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Guest Choken One

Cut 300 lbs off Yok..I mean Rikishi and you got a pretty good worker.

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Cut 300 lbs off Yok..I mean Rikishi and you got a pretty good worker.

Yes, dropping to 100 pounds would greatly improve his skills.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Cut 300 lbs off Yok..I mean Rikishi and you got a pretty good worker.

Yes, dropping to 100 pounds would greatly improve his skills.

I think CO is mocking how Yokozuna was like 750 pounds when he left WWF and my refference to how how out shape Rikishi got since last year. Rikishi has GOT to be near 500 by the looks of him the last time he was on.

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This reminds me of the Mark Henry/Big Show days


Henry and Show lost tons of weight, came back and were told "creative had nothing for them" and that the company "wasn't happy with their current size and that they needed them bigger".


I can understand if it's a health issue but in most cases they fire the guy after he works his ass off (literally) because he no longer fits his gimmick and they can't think of a new one. If they tell you to lose weight, you are better off losing 10 pounds and seeing if you can trick them.


This company has more mood swings than they can keep track of.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

But in Rikishi's case, his weight last year wasn't a problem. He's gained at LEAST 100 pounds. That's really out of shape, even for him.


Big Show never lost weight. He just gained more. But I do remember something about Mark Henry dropping to like 330-340, then was told to gain it all back. (stupid WWE)

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Big Show never lost weight. He just gained more. But I do remember something about Mark Henry dropping to like 330-340, then was told to gain it all back. (stupid WWE)

It was because Henry was in a Strongman competition, so he needed the weight back. So it wasn't for no reason.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

But that was right when he returned to WWE TV after about 2 years away. So maybe it's a mix of both, or WWE pushing for him to be in it.

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But that was right when he returned to WWE TV after about 2 years away. So maybe it's a mix of both, or WWE pushing for him to be in it.


WWE wanted Henry in the strongman competition as Vince was looking for more mainstream publicity. And Big Show lost about 80-100 pounds to be exact. He just looked the same when he came back.

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Big Show never lost weight. He just gained more. But I do remember something about Mark Henry dropping to like 330-340, then was told to gain it all back. (stupid WWE)

It was because Henry was in a Strongman competition, so he needed the weight back. So it wasn't for no reason.

I thought it was for "Bridget Jones' Diary," am I outta the loop or what?

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Guest Quik

Speaking of Mizark, what's that worthless fuck doing nowadays? I guess creative had nothing for him since he lost Teddy Long. Not surprised, back-sweat alone won't get you over with a crowd.

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Speaking of Mizark, what's that worthless fuck doing nowadays? I guess creative had nothing for him since he lost Teddy Long. Not surprised, back-sweat alone won't get you over with a crowd.

Last I heard he was still injured.


That may have changed recently though.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

He's injured, which they covered up with "OMG! Benoits crossface broke his arm!" or something. Long is gone because BOTH his male proteges are injured, and there's nothing for him to do.


Which reminds me, when is Rodney Mack coming back? Gotta back the Mack...

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Speaking of our hero...


Big Show Update


The Big Show is in Toronto this weekend and after throwing the opening pitch at the Blue Jay game did a one-on-one interview with TSN.ca/Wrestling (http://www.tsn.ca/wrestling/news_story.asp?ID=87297&hubName=wrestling).


In the interview, Big Show talks about his character changing from WCW to WWE as he believes he has done what creative has wanted him to do, from being the Big Scary monster to the funny guy. When asked about his favorite character, Big Show breaks into his Hogan impersonation and then says that he prefers to be the persona where fans think he is crazy (Heyman). They move onto Bradshaw in Germany and show says that Bradshaw is a very intelligent and caring person. Show says that Bradshaw was probably only doing what his character is supposed to do and something Bradshaw must have thought would help his character but the rest of the world didn't see it like that. Show says he may have crossed the line but says Bradshaw wouldn’t mean to offend people to that magnitude. There is a difference between trying to piss someone off and actually hurting your fan, and they don’t want the later because it is bad for the fan base. Show things it was a quick decision in the heat of the moment that turned out really bad and he doesn't think it was done with intent and it was just a mistake. Show says they have to push the limits but they are working towards going back to old school values. It is compared to when a heel comes out and makes fun of the home sports team, such as saying The Blue Jays sucks but it wares off on people now and isn't as effective so they have to do new and more interesting things. Show says that with all the things going on, there is no substitute for quality entertaining and Bradshaw didn't really mean what he did. He compares it to when you are a kid and you do something really bad and later upon reflection you can't believe you did what you did. Lastly about his health, Show said they had to drill his kneecap cause it was right down to bone on bone. Surgery was really good, he has lost 30 points and he is looking to come back in August or September. Show says he expects to be going back to Smackdown.


credit: 411

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

At least Big Show adds SOME form of Main Event threats in the heel section to the World Title. I wouldn't be surprised though of they took the title off Eddie and gave it someone else. Sadly, I have no idea who that someone is, but if I had to guess, it would be someone I wouldn't want as champ.

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So why hasn't the Laguana/Bruce Pritchard(yuck) era ended yet on Smackdown...!!!????

If rumors are to be believed, Prichard is gaining more power (he's behind the push for extreme gimmicks, burying the cruisers, and is a big ally of Taker) at the expense of Lagana (who, if rumors are to be believed, is a backer of the cruisers).

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