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Raws from 95 to 99

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im thinking of getting some Raws from this time period but does anyone know which would be the best time period to get shows from. I don't necessarily mean just wrestling-wise but by entertainment value as well

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Personally I wasn't a fan of 1999 as a whole. I think it got better towards the end of the year though, once Triple H was in the main event role.


Of all the years mentioned, I believe 1997 - specifically the fall and winter which were dominated by DX version 1 - would be the most entertaining. The same could be said for most of 1998, especially the build up to Summer Slam.


For 96 ... I wasn't a huge fan of Shawn's title run but there were some good episodes. Off the top of my head, early April with Vader vs. Yoko in which Vader "breaks" Yoko's leg by hitting the Vader Bomb as the leg was resting on the bottom rope.


Fall 1995 had some good moments. Shawn's collapse. The 6-man tag with Taker, HBK, and Diesel against Davey, Owen, and Yoko in which the three faces take a huge beating after the match from their opponents, King Mabel, and Dean Douglas.


Maybe this is just nostalgia talking but I found the 1993 episodes from the Manhattan Center to be more entertaining than anything from 94, 95, and 96. The crowd was hot for everything and the atmosphere was electric even for Bam Bam vs. Virgil.

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The post-Rumble 96 Raw where Vader attacked Gorilla Monsoon.


For 97, damn near anything from 4/21 on is great. My favorites are the Austin/Bret street fight (with Austin attacking Bret in the ambulance and Pillman's return), the Memorial Day show with HBK and Austin winning the tag belts, the Flag Match in Halifax in July, the San Antonio show where Dude Love debuted, 8/11 with Michaels/Mankind, 8/18 from Atlantic City (I was there!), and 9/22 from MSG with Austin stunning McMahon for the first time.


For 98...I can't remember as many dates, but there's the post-Rumble Raw with Austin and Tyson, the February Raw where the Outlaws tossed Cactus and Terry Funk off the stage in a dumpster, the Raw where Tyson joined DX, the post-Mania Raw with Austin/McMahon, X-Pac's return, the new DX and Faarooq being kicked out of the Nation, the Raw in July (I think it was 2 weeks after KOTR) where Kane and Mankind won the Tag Titles from the Outlaws, 8/24 from Philly, the post-Breakdown show...man I'll stop there.


For 99...August 9 (Jericho's debut...plus CHYNA as #1 contender) was probably my favorite show. That, or the episode where Foley won the title for the first time.

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Hmmm....let's see. Off the top of my head, these are the most memorable editions of RAW:



The post WM show where Sid attacked Shawn and turned face.

The show where Shawn defended the IC title against Sid in the match that was supposed to be on SS.

The show where Shawn "collasped" mid match to sell his Buffalo beating.



The show were Vader attacked Gorilla Monsoon

The show from where Goldust kissed Ahmed Johnson

The show from October were Austin invaded Pillman's home with a gun.




The Thursday RAW Thursday show (first 2 hour edition), where Shawn lost his smile and Maivia beat HHH for the IC title.

The show were Bret lost it in the cage and started yelling profanities.

The show were Austin attacked Bret in the ambulance

Pretty much the entire summer, including the episode from June where Austin and HBK won the tag belts

The show from August when Austin won the tag belts with Dude Love.

The show from October, in MSG, where Foley appeared as Cactus Jack and McMahon took his first stunner.

The DX shows from November and December was funny for there shock value.

The show from December where Austin throw the IC belt in the river.

The show from December where Austin stunned Santa.



The show where Tyson and Austin had their confrontation.

The post WM show where X-pac debut and cut his killer promo and the NAO joined DX.

The post KotR show with the Kane/Austin title change.

The show from July where Kane and Undertaker took the tag belts from NAO and I believe D'Lo won the European title in the same show.

All the shows leading up to Summerslam, especially the one with where they set up the HHH/Rock ladder match with Rock locking H in his locker room and berading China.

The post Suvivor Series show from Seattle with Rock/Austin as the ME for the belt and where Foley official turned face.



The first show of the year with the Foley title win

The post RR show where Foley gave away the Rock's money

The post St. Valentine's Day Massacre show with the Rock/Mankind title change.

The show before Backlash where Rock "buried" Austin's career

The show before SS where the number contender to the title changed like 5 times

The show after where HHH won his first World title from Foley

The show where the Rock and Sock Connection was formed, beating Taker and Show for the tag belts.

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97 Raw-Bret's heel turn following WM where he dogged the US (awesome heel turn speech) and beat up a gimpy Shawn.


97 Raw-Bret shit talks Shawn from a wheelchair and gets superkicked out of the chair, can't remember the airdate.

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97 Raw-Bret shit talks Shawn from a wheelchair and gets superkicked out of the chair, can't remember the airdate.

I'm pretty sure that was 5/12. The live feed ran out as Bret was talking so they showed the actual kick the following week when they were in Mobile, AL (Holly beats Owen in the non-title match).

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So are these actually great shows, or your favourite moments?


From what I remember of the shows, I enjoyed them. I don't have any of my old Raw tapes, so I can't go back and verify. But if my memory serves me correctly, most of those shows where good. I just listed the most memorable moments since I didn't have tapes.

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So are these actually great shows, or your favourite moments?

The 95/96 shows are a little iffy, but the 97/98 stuff was great. Better entertainment than for actual wrestling though.


Another Raw I liked from 95 was the show where Bulldog turned on Diesel...just prior to SummerSlam.

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reading all these brings back so many memories. I think my safest bet would be to start around the beginning in 95 as just looking at Cawthon's website I am interested in seeing the Battle Royal won by Owen Hart, and the weeks before and after that and then I can just start getting them all gradually, but thanks for the input guys

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be sure to get the Raw from, i wanna say december 98 where Austin beat up Vince in the hospital and the creation of socko...the ping of the bedpan off Vince's mellon was sheer awesomeness!

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Get all of 97 from begining to end just for historical purposes, throw in jan. of 98-April of 98. The change from January 1, 1997 to May 1, 1998 is absolutly amazing. It was one hell of a ride I wish never ended.

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Guest MikeSC

I'll be honest --- if you watch them now, you'll be amazed at how bad and short the in-ring product tends to be.


Sometimes, nostalgia is best left as nostalgia.


The "Attitude" era has definitely not aged too well.


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well i've stated it numerous times before...the Austin/Bret and Shawn/Bret rivalries were great, if not limited due to injuries between the 3...if you want to see that great stuff and see how rivalries should be done(and the WWE should probably go back and review these tapes as well) check out all the Raws from about Sept. 96 thru Nov. 97...


the "fueds" going on today have nothing on these...Shawn/HHH was good, but overkill ruined it...

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The same could be said for most of 1998, especially the build up to Summer Slam.

There was an episode of Raw, I believe it was the Monday before SummerSlam, where Austin was backing up the ramp as it was catching on fire, and AC/DC's Highway to Hell was playing. I was completely marking out at that moment. That's honestly one of the last PPV's I was genuinely enthralled by the build-up, even knowing that Austin/UT may only be a mediocre match.

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Guest MikeSC
How bad and short the in ring product is? As compared to what, the technical masterpieces we get now?

J, the stuff on RAW and SD are markedly better than the stuff on RAW back then. People tend to remember the good things over the long haul and not the bad.


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