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Zack Malibu

Malibu's New Career Begins

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Most of you probably remember earlier this year when I took a field placement class as part of my education major, and did work study in a school as a teacher's assistant. Since the semester ended I've continued to work voluntarily at the school, and had constantly been told to apply, although at the time there were no positions available. Lately, the school has lost several people and are under-staffed at the moment, so a few weeks ago I went to a conference with all the teachers, and what do I find in my packet?


An application.


So I hand it in, and I'm waiting to hear back (because the school is overseen by an agency, and it's the agency that has to file the application, interview you, etc.) and several weeks back, I got the call for an interview, which went very well. I already had everyone at the school pulling for me to get hired due to my enthusiasm and willing to learn (since this is what I want to do as a profession), and I figured it was in the bag.


Well, it was. As of last week, I was officially hired, and will start pending the completion of some paperwork (background check, medical clearance, etc.) So in about a week or two, ol' Zack will officially be a part of the education system. I'm not sure where in the school I'll be working (it's a mix of both typical and special needs students, right now I volunteer in a special needs room with elementary age kids, as well as the kindergarten), but I've heard rumors that I might be put in with the pre-school group to start. The atmosphere at the school is great, I get along with everyone there (and it's not a large school really, so I do know mostly everyone), the benefits are a huge help to a kid in college like myself (medical, dental, vision, plus tuition assistance, etc.). I've really lucked out, and I'm on cloud nine because of it.


I'll also be keeping my job doing the wrestling merchandise thang part-time, because right now I'm just trying to start up a nest egg, so filling the bank account in a major priority. Another plus is that when I return to school in fall, the work study course allows you to use your job (if you have one in a school/social service agency) for the credit for class, which means I won't have to take any days off, and can go to the afternoon evaluations once a week at campus.


Just figured I'd share, since I do talk to a lot of you, and figured you'd be interested to hear about this latest development.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Yeah no kidding. I'm surprised you didn't focus on high school, Zack. Elementary ed? Phew buddy. Good luck with that. Invest in some Kleenex and alcohol gel.

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At one point my goal was to pursue high school English, but I come from a large Italian family and have been helping raise little cousins left and right for years now, so dealing with a younger set of students is something I'm capable of doing. Also, the reason I got into special ed is because there is a severe lack of special ed teachers, because honestly you have to have a lot of patience, amongst other qualities, in order to handle disabled children. It wasn't my intent to stay in special ed long-term (having the credentials looks good on a resume), but I find myself doing well with it, even better than I thought I'd have been.

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Guest FrigidSoul

Either there's no summer vacation where you're working or you just got hired like 3 months in advance.

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There's no summer vacation. It's year round curriculum, with several week long breaks, plus holiday breaks (obviously) throughout. Mostly due to the handicapped workshops, as well as the daycare center.

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It's not a full school during the summer. Like I said, during the summer it's mostly the kids whose parents work during the day, or the handicapped kids who benefit from being there often. There are several week long vacations during the summer months, however.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Congrats, my good man.


Make us proud.

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Teh ZACK~! is now working as a schoolteacher.


All I can say is good luck, and don't let the little buggers take too much control over your life. The day you do that, you're totally messed up and lose control of the class. Trust me; my mom is a schoolteacher in elementary school.

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