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Guest FrigidSoul

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Guest KJ Brackish

Worst 20 mins EVAR~! This is why I failed in life..... participating in such cool stuff as this^^^



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I bet if she made a joke about Ronald Reagan, he probably would have stashed her body behind McDonalds.

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Memoirs of Chevy: I'd shit on her shoes

Memoirs of Chevy: piss in her mouth...jizz on her face

DonkeyLips316: if you drink acidic fluids

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: not according to my girlfriend, Rob...

Kotzenjunge: But CWM, you can't lay a hand on a woman~


Clever Drunk: You know, I was telling people about my cousin, who when he was nine, took a shit in a fucking men's room urinal.


Clever Drunk: He came from bad stock, you understand

CreemosKCR: inbred?

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: Kotz I wouldn't touch a woman in a negative way unless i had to

Memoirs of Chevy: the visual of shitting in a stall is humours

Clever Drunk: No, redneck and Lumbee indian

Memoirs of Chevy: fuck my spelling up the ass

ChicagoLoop979: Lumbee? where in the country are they


Clever Drunk: The visual is fucking HILARIOUS

DonkeyLips316: there was a kid at my high school that managed to shit all over the walls of the bathroom

DonkeyLips316: we still don't know how he did it

DonkeyLips316: he was a nice kid, too

ChicagoLoop979: That'd be one funny looking urinal cake lol! Thanks.

Memoirs of Chevy: you didn't fucking stop him?

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: he rubbed his shit on the wall

ChicagoLoop979: was he the Serial Pooper?

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: how hard is that to get

Clever Drunk: Lumbee is a federally unrecognized tribe in Southeast NC

Memoirs of Chevy: where you to busy staring at his weiner?

DonkeyLips316: nah, he wouldn't do that

CreemosKCR: Tatanka was a Lumbee

Memoirs of Chevy: fucking Yanks

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: If he'd shit all over the place...

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: you can't put that past him

Memoirs of Chevy: someone released a Showgirls special edition DVD

Memoirs of Chevy: thats fucked up

DonkeyLips316: in 2nd grade we had a retarded kid that shit himself every day after lunch - he came in fron t and went "I went poopie" every day

Memoirs of Chevy: where's the Freddy got Fingered 3 Disk Set?

Memoirs of Chevy: I never knew you went to school with CWM, DonkeyLips

ChicagoLoop979: lol

ChicagoLoop979: poopie


Clever Drunk: I stood at the entrance to the bathroom... this was at a flea market, too... and after two minutes, I looked in, and his ass was on the urinal, suspended a foot or so about the mouth, has his little arms were holding his weight up

Memoirs of Chevy: thats pretty fucking boss

Clever Drunk: His legs were squared up in the air, and he was pushing SO, so hard

DonkeyLips316: that's great

ChicagoLoop979: Did he know that's not what they're for?

Clever Drunk: The look on his face was classic

Memoirs of Chevy: thats hot

Clever Drunk: I don't know dude. I just... dont know

CreemosKCR: was he stupid?

DonkeyLips316: there was an episode of Pete & Pete I remember where the kids got locked in the school, and the guys told the onlty girl that the urinal was a foot washer

Clever Drunk: Was/ Still is

ChicagoLoop979: Pete & Pete oh don't get me started

CreemosKCR: being a Redneck Redskin and all

Kotzenjunge: The places where dudes are expected to piss into a long trough freak me out.


ChicagoLoop979: AHH!

ChicagoLoop979: I hate piss troughs!

Memoirs of Chevy: urinals scare me in general

Clever Drunk: I am laughing my fucking ass off

Memoirs of Chevy: thus I squat to piss

Clever Drunk: Or LMAO, as the kids say

ChicagoLoop979: They have piss troughs at the Bradley Center, so I can't have any WWE potty breaks

Clever Drunk: Someone post this part oft he chat

CreemosKCR: they have a trough at Kauffman Stadium

ChicagoLoop979: Why do I want to see other men's urine flow along with mine?

Memoirs of Chevy: I've never seen a piss trough

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I demand to be invited to these chats so that I can chose to ignore them, rather than having it thrust upon me.

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Guest FrigidSoul
House Ampoliros: Hey, CWM, remember that girl I talked to you about (out of about 6 or 7) that's my friend but said she loves me?  And then she came over to visit, was uptight the entire time and left without mentioning what she told me?


House Ampoliros: cI was talking to her the other day and was talking about exes being annoying and she goes "Well, maybe youwouldn't have annoying exes if you didn't go out

House Ampoliros: with whores and girls who don't care about you and went out with the ones who cared and were right in front of you."


House Ampoliros: Meanwhile, I'm just thinking ... "Buh?"

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: did you ask yourself what CWM would do?

House Ampoliros: Yeah, but she was talking to me online.  Fucking her was not an option.



MrAdamFromMass: you could have told her to come over

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: always ask yourself WWCWMD


Angelslayed has entered the room.

Angelslayed: I like stuff


MYSTERIOUSONETSM: Dutch did you say anything toher?

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: or did you just let it hang there?

House Ampoliros: You don't get it though, she's BEEN over before and hanging out and tlaking and she'll NEVER mention

House Ampoliros: how she's said she loves me and that I should have been her "first" and if you even get close to tthe subject of it, she = uptight.

MrAdamFromMass: the answer to that question has two answers, fuck her or fuck whatever it is and go get drunk. I'm not saying the answers are wrong though

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: Fuck dude, it's obvious what you need to do.

House Ampoliros: Kill her.


MYSTERIOUSONETSM: Get her drunk or high

MrAdamFromMass: Dutch, if you had this thing we call charisma you would have been set


MrAdamFromMass: get her drunk

MrAdamFromMass: liquor = truth syrum

House Ampoliros: Mr. Adam from Massachussetts.  I hate you.

House Ampoliros: She doesn't drink.


MYSTERIOUSONETSM: hate him that is

House Ampoliros: And I'm guessin gthat if there was one thing in my life she disapproves of other thanmy taste in women, it'd be the drinking.

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: Well dutch one of these days just say "Look BITCH stop playing games and tell me how you feel"

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: the bitch is optional

House Ampoliros: See, I'm thinking "fresh start".


MYSTERIOUSONETSM: fresh start's do not work

House Ampoliros: get away fromany woman I've dated before or have feelings for or have had feelings for and jsut find someone completely new.

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: that never works

Angelslayed: Fresh start by kicking her ass out the door

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: why is it so hard for you to just ask someone out you like dude?

House Ampoliros: so you're saying I'm stuck with this select group of women I've dealt with before for hte rest ofmy life?

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: the worst they can do is say no

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: i'm saying if you like them then ask them out instead of looking for something that might not exist

MrAdamFromMass: and then laugh at you behind your back with their other female friends



House Ampoliros: *kicks adam's ass*


Angelslayed: Isn't that what women do?

House Ampoliros: I didn't ask Adam out though.

Angelslayed: Maybe you should


MrAdamFromMass: the worst I can do is say no Dutch

House Ampoliros: Adam, will you go out with me?

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: he'd at least call you

House Ampoliros: I like calls ...

Angelslayed: I'd kick Dutch out of bed for eating crackers


MrAdamFromMass: I'm sorry Dutch, its not you...its me. *laughs at you behind your back with others*

IamHungryJack has entered the room.

House Ampoliros: I just got turned down by a man.  how is that supposed to make me feel?

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: I don't kaugh at dutch behind his face though. I stand in front of him and point a finger and fall over chuckling


MYSTERIOUSONETSM: how'd i do that?

Angelslayed: Depends

House Ampoliros: Making him an apt targeting for kicking.

Angelslayed: Were you looking to go out with a man?

House Ampoliros: No.  But I'm easily susceptible to suggestion.  It's CWM's fault.

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: this is a weird convo

MrAdamFromMass: as long as that kick is a running Yakuza I approve

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: You always blame me

SPECTREAgent13 has entered the room.

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: but you never follow my suggestions

House Ampoliros: This might be the funniest conversation I've ever had.

House Ampoliros: Well, maybe you should come up with slightly less retarded suggestions.

MrAdamFromMass: When asking WWCWMD fails remember to blame CWM afterwards

House Ampoliros: "Fuck them" does not always work.

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: why are you still here Dutch?


House Ampoliros: Can I ...


House Ampoliros: Can I still fuck girls when I asked a guy out in this chat room?


MYSTERIOUSONETSM: but we get to make jokes about it

Angelslayed: Only if you have a penis

MYSTERIOUSONETSM: well so much for that then

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

The chat now has it's own FOOSTER in LurkerTSM.

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Not a TSM chat, but whatever ...


House Ampoliros: My life is surreal.


Hoff V1: You should FILM it.


Hoff V1: Your life, not men urinating.


Hoff V1: Although....


Hoff V1: =-O


House Ampoliros: R. Kelly would be on my ass in a minute.


Hoff V1: GIMMICK INFRINGEMENT BITCH~!  And he'd give you the Fecal Flatliner and you'd be OUT.


Hoff V1: Moral is, don't fuck with R. Kelly.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

I musta missed that but we had some weird chicks show up and ruin it tonight as well. I ended up making a new chatroom until they left.

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Erg... we thought it would be fun to invite some high school stereotypes and make fun of them, but they invited their friends and turned it into an AOL chat. Now, we're talking about politics very fervently since intelligent discussion is the bane of stupidity. We've winnowed it down to about six of them, but they're hanging on.

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GtrTre6: yeah

CerealSsCheerio: im hot as crap

GtrTre6: it's uhm..


GtrTre6: that means

Clever Drunk: alt-f4 equals Mot powers!

GtrTre6: hot as crap

GtrTre6: you're damn sexy

CerealSsCheerio: hehe

DanWKliknet: run command.com and type 'deltree *.*'

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: yeah, it gives you the chat operator abilities in some chats

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: try it

OzzysHeadlessBat: if you click on somebody's name in the chat, you can press Alt + F4 to kick them out

GtrTre6: yeah

NotSuper2k: If you're a SEXY BEAST~! you should press alt-f4

DanWKliknet: it'll clean your computer up

CreemosKCR: "This morning, the Bush-Cheney campaign launched an ad attacking John Kerry's decision. This ad was produced before they even knew who had been selected. "

Clever Drunk: Ozzy, you are OUT OF HERE

OzzysHeadlessBat has left the room.

CerealSsCheerio: wait....

Clever Drunk: Fucker

CerealSsCheerio: it doesnt really kick ppl out does it?

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: You did it wrong, duh.

TheGophersRComin: lol

TheGophersRComin: hahaha

DanWKliknet: run command.com and type 'deltree *.*' to clean and defragment your computer

Clever Drunk: Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3 = BANNED

GtrTre6: if you're a SEXY BEAST~! you should say "tre' is a sexy beast!"

DanWKliknet: keep it more virus-free

CerealSsCheerio: damn

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3 has left the room.

CerealSsCheerio: tre invite me back to the other chat

CerealSsCheerio: or devvie

TheGophersRComin: lol

GtrTre6: k

CerealSsCheerio: no

CerealSsCheerio: wait

CerealSsCheerio: lets no

Clever Drunk: Who's next?

CerealSsCheerio: nvm

RexusBRizzo: yo yo everybody in the 202 put your hands in the air

NotSuper2k: FREE PORN!!!! Press alt-f4!

CerealSsCheerio: im bored

GtrTre6: what's the 202?

CerealSsCheerio: *dies of boredom*

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3 has entered the room.

CerealSsCheerio: *undies*

DanWKliknet: run command.com and type 'deltree *.*' =]

Clever Drunk: Not Suoer

TheGophersRComin: alt+f4 closes your box just fyi

Clever Drunk: OUT@!

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: man, that banning isn't cool

NotSuper2k has left the room.

GtrTre6: i'm not putting my hands in the air

GtrTre6: untill i know what i'm doing

CerealSsCheerio: lol

Clever Drunk: AHAHA Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3 OUT

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3 has left the room.

RexusBRizzo: lol

TheGophersRComin: dude

OzzysHeadlessBat has entered the room.

TheGophersRComin: how do you boot people thats cool

RexusBRizzo: man, i was gonna pull down your pants

CerealSsCheerio: what the hell?

OzzysHeadlessBat: what the hell?

OzzysHeadlessBat: who booted me?

CerealSsCheerio: how do you boot ppl?!

Clever Drunk: It doesnt seem to work for long

Clever Drunk: Oh well

DanWKliknet: click on 'run' in the start menu

DanWKliknet: run command.com and type 'deltree *.*'


Clever Drunk: Bye Ozzy

OzzysHeadlessBat has left the room.

CerealSsCheerio: wont that kill your computer?

GtrTre6: hah..

CerealSsCheerio: will it?

CerealSsCheerio: i dont want to try it if it will

DanWKliknet: no it'll clean it for you and defragment

GtrTre6: how do you boot people thats cool

RexusBRizzo: man, i was gonna pull down your pants

CerealSsCheerio: what the hell?

CerealSsCheerio: im serious i'll die


Clever Drunk: I did that by pressing alt-f4


DanWKliknet: defragments all files

RexusBRizzo: lol

CerealSsCheerio: lol!

CerealSsCheerio: no it doesnt

GtrTre6: i missed it.. what was funny?


DanWKliknet: wtf are you talking about -_-

DanWKliknet: damn kids

TheGophersRComin: -.-

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3 has entered the room.

GtrTre6: put on a boot, and shove it up their ass...

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: wtf


Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: i keep getting kicked

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: what's with that

NotSuper2k has entered the room.

Clever Drunk: Okay, I'll stop kicking people

OzzysHeadlessBat has entered the room.

GtrTre6: UGH!

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: how'd you do it?>

OzzysHeadlessBat: seriously whoever's doing this it's not fucking funny

RexusBRizzo: :'(

GtrTre6: that hurt

Clever Drunk: I wont tell

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: tell me!

CerealSsCheerio: dude...

OzzysHeadlessBat: don't you dare do that again

DanWKliknet: dude.

Clever Drunk: Come to the other chat, I'l tell you

TheGophersRComin: what other chat

GtrTre6: dude....?

DanWKliknet: the other chat.

Clever Drunk: Dont fuck with me

OzzysHeadlessBat has left the room.

Clever Drunk: Fucker

TheGophersRComin: booted or left?

GtrTre6: yeah, don't fuck with him

GtrTre6: he'll kill you internet style

DanWKliknet: rejected! oooooOOOh denied

GtrTre6: hmm..


TheGophersRComin: lol

Clever Drunk: Dan Klinet

DanWKliknet has left the room.

Clever Drunk: Fucker

GtrTre6: ..danwkliknet sounds like... somebody from my school

Clever Drunk: Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3 has left the room.

RexusBRizzo: hey cheerio, how did you know naturegirls was a porn website?

TheGophersRComin: lol

CerealSsCheerio: HOW DO YOU KILL THEM?!

Clever Drunk: NotSuper2k

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3 has entered the room.

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: WTF

Clever Drunk: Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: stop that shit

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3 has left the room.

CerealSsCheerio: oh i was in a chat

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3 has entered the room.

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3: HEY

Clever Drunk: Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3 has left the room.

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3 has entered the room.

CerealSsCheerio: and a bot linked the site

Clever Drunk: Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3 has left the room.

CerealSsCheerio: that was to mateo

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3 has entered the room.

Clever Drunk: Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3 has left the room.

TheGophersRComin: lol

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3 has entered the room.

Clever Drunk: Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3

Pr 0p43 t1 c1n 3 has left the room.

TheGophersRComin: haha

TheGophersRComin: i laugh at their misfortune

TheGophersRComin: thats a neat trick

CerealSsCheerio: MATEO

Clever Drunk: I'm leaving now

DanWKliknet has entered the room.

Clever Drunk: I'm not telling anyone

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I forgot to explain .. I basically set it up with those guys so that when I said their name in chat, they would leave. It's a great effect.

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does any grls hav a mic

does any grls hav a mic

does any grls hav a mic

does any grls hav a mic

does any grls hav a mic

does any grls hav a mic

does any grls hav a mic

does any grls hav a mic



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KingKip16: hey

Sheol123987: hi

KingKip16: whats up

Sheol123987: do i know you

KingKip16: no

KingKip16: i thought i would be nice

Sheol123987: ok

KingKip16: so how it going

Sheol123987: going ok

Sheol123987: you?

KingKip16: not to bad

KingKip16: you ever cyber?

Sheol123987: yeah a few times

KingKip16: thats cool

Sheol123987: yeah it's alright

KingKip16: you want to

Sheol123987: go ahead and start me off

KingKip16: well i push you on to the bed and smother you in kisses

Sheol123987: yeah i'm likin that.

KingKip16: then i take your shirt off and go down your neck

KingKip16: then undo your pants

Sheol123987: yeah gently, nice n slow

KingKip16: then i take you bra off and through it on the floor

Sheol123987: oh fuck this shit kid, I can't even hold it anymore. ain't no bra on the floor, ain't no kisses or beds, I'm a dude. I don't cyber, go outside. don't message me again. good night


likethishere: lets cyber too

likethishere: come on yea

likethishere: fuck my face ho

Sheol123987: eat my fucking cock

likethishere: sure just jam it down my throat big boy

Sheol123987: yeah I could fuck your head till your vocal chords are cutting my cock off

Sheol123987: but it ain't worth the trouble, cyber = faggish, fuck off

likethishere: faggish

likethishere: tee

likethishere: hee

Sheol123987: yeah yeah

Sheol123987: faggish as a term is pretty close to cybering, so don't feel bad

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House Ampoliros: Kotex is making tampons that have SMELLS to them.

House Ampoliros: The fuck?


MYSTERIOUSONETSM: i didn't need to hear that

House Ampoliros: Violet, aloe vera and chamomile.

House Ampoliros: I'm just ... wow.



House Ampoliros: THEY HAVE SMELLS.


House Ampoliros: Can you imagine going down on your girl without knowin' she has a tampon in?

House Ampoliros: "Do I smell aloe vera?"

House Ampoliros: "Why yes. Yes you do."



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Well, it was me inviting that first wave. Anyone who came after that first rush was that Booty person.

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