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Guest cobainwasmurdered

The One&Only TSM History Question Thread

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Whiskers was a gimmick account. Presumably a cat, he'd post cutesy pictures of himself and other cats.


It's one of Inc's greatest shames.

Yet my most popular creation, overshadowing the infinitely superior Schwimmer gimmick (not to be confused with my present screenname) that predates Whiskers by a couple of months.

Are you talking about me?

I'm talking about me. What the hell are you thinking?

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What was The New Me's username before it was that? No not Prince Paul, something else. And I still don't believe he was the same guy.

I have trouble believing they were the same people, too. I seem to recall Prince Paul's writing style differing from The New Me's.

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Well CWM is the expert of the board, but he's the SUPER-EXPERT of all things Prince Paul.


"Paul was a good guy, you guys just didn't understand."

"I don't think Paul ever should've been banned."


Have we ruled out the possibility of multiple people being Prince Pauls?

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No, it's been definitively established that there were several Prince Pauls.


New Me is supposed to have been the original one who never really did anything that bad. The poem and such, he came back as New Me the same day he was banned, was a regular poster until he revealed himself and was banned again. All the Eagan Prince Pauls were fake Prince Pauls. At least that's how the story goes...

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Guest cobainwasmurdered



The New Me was the original Paul who went insane in No Holds Barred and got banned. The same day Paul was banned The New Me showed up. He had a similer avatar/sig combo and even used some of Paul's catchphrases. At first I bothered him about being Paul but then he started acting pretty cool.


The New Me was as far as I know never any of the Paul's that joined during Eagan's wild accusiation time period. Admittedly however, Paul never told me everything he did so there is the slight possibility he was one or two.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Prince Paul= TSM's Zodiac. Is that about right?

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

you only think that because he didn't like you.


Thus showing he has good taste too.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Paul always had his woman under control. He knew how to lay the pimp hand down.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Waitasec, sorry to interupt this riviting discussion, but people here are married? People HERE are MARRIED? Holy cow.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered



Paul's married with kids.


and a number of us are in long term relationships.


Like Kotz. He and his left hand have been going steady since he turned 13.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Okay I got a legit question. Is there some sorta joke I wouldn't get with the +1 thing or is it just people posting just to up thier count?

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Guest The Last Free Voice

typical closet case, not comfortable with his own ::Slap on back:: sexuality.


+1 for Mallrats.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered



*waits for someone to ask about the history of Popick*


now that'd be a multi-paragraph one.

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*waits for someone to ask about the history of Popick*


now that'd be a multi-paragraph one.

Hey, so what's the deal with Poppick and his power trips? I know what's happened on this side of the board but the full story would be nice.


Whatever happened to NO POBO~! too?

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Popick: Part A


Popick was the second (and gheyer) version of Mr. X Da Secret Sp00ky Man here on the Invisionboard.


When SK decided to merge with 411, Popick went into full "I'm going to save the board" mode and started trying to organize things. However Dames and Will "Good" Helmet where the others doing the Board saving thing and Popick managed to get in the way alot and piss them off.


Dames was a little short on cash once and Popick gave him some money (we're talking chump change here), anyway Popick thought this meant he was a co-owner and that he had a right to decide what did and did not happen here. Eventually Dames and GH just started ignoring him.


I have to run out now but when I get back I'll move on to Popick's joining the OAOAST, His "I saved the board" period, his crying, etc.

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NO POBO!! fell out of use for some reason. I see it used here and there though. Here's the story of it:


I’m Mentioned Elsewhere!: In Dr. Tom’s Midweek News (which I would link to but news is a fairly current thing, and this is being written three days after said news was current), a reader of his asked what NO POBO!! meant. THE TRUE STORY OF “NO POBO!!,” COURTESY OF THE ORIGINAL STORY OF MY TRIP TO WASHINGTON D.C.:


“I went into a dry cleaner, where the possible funniest moment of the trip went down. I asked the woman in the back if she had a phone and phone book I could use. She couldn’t hear me over the washing machines at first, so she came closer to where I was standing, and asked me to repeat myself. I asked again, and she immediately looked really pissed and told me:


“NO POBO!!!!!!!”


I’m not Chinese(well, 1/4) nor do I claim to know the language, so I have to assume that Pobo(pronounced Po-Bow, as in an archery bow) meant phone book. Either that or she was cursing at me. Anyone able to tell me what Pobo means? This also still troubles me, but has become a running gag with myself. I think I’ll suggest Dames, DrTom, JHawk, MrRant, RetroRob, hell, anyone who does reviews of any kind to incorporate “NO POBO!!!” into their reviews, perhaps when someone no-sells or kicks out. For instance: “Jericho gets the Lionsault on HHH, but HHH says ‘NO POBO!!!’ and Jericho only gets two, thereby killing his finisher.” I foresee “NO POBO!!!” becoming the new INTENSE~!”


There you go, taken from the original post on the forums on September 17th of this year.

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