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The Figure-Four Edgelock

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Am I the only one here who marked out when Edge finally brought back his submission move, the Figure-Four Edgelock on RAW when he slapped it on Randy Orton for a few seconds before Batista broke it up?




Forget the spear, Edge should bring back the Downward Spiral, and the Figure-Four Edgelock as his submission finisher. That's the move he should use to win his matches. The spear is way overused, and needs to be retired. He should start making his opponents tap out from now on.

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A few seconds before Batista broke it up.






Edge orginally invented the hold on William Regal on RAW in 2002, the night after No Way Out.

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Isn't it called the Edgecator?

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Isn't it called the Edgecator?





Or he could rename it, the Vertical Edge or The Edgemission.

He could just disappear.

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Now if Edge quit the goofy entrance and stop using the spear he could be a contender for the title.

Yeah, and I personally blame Stuffanie McHam and the WWE Uncreative team for Edge's blandness.

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Guest Coffey

I said something about it in my Raw review. I also called it the Figurefour Edgelock, because that's what it used to be referred to back when the Smackdown Six were going strong.


Of course, Jim Ross called it a "Sharpshooter variation" which is why I said anything about it at all.


Anything Edge would adopt (or re-adopt) would be better than his "hug-o-doom."

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Guest Anglesault

Is there some clever pun in "Figure-four Edgelock" that I'm just totally missing?


It's such a lame move name. Edgucator is better.

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A few seconds before Batista broke it up.






Edge orginally invented the hold on William Regal on RAW in 2002, the night after No Way Out.

I meant to say how long did he use it in the past?


I don't remember it at all.

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Guest suplexmasta

Cubsfan and I had a nice little spat all about this on his site. It's not even a figure four, it's an elevated reverse indian deathlock.


Still, it was quite cool when he busted it out.

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Fun Facts:


It was called the Edge-a-cater for a while when he used it about 2 years ago.


It's actually the Nagata Lock I.


Nagata Lock II is the Crippler Crossface.


*Edited to show Nagata Lock #'s*

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It's defintly NOT a Nagata Lock I.


I = Reverse Figure Four (leg crossed under rather than over)

II = Crossface

III = Armscissors w/ Armbar and Crossface (think original Rings of Satur with a Crossface)


Edge's move, is as far as I remember, an Inverted Sharpshooter w/ Ankle Lock. But eh, it's an OK move for WWE land I guess. But he has far better stuff he could be using.

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Guest Trivia247

Also the return of the Edge o Matic. Haven't seen that in a while. At least when its seen they don't call it anymore.

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they call it the edgucator or some shit in the video games but i think that he needs the flatliner a.k.a "the downward spiral" as his move it fits the character more even though steiner used it :.

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Guest Wondermouse
Also the return of the Edge o Matic. Haven't seen that in a while. At least when its seen they don't call it anymore.

He's used the Edge-o-Matic a few times since his return, I think he did one to a La Res member.


Nagata Lock I isn't really a reverse figure-four, but a crooked one. Here's the setup for Nagata Lock I.


Nagata Lock II

Nagata Lock III



The Edgecator/Figure-Four Edgelock (which is a pun on Figure-Four Leglock, I guess) is probably best described as an inverted/crooked sharpshooter. To apply, step between opponent's legs and either grapevine them or cloverleaf them, but leave it loose. Then, you turn them over, but stay in place. At this point, you're off to the side of the opponent, who's on their stomach. I'm not quite sure if it's supposed to affect the back or the legs.


I'm used to seeing it on video games, Monday was the only time I saw it IRL.

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