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Guest FrigidSoul

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Guest FrigidSoul
MYSTERIOUSONETSM: someone think of a username for me to use on a messageboard i'm going to mess with...go

FrznBlockofPiss: CWM

Angelslayed: CWM

Angelslayed: Shit

Angelslayed: Trolly McTrollsalot

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: i want to make it less obvious than that Slayer

MrAdamFromMass: Trolly McTrollsnotalot

Angelslayed: Not Really a Troll

MrAdamFromMass: Quality Poster

FrznBlockofPiss: I dislike this Board.

MrAdamFromMass: Choken One


MYSTERIOUSONETSM: I used Choken already Adam

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: and Popick, anglesault, etc

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: Agnes and I have been plaguing this board on and off for the last 4 months

FrznBlockofPiss: CAncer Marney with hoff's pic as avatar

NY Italian 412: CobainWasntMurdered?

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: Quality Poster could work

UpStateMit: APO

Angelslayed: Cobaindiedofnatualcauses


MrAdamFromMass: SpaceBarsAreGhey

NY Italian 412: "African American Guy." Then they can't ban you without being accused of being racists....

MrAdamFromMass: African American from Japan

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: Quality Poster it is...

MrAdamFromMass: as long as I win

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Good, we shouldn't have jacked the other thread. C&p'd:


MYSTERIOUSONETSM: should I invite JSYK in and watch him and Piss fight in very polite language?

Angelslayed: Yes

FrznBlockofPiss: YES!!!

TsunamiWaveChain: That would be entertaining, yes

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: i sent the invite

buildingonapathy has entered the room.


Angelslayed: Jony

buildingonapathy: what's going on, boys?

FrznBlockofPiss: JONY 2 X 4!

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: We are waiting for Piss to attack you

buildingonapathy: hold on a second, Piss, I got a phone call.

FrznBlockofPiss: I find your character lacking and feel you should take the beccesary steps to correct it.

FrznBlockofPiss: That typo was a solid indication of my disaproval


MYSTERIOUSONETSM: *waits for JSYK to get back from call*

FrznBlockofPiss: I find it rather preposterous that such a phone did in fact occur.

FrznBlockofPiss: I also cast dispersions on JSYK's choice of E-Friends.

FrznBlockofPiss: I await your response to my previous comments

buildingonapathy: you point to flaws in my character, yet you don't even know me.

RCdawgs78: like that

House Ampoliros: Let's drop Piss and JSYK and talka bout ME.

ShootersBeau has entered the room.

TsunamiWaveChain: ....

buildingonapathy: ......

House Ampoliros: .....

FrznBlockofPiss: ,,,,


whoisnikjohns: >>>>

TsunamiWaveChain: !!!!

buildingonapathy: ?????


MYSTERIOUSONETSM: *everyone reaches for the ignore feature at the same time

buildingonapathy: say something.

RCdawgs78: IB is here

TsunamiWaveChain: No shit

ShootersBeau has left the room.



buildingonapathy: he didn't even say anything.

House Ampoliros: *ignore only CWM*


buildingonapathy: Piss would have to respond to me for it to be Piss vs. Me

FrznBlockofPiss: I feel that the fact that JSYK doesn't recognize his obvious failings,  leads to the fact that anything I say will be promptly ignored.


buildingonapathy: I suck at being relevant on a message board.

buildingonapathy: that's basically it?

buildingonapathy: or are you just going to resort to these stupid "well if you don't know I won't tell you" type of insults.

House Ampoliros: If only more people would admit that.


FrznBlockofPiss: Your clever attempt at subterfuge leds me to believe that you enjoy peanut butter to dangerous ammounts

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: Piss is the best flamer ever

House Ampoliros: I'm awesome at being relevant.


House Ampoliros: Piss is my internet god.

House Ampoliros: Well, there's an exception.

buildingonapathy: outstanding.

buildingonapathy: anything else you'd like to point out about me, Piss?

FrznBlockofPiss: I was just waiting for the rebuttal

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: JSYK where's your rebuttal

buildingonapathy: Where's my rebuttal to a claim that I like Peanut Butter?

buildingonapathy: I, in fact, dislike Peanut Butter a good deal.

Angelslayed: Liar


buildingonapathy: liar.

Angelslayed: Lair


Angelslayed: arli

TsunamiWaveChain: Lari!

Angelslayed: Cousin Lari

buildingonapathy: the only actual contact I've had with peanut butter in the past year has been to give my dog her medication.

Angelslayed: You put your dog's medication on your crotch?

FrznBlockofPiss: I beleave that speaksfor itself.


buildingonapathy: Congrats, Piss, you've got your own team of sack danglers.

buildingonapathy: Maybe one day Dave and Drew will get an opinion of their own

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: Oh I have an opinion Jon

FrznBlockofPiss: Oh, you feeling left out of your usual routine?

Angelslayed: I'd dangle on yours, but the peanut butter would make me slide off

House Ampoliros has left the room.

buildingonapathy: this is fucking pointless.

Angelslayed: I love you Jon


RCdawgs78: I'm hungry

FrznBlockofPiss: I loves ya baby, I just utterly dislike your personaility.

Angelslayed: Jon has some peanut butter for you, RC

buildingonapathy: For the last time, Piss.

buildingonapathy: you don't know me.

buildingonapathy: how can you dislike my personality?

buildingonapathy: You can gauge someone's personality through text now?

TsunamiWaveChain: Yes

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: Ugh, Jon that's a weak arguement


RCdawgs78: I got oreo's and I know he wants some filling

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: You talk about thinks you like


FrznBlockofPiss: I believe your current responses show my point loverboy.

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: you talk about music, women, sports, stc


MYSTERIOUSONETSM: people can get a rough idea of what you might be like

Angelslayed: If it'll make you feel better, I'll start asking Dave personal questions

TsunamiWaveChain: And when you engage in conversation, your thoughts are put into text


FrznBlockofPiss: ok

Angelslayed: ...


Angelslayed: Well I'm shot

Angelslayed: I think I used up all my personal questions last time


whoisnikjohns has left the room.

Angelslayed: Whatever happened to that cock ring anyway?

FrznBlockofPiss: did you ask if he had a turtleneck?

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: some chick swallowed it

Angelslayed: A hooded sweatshirt?



MYSTERIOUSONETSM: See Jon, they've found out I like Hooded Sweatshirts

FrznBlockofPiss: I meant a slightly different type of turtleneck

Angelslayed: And rapes dogs

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: and I spell poorly

FrznBlockofPiss: hopefully a different type

buildingonapathy: dear Christ.

buildingonapathy: alright, ask me a question, then.

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: so that likely means I'm not the best educated fellow

Angelslayed: You're just a product of Canada

Angelslayed: It's perfectly understandable

FrznBlockofPiss: What is the capital of Historia?

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: I don't need to ask you a question myself, I think we know each other well

Angelslayed: Historia City?

buildingonapathy: I have no idea, Piss.

FrznBlockofPiss: Or do you feel discussion of this nature is below you?  you make me gag with rage and utter anger and abandonment.


FrznBlockofPiss: my cat went into the other room.

buildingonapathy: this discussion isn't below me, no.

RCdawgs78: don't worry piss, I'm here

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: I think you two should like see a marrige counsler. What do you think Slayer?

FrznBlockofPiss: oh, now you like to "go slummin" to get your kicks, huh?  You are a disgase to your fellow bank employees.

buildingonapathy: "I have an idea but I need to check it with everyone else first"

buildingonapathy: I don't work at a bank

Angelslayed: Slayer approves

buildingonapathy: and if I wanted to "go slummin" I'd walk two streets away


MYSTERIOUSONETSM: i'm just sittin here enjoying this

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: no need to snipe at me

Angelslayed: You live in Tuscon, right Jon?

buildingonapathy: Tempe

FrznBlockofPiss: So you frequently visit building of an insideous nature?  I can't believe you are allowed to walk the streets that children walk.

Angelslayed: D'oh

Angelslayed: Wrong college town

Angelslayed: You ever been to Tuscon?

buildingonapathy: when I was younger, but not recently

buildingonapathy: everyone that I hate from school is going to college there, so I'm staying here

Angelslayed: Is it true the light fixtures are all weird there, bowled downward?

Sheol123987 has entered the room.

buildingonapathy: in Tucson?

Angelslayed: yes

Sheol123987: I have managed to bore myself stupid so I'm making two trips into this room today

Angelslayed: Thumbtack's here now *cranks up the Manowar*

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: Tack you've joined intime to see Piss Vs, JSYK

buildingonapathy: no idea, Slayer

buildingonapathy: haven't been there in a long time, and when I went I went with my family so we did a lot of touristy stuff

FrznBlockofPiss: You involve you family with you nefarious deeds and actions.  this is beyond belief and comtempt.


buildingonapathy: have I mentioned this is pointless?

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: but you said this wasn't beneath you?

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: it's not like Piss is calling you a cocksucker

Sheol123987: I want to see some bloodletting on aim tonight

FrznBlockofPiss: Next you are going to say it was just for fun, some jolly happy time.  But we all know the anger and insanoity that dwell behind those evil eyes.

buildingonapathy: Piss vs. JSYK is pointless

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: it's been entertaining

buildingonapathy: it's absolutely pointless

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: even if it is one sided

buildingonapathy: yeah, it's hard to combat someone telling you that you like peanut butter

Sheol123987: i should be vs. somebody

Angelslayed: It may be pointless, but I'm turned on

buildingonapathy: Piss: You eat poop.

Angelslayed: Thumback, I mock you and your value system


MYSTERIOUSONETSM: that'll make you look better Jon

FrznBlockofPiss: Now he resorts to wild accusations.  I can't believe this.

Sheol123987: fuck off manosimpsonslayer

Angelslayed: Silent Enigma > Judgement

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: No Jon. Piss is making you look like a dick. I enjoy it when I see someone get so mad over something so stupid

Sheol123987: oh

Sheol123987: no

Sheol123987: the

Sheol123987: fuck you

Sheol123987: didn't

Angelslayed: I meant every word of it

Sheol123987: wait

Sheol123987: this doesn't actually bother me given the source

Angelslayed: pft, like it would bother you from SOMEONE ELSE

Sheol123987: someone with any sense or taste maybe i would

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: I have good taste

buildingonapathy: whatever.

buildingonapathy has left the room.

Sheol123987: i want the script of what happened before i came in

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
MYSTERIOUSONETSM: dutch and eagan killed the chat

MrAdamFromMass: fucking Dutch

PJones2K2: I'm not this Eagan guy you're talking about


House Ampoliros: fine then.

House Ampoliros has left the room.

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: yep, dutch and eagan

PJones2K2: No

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: evil old dutch and ghey old eagen

PJones2K2: I think YOU'RE eagan

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: that's just the sort of thing eagan would say, right FS?

MrAdamFromMass: my aunt wants me to gup to Maine and beat up her husband....

MrAdamFromMass: go up even

PJones2K2: I'm confused

MrAdamFromMass: ya, that's right CWM....mhmmm, you sure know it!

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: Eagan is often confused

PJones2K2: I'm not confused

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: PJones2K2: I'm confused

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: Now you're lying...just like you used to, Eagan

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: You going to call us Prince Paul next?

PJones2K2: Shut up Prince Paul

MrAdamFromMass: ~!

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: And Just like Eagan you're trying to be amusing and faling

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: You've got alot to learn Eagan

PJones2K2: So, if you're saying I'm "just like Eagan" that means I'm not Egan, right?

PJones2K2: Eagan*

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: No it's a cmment to FS so it still applies to you, eagan


MrAdamFromMass: I'm just a failure though, they've come to accept that

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: Now you've gone and depressed FS, Eagan

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: Apologize to the poor man

PJones2K2: I apologize

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: Always trying to placate people isn't cool Eagan

PJones2K2: I'm sorry

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: You should learn to be your own man

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: Real men don't say Sorry

PJones2K2: Ok, I'm learning

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: Oh No Eagan, You've just began

Angelslayed: Rejoice I am returned

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: Slayer, Eagan's talking

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: Read the last 5 minutes of the transcript

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: Do you have anything to say for yourself Eagan?

Angelslayed: Eagan, you rock

MrAdamFromMass: Be your own man, even if people hate you

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: Your silence condems you Eagan

PJones2K2: Thank you guys.

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: that's "Sirs', Eagan

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
TxChyna9th has entered the room.

Nevermortal: I'm going to buy TSM.

TxChyna9th has left the room.



Angelslayed: Who the hell was that

MrAdamFromMass: TSA


Angelslayed: BWAHA


Nevermortal: Transportation Security Agency?

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: that was fucking gold

Nevermortal: lolomg

House Ampoliros: awesome.

Kingpk19: Wanted to brag about her sex life, but forgot her notes, I guess


MYSTERIOUSONETSM: *kills self* it starts running and then it says it's missing ANOTHER .dll file

FrznBlockofPiss: heh

FrznBlockofPiss: you suck at computering


Sheol123987: what are you trying to crack

FrznBlockofPiss: wallnut


MYSTERIOUSONETSM: nothing it says it as soon as it opens


FrznBlockofPiss: banplz

CrAnDaMoNiuM: can you just severly maim me?

Sheol123987: cwm should just format/reinstall

Sheol123987: get rid of the windows 95 he's clearly running

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: I need to get a new computer that's waht

FrznBlockofPiss: 98

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: god damn girlfriend broke it

Sheol123987: what's the stats on yours?

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: uh...it's a computer

Sheol123987: ...


MYSTERIOUSONETSM: it's windows 98...

FrznBlockofPiss: he got a floppy stuck in his disk drive before

Sheol123987: that beautiful

Sheol123987: is

Sheol123987: how do you even do that


FrznBlockofPiss: do you want me to search the logs again?

CrAnDaMoNiuM: how old is your computer?

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: you'll just make it up

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: it's like made of spare parts

FrznBlockofPiss: like I madeup your pic huh?

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: because my good computer died

FrznBlockofPiss: squirrel peed on it


Sheol123987: cwm peed on it


MYSTERIOUSONETSM: and stopped working

Sheol123987: 1337

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: and the store guy said it would cost some huge amount to fix so i said fuck that

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: i'm not rolling in cash

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: i'm canadian man

Sheol123987: what program are you trying to crack

CrAnDaMoNiuM: my computer almost got hacked because of all them invasions, tho them kids were just stupid

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: nothing now because my compputer has frozen except for this window. I can't even move my fucking mouse

FrznBlockofPiss: Answer to fixing cwm's comp


MYSTERIOUSONETSM: I've become dutch

FrznBlockofPiss: little penis?


Sheol123987: win

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: nobody better post this transcript

FrznBlockofPiss: *posts*

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: i bet you will too

CrAnDaMoNiuM: hmmm....

Sheol123987: he suspects that this cheap attempt at self awareness is going to prevent it

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: you are all evil

FrznBlockofPiss: no, laz I mean tack can do it

Sheol123987: I'm not cool enough to post logs yet

FrznBlockofPiss: and cwm is?


MYSTERIOUSONETSM: it's always the one you least suspect

FrznBlockofPiss: go go crandaRAAAAANGEEEERSS!

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: or more Likely I will because I don't care if I look like an Idiot

CrAnDaMoNiuM: damn!...umm...I mean I'm not going to do it

Sheol123987: good thing to


FrznBlockofPiss: dave's pic

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: i can tell that one was fake

FrznBlockofPiss: he clicked it, cran knows it

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: I had things that were unsaved and I can't save them now

FrznBlockofPiss: don't use comp as bong

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: well I geuss Kotz'll have to write Board Wars today because I'm not rewriting it


FrznBlockofPiss: heh

FrznBlockofPiss: help him out, he may have been ditvhed tonight.


MYSTERIOUSONETSM: i don't think that it's a question of mayhave

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: It's more a quesion of if he even made it out the door

FrznBlockofPiss: well, i'm trying to be nice again 

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
That's nice.

Are you drunk and on drugs?

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

No, I just really don't give a shit about your opinion of wether or not we're all nerds.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

you should come in there sometime Shadow, we always enjoy someone intelligent who doesn't act like a dick

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
No, I just really don't give a shit about your opinion of wether or not we're all nerds.

So you are...that explains it.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
Choken One, I'll invite you. Give me your AIM handle.

This had better not be to our messageboard for cool people, or I so quit.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
FrznBlockofPiss: a found a toad the size of an apple. I named it dave.

FrznBlockofPiss returned at 9:34:21 AM.

FrznBlockofPiss: now i go.


FrznBlockofPiss signed off at 9:34:34 AM.

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Guest FrigidSoul
K J Brackish: I'm just glad I don't have KJ Jock-Itch anymore

FallToZero428: I love how K-Rock went from White Snake and Def Leppard to Ozzy, Judas Priest, and Spinal Tap.

Indiana Cone:  . . .

K J Brackish: That was just annoying, sorta


Agent, I think you know what needs to be done.

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Guest KJ Brackish

I don't think so..... it was annoying last time and I think it will still be AS annoying. Do what you must though. I've learned not to take things personally at this board. Especially in HD though~!



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Guest KJ Brackish

why is there a copyright sign in your sig in the middle of your quote of me? It's just made me confuzzled.



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Best chat EVAR


Kotzenjunge: Tyler and I are laughing about Mike getting his ass kicked for 20 minutes by his girl.

Eagan469 has entered the room.

MrAdamFromMass has left the room.

K J Brackish: She could tell you the same..... we don't know many mormons

ChicagoLoop979: Mike? The Mike SC?

Kotzenjunge: Yes.

K J Brackish: There are some, but they stay in their cliques

Kotzenjunge: Find the thread in LSD.

Kotzenjunge: He let his girlfriend kick his ass for 20 minutes.

Kotzenjunge: She broke a phone over his head and blooded his face heavily.

ChicagoLoop979: Conservatives are so kinky on the inside.

Kotzenjunge: And he refused to even push her away.

SuperSpinebuster: your one friend, Eagan

SuperSpinebuster: NO ONE LOVES YOU

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: hahahaha

Indiana Cone: Mormons are interesting.

K J Brackish: I know some great mormon jokes, but they're too long to write out

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: why do I find that so fucking funny.

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: i actually giggled in real life.

ChicagoLoop979: find what funny

Kotzenjunge: I mean, 20 minutes.

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: Kotzenjunge: He let his girlfriend kick his ass for 20 minutes.Kotzenjunge: She broke a phone over his head and blooded his face heavily.

Kotzenjunge: Someone set a timer.

Kotzenjunge: I'll do it.

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: sadftyoij

ChicagoLoop979: Was this some sort of post-match stipulation?

ChicagoLoop979: She gets 20 minutes alone with him?

Kotzenjunge: No.

Kotzenjunge: They got into an argument and she started swinging.

SuperSpinebuster: So they weren't KJ Brackish ass wrestling?

Kotzenjunge: 20 minutes, starting now.

K J Brackish: what?

SuperSpinebuster: ha

ChicagoLoop979: I'd love to see a domestic dispute between Mike and his gf

Indiana Cone: Where's this thread?

Kotzenjunge: What dispute.

ChicagoLoop979: "We have to go to a funeral, my aunt died." "File this under tough shit"

Kotzenjunge: It's not a dispute if it's one-sided.

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: LOL!!!!

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: ChicagoLoop979: "We have to go to a funeral, my aunt died." "File this under tough shit"

SuperSpinebuster: ha, Czech, is that from something?

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: aslkdfjlk;sadjf;lksdjfkl;sdjf;lksadjf;lksadjf;lksadjf;lksdjf

K J Brackish: Damn those pictures to hell.... I hope they all contained a self-killing virus that will destroy them

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: Because you're fucking ugly in real life.

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: Go sit on a dick.

Kotzenjunge: Let me find the thread, SP.

ChicagoLoop979: I hope you contain a self-killing virus that destroys you.

CreemosKCR: I bet that Mike's GF is a democrat

Kotzenjunge: Only now has a minute gone by.

CreemosKCR: and she's kicking his ass because.. um. ;-)

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: No way. Because if she was, he'd never let her have the last word.

Kotzenjunge: Imagine getting beaten on for that whole minute.

Kotzenjunge: But it's not over.


Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: *SMASH*

K J Brackish: No self-killing virus' here...... :-(

SmartHelmet: damn, I leave and Tyler goes cookoo for Cocoa Puffs

CreemosKCR: His GF is one of the strongest democrats in this nation, she makes him give her oral

CreemosKCR: ;-)

ChicagoLoop979: Does Mike's girlfriend create a pie graph to show why he's an asshole?

MarvinisaLunatic: lol

SuperSpinebuster: heh

Kotzenjunge: Mike has been getting his ass worn out by a girl for 2:30 now.

ChicagoLoop979: "Fuck you, you son of a bitch!" "Oh, enough of your asinine comments."

CreemosKCR: Mike finds new ways to say that she's not ugly, like how he's helped redefine torture

Kotzenjunge: The dogs weren't RABID!

Baughopper20: is 411's new thing not giving credit to the site they C/P the news off of?

MarvinisaLunatic: At some point I would have left..instead of staying and keep getting my ass kicked

ChicagoLoop979: Could somebody please put the MikeSC/MikeSCGF thing in their sig?

SmartHelmet: um you could do it?

ChicagoLoop979: Liberals have hot girlfriends because hot girls are liberals

ChicagoLoop979: I could, goodhelmet

SuperSpinebuster: I know a lot of hot conservative girls

CreemosKCR: Most bisexual women are Democrats, or not fans of President Bush

SmartHelmet: brings up janet Reno

ChicagoLoop979: But I can't quote myself without feeling dirrty inside

Kotzenjunge: Mike has gotten his ass kicked by a girl for four minutes now.

K J Brackish: I hate Bush.... it's all about horse-faced Kerry

SuperSpinebuster: True.

Kotzenjunge: I hate Hoff, it's all about horse-faced DFA.

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: FOUND IT

Kotzenjunge: YES

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=40974

K J Brackish: I do NOT have a horse-face

Kotzenjunge: (was going nuts trying to find it)

SuperSpinebuster: Why am I Bush?  Fuck you, Spoon.

CreemosKCR: "Snce July, she had beaten me 4 times. Usually, it was nothing more than slaps, an attempted kick to the groin, and hair-pulling."

Kotzenjunge: "I was a guy who was beaten - rather savagely -..."

K J Brackish: Kerry sincerely has a horse-like face

Kotzenjunge: So do you.

Kotzenjunge: Horseface.

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: Kerry looks like he's dead. Get over it.

SuperSpinebuster: Maybe he IS dead

K J Brackish: Hustler had a cartoon showing that he iron's his face on a regular basis

ChicagoLoop979: Kerry needs Botox to live

K J Brackish: I do not dammit

SuperSpinebuster: ZOMBIE IN '04

Kotzenjunge: Quiet, horseface.

CreemosKCR: "On Thursday, when I informed her I was, in fact, leaving town immediately, she beat me for 20 minutes straight. She smashed her portable phone over my head"

Baughopper20: kerry's really a robot

ChicagoLoop979: "As your President of Zombies, I promise more dead flesh than FDR!"

SuperSpinebuster: YES!

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: LOL

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: Spoon: "Am I the only one who finds this absolutely fucking hilarious? Your fiancee beat you? Drew blood? For 20 minutes?"

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: HAHAHA.

ChicagoLoop979: That is gonna be one HOT wedding night.

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: You actually posted that IN THE THREAD, too.

CreemosKCR: did Mrs. MikeSC put a Gimp hood on Mike?

Kotzenjunge: Maybe she attacked him while he was asleep.

Kotzenjunge: And he took... umm... 20 minutes to wake up.

CreemosKCR: "She accused me of causing her house to be possessed by Satan --- and she MEANT it"

Kotzenjunge: For seven minutes, Mike has been getting his ass kicked.

CreemosKCR: so.. Mike's the SANE one in this relationship?

SuperSpinebuster: HOW?

SuperSpinebuster: How does he not FIGHT BACK by now?

Baughopper20: i don't get why he didn't do anything

ChicagoLoop979: Real men don't hit girls.

SuperSpinebuster: They do if the girl is KICKING YOUR ASS

Kotzenjunge: Even if it's clear they want to CRIPPLE you?

SuperSpinebuster: *I* do, anyway

SuperSpinebuster: ...with a SPINEBUSTER

ChicagoLoop979: You just take it like a man.

Baughopper20: geez, put her in a headlock or something until she settles down, there are plenty of non-violent ways to subdue a person

SuperSpinebuster: sorry.

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: He's been still getting his ass kicked by the girl without fighting back for almost eight minutes now

ChicagoLoop979: A man with no dignity left.

Kotzenjunge: 8:20, Tyler.

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: I would hold her hands behind her back carefully, personally.

K J Brackish: Gore the fucking chick...... it's not a full on hit

SmartHelmet: This puts all of the recent drama into perspective

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: Because it won't hurt her and I can calm her down like that.

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: But, nine minutes now!

ChicagoLoop979: Maybe he should keep some sort of airborne sedative around, like in a perfume bottle

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: !!!

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: hahahahahaha

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: ETHER

SmartHelmet: I used to hold my girlfriends hands and make them slap themselves

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: Yes!

Kotzenjunge:  How 'bout this, you moronic little shit --- you find somebody you legitimately loved and have her assault you. What are you going to do? Just blast her in the mouth?

ChicagoLoop979: She gets sassy! Zap! Vaporized Valium


Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: if this was a thread, it'd be in classics by now.


Indiana Cone: CHICKEN

Indiana Cone: WING

Baughopper20: who was that that punched out a girl on a bus?

SuperSpinebuster: I'd read her poetry in hopes of quelling her fiery blood.

SmartHelmet: man, you treat threads like SK treats matches... given everything under the sun *****

Indiana Cone: Solves all problems.

Kotzenjunge: You think the police would notice that you're considerably worse for wear than the girl.

Kotzenjunge: But Will, the Mike Getting Beaten thread is a solid ****.

MarvinisaLunatic: the only time Id hit a woman is if she was coming at me with a knife/scisors pointed at my crotch

ChicagoLoop979: MikeSC should go NWA on her with the ether-soaked rag

SuperSpinebuster: what about your FACE


SuperSpinebuster: or HEART

MarvinisaLunatic: and that actually happened to me once..

SuperSpinebuster: IF HE HAS A HEART!!!

Kotzenjunge: Come on Mike, you can make it!

Kotzenjunge: Just 9:25 to go!

SmartHelmet: only in retrospect because of the recent drama... when it happened, it was clearly a ** thread

MarvinisaLunatic: I dont think Mike's gonna make it

CreemosKCR: LOL

Baughopper20: there's no way it could've gone 20 minutes

Kotzenjunge: I thought it was *** at the time, easy.

ChicagoLoop979: Maybe...did this ever occur...RUN THE FUCK AWAY

SuperSpinebuster: heh, true

Kotzenjunge: But now it's ****.

Baughopper20: she'd have to be in damn good shape to wail on him for 20 minutes

Kotzenjunge: I should bump it.

SmartHelmet: yeah, but I am more critical

ChicagoLoop979: Just run around the house going "You can't catch me ya crazy bitch!"

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: BUMP IT!

SuperSpinebuster: Ha!

Kotzenjunge: Yeah yeah. I'm too easily entertained, Will.

MarvinisaLunatic: maybe she locked him in hell in a cell

SuperSpinebuster: Yeah, antagonize her.

SuperSpinebuster: good call.

SuperSpinebuster: :-)

SmartHelmet: see... SK ratings

SmartHelmet: the state.... ****

Kotzenjunge: I bumped the WWE-ian Rhapsody thread and Nik got on me for it.

SmartHelmet: establishment  -***

ChicagoLoop979: Well that's no excuse because if you look at a Cell funny it breaks

SmartHelmet: gang wars DUD

Kotzenjunge: Gang Wars was like, fifty threads.

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: like anyone mods the LSD boards. rofl.

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: that's funny.

MarvinisaLunatic: so you cant bump threads anymore

SmartHelmet: I compare it to the Katie GVick angle

ChicagoLoop979: LSD needs work.

ChicagoLoop979: I love bumping threads!

Kotzenjunge: "My favorite part was when he just stood there."

Kotzenjunge: AoO wins the fucking medal.

FallToZero428 has left the room.

ChicagoLoop979: Nobody will stop me from bumping threads ever

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: ahaha

Kotzenjunge: 13 minutes, and she's still kicking his ass.

SmartHelmet: I do have athe ability to ban you

SmartHelmet: Chicago Loop

Indiana Cone: Alright kids.  I'm out.  It's movie and sleepy time.

SmartHelmet: that would disprove your statement

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: THIRTEEN MINUTES! I was about to ask you for the update.

ChicagoLoop979: aw

SmartHelmet: just saying

ChicagoLoop979: But I'm a good guy

Indiana Cone: LATORZ.  Just for Hoff.

ChicagoLoop979: and I agree with Eagan that we should forget about all this protocol and procedure

Indiana Cone has left the room.

SuperSpinebuster: O<MG!

ChicagoLoop979: A bumped thread isn't hurting anyone

ChicagoLoop979: unlike Mike's girlfriend

Kotzenjunge: HAH

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: ChicagoLoop979: "We have to go to a funeral, my aunt died." "File this under tough shit"  <--- still the quote of the night, even better than KJ's Jock Itch.

Kotzenjunge: Czech's first comment that made me laugh.

ChicagoLoop979: ever?

ChicagoLoop979: aw

ChicagoLoop979: two years and that's the best I've done

Kotzenjunge: (gunshot) And at the end of three quarters of play, it's Mike's girlfriend: 2957, Mike: 0.

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: perfect timing.

ChicagoLoop979: I too imagine that Mike is an elderly Jewish man.

CreemosKCR: "Dude, you were made a bitch. Own up to it. A swift single jawjack. That's all you would have needed. "

K J Brackish: KJ Jock-Itch was a stupid annoyance

Kotzenjunge: This isn't about you, horseface.

Kotzenjunge: Four minutes to go!

ChicagoLoop979: Mike doesn't have the homoerotic buddy (Jimmy Kimmel) though

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: "Dude, there had to have been a DOOR somewhere. Rather than get beat down, run like hell. At least we could have had a good ha-ha laugh about it instead of a good what-the-fuck laugh. "

Kotzenjunge: Mike's eyes are getting glassy!


K J Brackish: They were talking about me, thus it was about me SPOONY......

Baughopper20: what are we at on time?

ChicagoLoop979: "Is it true that you were connected to Watergate?" "Is it true that you're a moron?"

Kotzenjunge: Quiet, horseface.

CreemosKCR: Mike should have blown green mist in her eyes

K J Brackish: Die spoony~!

K J Brackish: :-D

ChicagoLoop979: No because green mist just blinds

K J Brackish: I mean that lovingly

ChicagoLoop979: he should've used red for burning


Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: Where does the phone come in?

Baughopper20: is black the kind that causes breat enlargement?

Baughopper20: breast*

Kotzenjunge: "Had I seen the phone coming, there would have been a different story."

Kotzenjunge: Yes, getting hit in the face instead of in the back of the head.

Kotzenjunge: Mike is staggering! He can barely stand!

Kotzenjunge: ONE MINUTE!

MarvinisaLunatic: she should have thrown him through a window

K J Brackish: This is far better than the Gang Warz on TSM


Kotzenjunge: His legs have turned to spaghetti!

Kotzenjunge: THIRTY SECONDS!

ChicagoLoop979: I call it pascetti


Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: I mean, for chrissakes, he was getting the fucking shit kicked out of him

CreemosKCR: it's a cheapshot in CE if I tell Mike "Get your GF to beat on you and give you the phone, because your ass better call somebody!", right?

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: AND HE TURNS HIS BACK ON HER.

Kotzenjunge: Wait, she's going for a phone!

Kotzenjunge: This can't be good!

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: SHE'S GOING FOR IT!

Kotzenjunge: SEVEN SECONDS!

K J Brackish: OMFG..... what could happen next?


Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: OH NO! SHE WOULDN"T!

ChicagoLoop979: 6

Kotzenjunge: 3

Kotzenjunge: 2

Kotzenjunge: 1


ChicagoLoop979: Mike wins?


Kotzenjunge: MIKE IS DOWN

Kotzenjunge: MIKE IS DOWN

*OnlineHost*: Eagan469 rolled 2 6-sided dice:  5 6

K J Brackish: :-((

ChicagoLoop979: I don't believe what I just saw!

*OnlineHost*: Baughopper20 rolled 2 6-sided dice:  4 6

Kotzenjunge: This is the greatest night in the history of our sport!

CreemosKCR: what the fuck?

CreemosKCR: we can play dice?

K J Brackish: Heh

*OnlineHost*: Baughopper20 rolled 2 6-sided dice:  4 1

ChicagoLoop979: NO WE CAN"T


Kotzenjunge: I forgot I said the thing about the door.

K J Brackish: Damn dice....

Clever Drunk has entered the room.

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: YOU MISSED IT

SuperSpinebuster: Should Katie bar said door?

ChicagoLoop979: BX you missed it

SmartHelmet: BX owns you all

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: BX, we just had the greatest 20 minutes of Mike Bashing in the history of TSM

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: Mike just went down.

ChicagoLoop979: he's right

Kotzenjunge: Here's what worries me:

ChicagoLoop979: it was grand

SmartHelmet: Teke is better than you/...

Kotzenjunge: "The cops would have eventally gotten involved as had I hit her back, she would have called. If she didn't call, her parents would have called had they seen a mark on her."

K J Brackish: Bah GAWD~! That jisabel just used the PHONE~!..... I can't believe it. This a travesty. Never have I seen this since I've been in the BUSINESS.......

Kotzenjunge: Why would the parents of the girlfriend of a then-27 year old figure into it?

Clever Drunk: God. Damnit


ChicagoLoop979: they were watching the fight?

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: YEAH. GOOD ONE GUYS.

MarvinisaLunatic: PSYCHO BITCH probably lives with her parents

Kotzenjunge: Or she's 16.


Kotzenjunge: Okay.

K J Brackish: He he he

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: ChicagoLoop979: "We have to go to a funeral, my aunt died." "File this under tough shit"


Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: AND THE FIGHT BEGINS

Clever Drunk: Please?

ChicagoLoop979: "We have to go to a funeral, my aunt died." "File this under tough shit"

ChicagoLoop979: started the fight

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: and the phone to the head ended it

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: at 20:00

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: that was her finisher, we presume.

Kotzenjunge: I bumped it.

Kotzenjunge: And now I'm posting this in HD.

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