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Guest MikeSC

It has happened again

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Guest Hero to all Children
I agree. These guys should also suffer the same fate too no?

Dear Canadian Matthew Good fan (Jesus it's hard to keep liking his music when he produces stuff like "A world called Catastrophe." Damned bleeding heart Canadian.),

that's why you don't taunt the god damned dogs while you're naked.

Also: war hurts and is ugly, get used to it. I mean .. at least they applied a field bandage to that guys shot-through knee. That's more positive than I can say about the past wars.

"How can we inform on our brothers when we see all these pictures coming from Abu Ghraib and Rafah," Muklas Nawaf, a resident of Dhahar al-Budaih, said as he ate meat grilled on a spit at a restaurant called Jihad, Arabic for holy war. He was referring to the pictures of Iraqis abused by U.S. soldiers at the Abu Ghraib prison (search) in Baghdad and Israeli military incursions and killings in the Gaza refugee camp of Rafah.


"This is not a little skirmish. It is a war," Nawaf said.

Absolutely infuriating.


Jihad doesn't mean holy war, just like fatwah doesn't mean "kill the fucker." A jihad is a "struggle" quite literally transelated, some people make their struggle a war. And a fatwah is a religious proclamation along the lines of "the fatwah on how to handle poultry in a pure and religious manner."



Re: totally flipping out (only advisable if you harness real ultimate power) and kicking off the heads of all the terrorists in the world: Good luck. You'll need it if you don't want to piss even more people off for killing their next of kin and collateral damage.

You might as well send police patrols into the ghettos and tell them to shoot every black kid who looks like they are contemplating crime. TIME FOR TALK IS TOTALLY OVER, DUDE!


Losing your head has never been advisable in the heat of battle and controversy, it's like an elephant in the crystal-vase store: Embarrassing and expensive.



Rob E Dangerously:

so.. is there a reason why both Berg and Johnson were in orange jumpsuits?


just asking. Weird coincidence, or does it mean something?


Actually yes. In Islam the colour red/orange is reserved for condemmed men. Most inmates of guantanamo thought that they'd be executed in Camp X-ray until their captors told them that the jump-suits were just orange so they'd be really obviously visible.


So chances are that it was a reference to the people in guantanamo and the whole "man doomed to die" thing.



And now, finally a few words on our dear, dead countryman:

His company sent him to a place that was known to be dangerous (trust me, agencies are paying people a lot of money if they're willing to go to Saudi Arabia these days,) chances are that he got quite a nice bonus on his pay-cheque for that too. He went there voluntarily, he wasn't forced. Quitting his job would have been an option.

Alas he was kidnapped while doing his job and executed in the name of yet another self-righteous people's revolution.

A moment of silence for this unfortunate man, please. While we're at it: Please don't use his death to push your anti-Islam, anti-America, anti-whatever agenda. Just let him rest in peace already, you hyenas.

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Guest MikeSC
Frankly, I'm so fucking sick of all this I could puke.


I want to see some of those hostages and some of their families showing more guts. Instead of the standard "He didn't do anything wrong, he loves Arabs and he has a deep and abiding respect for Islam, please send him home and we'll let you fuck our mother in the ass" bullshit, let's see someone say "Fuck you, you Arab towel-heads. Fuck you ALL. Go ahead and kill my dad. We're going to turn your entire fucking country into radioactive glass and piss on the smoking ruins of Mecca. You want a fucking war? You fucking got one." I want the hostages to look into the camera and say, "Tell them to go to hell," like hostages do in every Highlander episode ever broadcast, every melodramatic direct-to-Lifetime TV movie ever filmed, and every Harlequin romance ever published.


And I want our fucking government to live up to those expectations. Our armed forces are the clenched right hand of God Almighty. NOW LET'S USE THEM. I want to rain fire and lead on those motherfuckers until there's nothing left but brittle ashes. I want Americans to stop hiding their passports. I want our countrymen to be able to stand up and say "Civis Americanus sum," confident that the most powerful military ever to dominate the world will utterly exterminate not only any terrorists who dare to touch a hair on their heads, but also the terrorists' friends, their families, and their entire countries. Fuck compassion and fuck justice. The rules just went out the window my friend, and you undid the latch. We didn't start this but by God we'll finish it.


This is war. These are terrorists. We're looking into the face of evil. Take your "root causes" and shove them up your goddamned ass. You want a war? You got a FUCKING war.

So...which side are the extremeists again?

CWM, you are officially a fucking moron.


You seem to miss one key distinction --- THE MONKEYS ARE TARGETING CIVILIANS. They are --- just like their brethren in Palestine --- not targeting the military, but INNOCENT CIVILIANS. Their GOAL is fucking anarchy and a life of hell for their fellow Muslims.


If there was a time for righteous fucking anger --- this is it. If the Middle East won't take this problem seriously ---WE FUCKING BETTER.


Do you think they will hesitate, for ONE MOMENT, to use nukes should they manage to get their grubby paws on them?


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I personally wouldn't mind the US splooging their military seed all over Iraq in one giant armed-moneyshot, but -ultimately- that'll create more problems than solve. Besides, Iraq is a commodity. I don't think the government would want to fuck it up since it's one of the reasons they went in there in the first place.

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Guest MikeSC


(waits to hear "sand niggers" next)

Kylie, stay out of topics you are CLEARLY uninformed on.


...You are so in the wrong here, it's mind-boggling...

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Guest Hero to all Children
You seem to miss one key distinction --- THE MONKEYS ARE TARGETING CIVILIANS. They are --- just like their brethren in Palestine --- not targeting the military, but INNOCENT CIVILIANS. Their GOAL is fucking anarchy and a life of hell for their fellow Muslims.


Kids! It is most important that you don't forget what GI Joe taught you when you were still wee lads and lasses: If COBRA CommanderMONKEY Major wins then there'll be Anarchy! And as we all know Anarchy leads to Communism and Communism leads to THE DEATH AND END OF EVERYTHING WE LOVE.



In other words: Are you sure that you're not frothing at the mouth a bit too much, Mike?

These guys don't want anarchy. They want their own fucked up vision of a global theocracy and the death of all non-muslims by all means. Sure that's brutal and wrong and despotic. But it's most certainly not Anarchy.

Aside of that, to them military or civillian hardly matters. They themselves aren't military either and to them everyone who works for "the great Satan America" is the enemy.


These guys themselves are civillians, the whole half-way moral justification of "at least they're only targeting the military" doesn't even make sense anymore because it relies on a concept of honour and war. No war has been declared, there is no enemy army. The military is just as fucked when some ass plows into their base with a truck full of explosives and blows himself up as the people of Penny Lane corner Lancaster Road would be if someone did the same thing.



This is all out guerillia shit-slinging warfare in which they target everyone everwhere and are nowhere themselves and we torture their people once we get our hands on them, napalm their villages and humiliate them in every way possible.

No one is in the right, no one is the moral victor in this one. Being the moral winner of a guerillia war is like finishing first at the special dictators olympics. You're still a damned retard/war criminal.


I've chosen my side in this war, I'm enlisting and I swear to god I'll be the first to put a bullet between the eyes of every child that approaches me all too rapidly because it may just be packing C-4 under that adorable Mickey Mouse shirt.


But I've got a seriously hard time to get upset/outraged over things being the way they obviously and naturally are.

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Guest Anglesault


(waits to hear "sand niggers" next)

Monkies isn't racist.

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Guest Hero to all Children


(waits to hear "sand niggers" next)

Monkies isn't racist.


Black people were and are called monkeys by people who believe that they're evidently lesser humans due to their heritage, more akin to monkeys than to man.


You might as well say that sand-nigger is actually a loving and cutesy name because it includes them A-rabs into our rich American history.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered


(waits to hear "sand niggers" next)

Monkies isn't racist.

Yes, yes it is.


Please find one mainstream source that says it's not.



And Mike, learn to read a post before getting your panties in a knot. I said Marney's viewpoints are extreme. Which they are since she's advocating killing everyone.

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Guest MikeSC
So, to be informed, I'll advocate wiping the region out and using slurs.


Should I start studying phrenology as well?

Nah --- but talking when you don't have a clue what's going on is kinda funny. I've explained the term "monkeys" ad inifitum. If somebody wishes to bring him up to speed, feel free. I don't care enough to do so.

In other words: Are you sure that you're not frothing at the mouth a bit too much, Mike?

These guys don't want anarchy. They want their own fucked up vision of a global theocracy and the death of all non-muslims by all means. Sure that's brutal and wrong and despotic. But it's most certainly not Anarchy.

Arabia is hardly anything but a brutal, oppresive regime. They want to topple that. Do you think they CARE about Islam? Do you think Islam is even the tiniest SHRED of importance in their unformed minds?


It isn't. Islam is their excuse. They have no problem killing Muslims.

These guys themselves are civillians, the whole half-way moral justification of "at least they're only targeting the military" doesn't even make sense anymore because it relies on a concept of honour and war. No war has been declared, there is no enemy army. The military is just as fucked when some ass plows into their base with a truck full of explosives and blows himself up as the people of Penny Lane corner Lancaster Road would be if someone did the same thing.

Attacking the military like that is cowardly.


Attacking CIVILIANS like that is evil and sub-human.

This is all out guerillia shit-slinging warfare in which they target everyone everwhere and are nowhere themselves and we torture their people once we get our hands on them, napalm their villages and humiliate them in every way possible.

That, to be blunt, is bullshit.


Plain and simple.


I can't believe that ANYBODY can still refer to humiliating prisoners as torture --- when we have EXAMPLES OF WHAT TORTURE ACTUALLY IS.


Do we behead people and stick video on the internet? Hell, they torture them BEFORE they behead them, to boot.

No one is in the right, no one is the moral victor in this one. Being the moral winner of a guerillia war is like finishing first at the special dictators olympics. You're still a damned retard/war criminal.

No, that is moral relativism.


We're NOT targeting civilians. We're putting OUR TROOPS at risk to AVOID killing civilians.


They're TARGETING civilians. It's part of the entire monkeys' battle plan, laid out by Palestinians and continued by terrorists.


And the sad thing is, by the time the Middle Eastern despots realize that the terrorists will KILL THEM TOO, it might be too late.


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I seem to remember a lot of folks on this board claiming that there wouldn't be any guerilla warfare after the initial bombings.....so I guess they can go ahead and admit they were flat our wrong.


Personally, I WISH there was some way to evacuate the innocent civilians, both arab, british, and america(and whoever else) so we could just reign down a lethal blitzkrieg of fury all over the wretched enemy, but since that is not possible, I would really like this administration to explain the steps it is taking to make progress.


It seems for the last six months or so, nothing has changed, for the better OR worse...it just is what it is. I honestly, have no fucking clue what this administrations plan is. If I have to hear Bush say, "........we will bring the perpatrotors to justice" one more time I am gonna puke. Justice? Is that a nice way of saying, I am gonna stick the barrel of my gun down their throats and pull the trigger a few times? Because that seems like pretty good justice for the animals that did the beheadings.


However the issue is really bigger then the beheadings. This whole "War on terrorism" is a fucking huge mess. I don't care if you are for the war, against the war, who the hell you are voting for, blah fucking blah. Iraq is a goddamn mess right not, like it or not. Does anyone honestly think Bush or Kerry is going to guide us through this......come on now..


The problem is that we got involved in a war where you aren't fighting an army, you are just fighting the next dude that points his gun at you, and that could be ANYONE at ANYTIME.


I love how Saudi Arabia 'killed the leader" about an hour after the beheading. I mean what was that, a "oh shit the americans are gonna be pissed, hey Habib, go down and take one of the mob guys out" If that isn't fucking suspicious I dunno what it is.


I am kind of all over the place in this rant, but I think this administration has finally gotten itself into something that there is no clear cut answer to. Neither side really has the right idea, and I am pretty much in the dark as well, and rightfully so.


Whether you like the president or not, you HAVE to look at the situation in Iraq being the mess it is, and hold the administration responsible, with that said, if thing miraculously get better in time for the election, WE ALL have to take that into account to, and give this administration the same credit for it.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Nah --- but talking when you don't have a clue what's going on is kinda funny. I've explained the term "monkeys" ad inifitum. If somebody wishes to bring him up to speed, feel free. I don't care enough to do so.


No you've just tried to justify it while completely ignoring the racism of it.

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Guest MikeSC
Nah --- but talking when you don't have a clue what's going on is kinda funny. I've explained the term "monkeys" ad inifitum. If somebody wishes to bring him up to speed, feel free. I don't care enough to do so.


No you've just tried to justify it while completely ignoring the racism of it.

Haven't you already proven yourself to be a simpering moron?


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Guest MikeSC
I seem to remember a lot of folks on this board claiming that there wouldn't be any guerilla warfare after the initial bombings.....so I guess they can go ahead and admit they were flat our wrong.

Damn those STRAW men --- as most of us figured the other countries would send in people to attack and prevent democracy from occurring in Iraq.

Personally, I WISH there was some way to evacuate the innocent civilians, both arab, british, and america(and whoever else) so we could just reign down a lethal blitzkrieg of fury all over the wretched enemy, but since that is not possible, I would really like this administration to explain the steps it is taking to make progress.


It seems for the last six months or so, nothing has changed, for the better OR worse...it just is what it is.  I honestly, have no fucking clue what this administrations plan is.  If I have to hear Bush say, "........we will bring the perpatrotors to justice" one more time I am gonna puke.  Justice?  Is that a nice way of saying, I am gonna stick the barrel of my gun down their throats and pull the trigger a few times?  Because that seems like pretty good justice for the animals that did the beheadings.


However the issue is really bigger then the beheadings.  This whole "War on terrorism" is a fucking huge mess.  I don't care if you are for the war, against the war, who the hell you are voting for, blah fucking blah.  Iraq is a goddamn mess right not, like it or not.  Does anyone honestly think Bush or Kerry is going to guide us through this......come on now..


The problem is that we got involved in a war where you aren't fighting an army, you are just fighting the next dude that points his gun at you, and that could be ANYONE at ANYTIME. 


I love how Saudi Arabia 'killed the leader" about an hour after the beheading.  I mean what was that, a "oh shit the americans are gonna be pissed, hey Habib, go down and take one of the mob guys out"  If that isn't fucking suspicious I dunno what it is.


I am kind of all over the place in this rant, but I think this administration has finally gotten itself into something that there is no clear cut answer to.  Neither side really has the right idea, and I am pretty much in the dark as well, and rightfully so.


Whether you like the president or not, you HAVE to look at the situation in Iraq being the mess it is, and hold the administration responsible, with that said, if thing miraculously get better in time for the election, WE ALL have to take that into account to, and give this administration the same credit for it.

You know, one man said this would take a long time and would be a brutally difficult fight.


That man was George Bush.


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Guest Anglesault


(waits to hear "sand niggers" next)

Monkies isn't racist.


Black people were and are called monkeys by people who believe that they're evidently lesser humans due to their heritage, more akin to monkeys than to man.


You might as well say that sand-nigger is actually a loving and cutesy name because it includes them A-rabs into our rich American history.

It's racist if you are using it to slur someone's heritage. Not when using it to describe someone's conduct.

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Guest MikeSC


(waits to hear "sand niggers" next)

Monkies isn't racist.


Black people were and are called monkeys by people who believe that they're evidently lesser humans due to their heritage, more akin to monkeys than to man.


You might as well say that sand-nigger is actually a loving and cutesy name because it includes them A-rabs into our rich American history.

It's racist if you are using it to slur someone's heritage. Not when using it to describe someone's conduct.

I appreciate it, AS, but they choose to remain ignorant and nothing said will change it.


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Guest Wildbomb 4:20

Once again, what the fuck is happening in the Middle East that broods these people?


As I've said before, it all comes down to the fact that in the human psyche, we all need something to wind up believing in. When someone comes along to challenge said beliefs, especially those dealing with their religion, people are extremely defensive. We've seen it here with Christian churches witholding Communion to pro-life politicians, with the gay marriage debate, whenever theological debates occur, people become extremely defensive, no matter how irrational it may seem. And in the Middle East, people are applying their own destructive view on society and using religion in order to justify it. And just as at one point in this country the KKK was destructive in the South, these radicals are raising hell against anyone who is not on their side.


Does this justify any of their actions? Of course not. It just may provide some of the psychology behind it.


Now, what the hell to do over there? It becomes so difficult because you are not fighting a nation, an identifiable enemy, but instead a belief, which is something the human psyche needs in order to survive. Hatred is difficult to stop; 60 years after Hitler's death, Naziism is still alive in some small corners. It is nearly impossible to distinguish the difference between a friendly citizen and a terrorist, just as it was difficult in Vietnam. (side: I'm not calling this Vietnam). Our actions will only bring more hatred, therefore raising the possibility of more attacks against America. Yet doing nothing solves nothing. We're in the ultimate damned if we do, damned if we don't. And I don't know if anybody really knows how to fix it.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Unless they're flinging feces at people then calling them "Monkey's" isn't discribing their conduct.


Monkey's is and always has been a racist term.

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Guest FrigidSoul
Monkeys behead each other?

Those ones with the purple asses might


Mike, try using the term "neanderthal"

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Frankly, I'm so fucking sick of all this I could puke.


I want to see some of those hostages and some of their families showing more guts. Instead of the standard "He didn't do anything wrong, he loves Arabs and he has a deep and abiding respect for Islam, please send him home and we'll let you fuck our mother in the ass" bullshit, let's see someone say "Fuck you, you Arab towel-heads. Fuck you ALL. Go ahead and kill my dad. We're going to turn your entire fucking country into radioactive glass and piss on the smoking ruins of Mecca. You want a fucking war? You fucking got one." I want the hostages to look into the camera and say, "Tell them to go to hell," like hostages do in every Highlander episode ever broadcast, every melodramatic direct-to-Lifetime TV movie ever filmed, and every Harlequin romance ever published.


And I want our fucking government to live up to those expectations. Our armed forces are the clenched right hand of God Almighty. NOW LET'S USE THEM. I want to rain fire and lead on those motherfuckers until there's nothing left but brittle ashes. I want Americans to stop hiding their passports. I want our countrymen to be able to stand up and say "Civis Americanus sum," confident that the most powerful military ever to dominate the world will utterly exterminate not only any terrorists who dare to touch a hair on their heads, but also the terrorists' friends, their families, and their entire countries. Fuck compassion and fuck justice. The rules just went out the window my friend, and you undid the latch. We didn't start this but by God we'll finish it.


This is war. These are terrorists. We're looking into the face of evil. Take your "root causes" and shove them up your goddamned ass. You want a war? You got a FUCKING war.

So...which side are the extremeists again?

CWM, you are officially a fucking moron.


You seem to miss one key distinction --- THE MONKEYS ARE TARGETING CIVILIANS. They are --- just like their brethren in Palestine --- not targeting the military, but INNOCENT CIVILIANS. Their GOAL is fucking anarchy and a life of hell for their fellow Muslims.


If there was a time for righteous fucking anger --- this is it. If the Middle East won't take this problem seriously ---WE FUCKING BETTER.


Do you think they will hesitate, for ONE MOMENT, to use nukes should they manage to get their grubby paws on them?


Marney advocated the nuking of the entire country. It would be wise to assume that there are civilians in the country, innocent ones at that.


You're saying monkeys target civilians. Put two and two together and...



Basically, he was accusing her of the same mindset as them, to kill a bunch of innocent civilians, and that they were both extreme in that line of thinking. You chose to ignore that and call him a moron because you're a biased tool.


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Guest MikeSC
Monkeys behead each other?

Those ones with the purple asses might


Mike, try using the term "neanderthal"

They don't qualify as neanderthal as that implies that they have a modicum of humanity.


Their actions clearly indicate that they lack that.


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Guest Hero to all Children

This reminds me of my eighth grade (sometimes tenth in the US system, sometimes not) teacher trying to justify his frequent use of the word "Neger" (pronounced Nay-gerr) as non-racist because it's not the very similar English word that is written quite a lot like the Niger river. Asked on why he exclusively refered to black people as Neger (same in singular and plural) and why he didn't have any special words for Asians and Indians and what not, he kind of shut up.


And the whole "it's racist when you slur someone as a person but it's not when you use that word to descrie someone's actions" would make it perfectly acceptable to say "that guy totally jewed me" instead of "he cheated me financially."



You're accomplishing quite a feat by dodging all these logical potholes.


So we're not targeting civillians but our targets aren't military either, they're something inbetween that allows us to kill them but bars them from recieving the same respect as soldiers.


It's cowardly to attack a military base at night, by surprise but it was actually a genius strategical move of our military to take out most important targets in Iraq and Afghanistan before the actual war began, by surprise.


Them targeting civillians who support the interim government and are trying to rebuild the country is cowardly and sub-human (I am amused by the soundbit of Hitler yelling "They're not even human!" just in German) but us arresting everyone who may just support terrorism indefinately and without charge is a perfectly legit practice.


We're not "torturing" them, it's just legit interrogation. Tying people up, electro shocks, beatings, sleep deprivation and deep-seated cultural humiliation isn't torture. Especially not what we have done. But lo and behold they treat their captives inhuman. To them the whole deal with the women's clothing and public, mixed-sex nudity is pretty much like being anally raped on live television would be for us.





I mean .. come on, guys. We're really on the same side. I want the American ideals to win but could you please pull your damned heads out of your asses and face the music? We're not the shining white paladins of justice. We're murdering grunts who do a damned job that must be done. Everything else is just so people with less of a stomach can sleep soundly at night.

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Guest FrigidSoul

Those little vicious cavemen weren't humane. They would jump on one another and tear eachother to shreds. Whichever species of neanderthal they were.

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Guest Anglesault
Monkeys behead each other?

Monkeys are not quite human. These people are acting in a subhuman manner.

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I love how Saudi Arabia 'killed the leader" about an hour after the beheading. I mean what was that, a "oh shit the americans are gonna be pissed, hey Habib, go down and take one of the mob guys out" If that isn't fucking suspicious I dunno what it is.


In my post on the very first page I questioned just how hard the Saudis were REALLY looking for this guy. "Thousands of officers are looking for him." Well, they sure didn't seem to be able to find the guy while he was alive, but they conveniently killed the man who killed him (or rather should I say, allegedly killed the terrorist - who can even take them at their word that it was the same one who did this act) exceptionally quickly after the fact. Al-Qaeda has shifted away from big attacks to focusing on small numbers of civilians. One of the reasons why is because Arabs don't really mind so much when a few Americans get beheaded.


You know, one man said this would take a long time and would be a brutally difficult fight.


That man was George Bush.


No one even really understands that or is even capable of appreciating it, Mike.


The whole D-Day rememberance thing from the past few weeks was so fucking poignant, to me at least, because it just made me incredibly depressed - because we'll never see a generation like that, who had the resolve that they did. The more I think about it, Hitler was 60 years ahead of his time. If he had come to power in this day and age, he'd have fucking folded up Europe like a House of Cards if simply for no other reasons than NO ONE has the fucking detemination to engage in a difficult war anymore. Not even if the cause is just.


You can call Marney an extremist, but at least she's doesn't sit there and piss and moan about how we got into this situation we're in, she simply understands that in order to resolve it satisfactorily we're going to have to be willing to shed a lot of blood - theirs and ours.

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