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Exslade ZX

Who is -iB-!?

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As the title says, yea I'm fairly new, and haven't really posted anywhere outside of the wrestling discussion. But every couple posts, I see someone being referred to as iB, and I've even seen s/n iB...so I'm kind of confused :huh: .


So who exactly is iB?

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Really? I thought -IB- PM'ed some mod asking to be named "Moist Party Girl"? Or was that a joke that just went over my head?


EDIT: Oh I see....he wanted to be "Moist Party Gurl"

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Exslade you aren't that new and -IB- is not that old. How have you missed him?


He's also gone by: Beau and Moist Party Girl (or something like that)

Well yea..I'm not a complete 'n00b', I just don't visit here as often as I do some boards. And plus even though I've seen the name 'Donkeylips' and such floating around, I had only seen the actual s/n -iB- like once or twice. And I was thinking iB was some old member or something that was a huge troll, or either just made really stupid topics lol, because every time I see the name it's used as an insult it seems ;) so I was just wondering.


And yes I saw the iB (Moist Party girl) topic. It was said to be him who PMd about that.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
He is a god among men.

I hope you mean Kotz...well I hope you're refering to neither.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

You forgot to mention your moistness.

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Well he is a party gurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr *passes out*

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Wait didn't Dames make a rule of no more changing names?

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Name changes have been back since the start of april.

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Guest JacK
Yes. Kotz is Moist Party Gurl. iB is now DonkeyLips.

Wow I just got the irony of AoO changing Kotz's name to what -ib- wanted his to be . . . that's freakin gold. Oh it works on so many levels.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

Don't worry JacK - UYI will stop taking his anger out on others once he realises that I'm the one holding his Michael Jackson nostalgia hostage.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking


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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Name changes soccer mum.

Marvelous. Don't ban this bastard.

Considering what he originally had in that post? Hells no.


Being able to recite board catcheisms isn't something that's cool. If anything it makes a person even more of a loser because they can't think of anything original or funny to say. Instead they relie on a constant barrage of Gheypegs, "0", "~", and "Ban Plz's". It's one thing to be doing things for their ironic value and a completly different thing to do it because other people are. Anyone who desperatly tries to be the next Banky, UYI, or even IDRM should be dragged out into the street and shot. Is it so much to ask for people to be themselves?


IB wasn't nearly this annoying when he acted like a normal poster, but then he took it into his fragile little mind to try and become one of the cool kids. We're all to blame for that. We've all encouraged him to expand upon his idiocy. Now instead of being entertaining in a good way he's entertaining in the sense that he has the proverbial Sword of Damicles hanging over his head, ready to crash down and smite him.
















EDIT: 0mgz Ban Plzz~1!

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