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Guest Anglesault
Grow up. Seriously, your bitching is really growing tiresome. No team wins every single game, nor can they be expected to. TEAMS LOSE GAMES. Deal with it. Or at least stop complaining every damn time it happens.

Lose a game.


Don't get blown out.


That's all I ask. I hate when my fucking team gets blown out. You'll notice I wasn't upset with the team after the Subway Series.


And AS, you're pissed because the best hitting team in all of baseball is hitting?


I'm pissed because Murderers Row just got totally shut down by a man with a 4.6whatever ERA and the supposed ace of our staff got rocked YET AGAIN.


The Yankees aren't going to win SHIT unless we find someone to throw a ball.


Asking anyone on this team to go seven innings is like asking them to fart in church.

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Guest Anglesault
The Yankees aren't going to win SHIT unless we find someone to throw a ball.


Please. The Yankees are on pace to win 103 games.

We both know very well what I'm talking about.


I'd love to see how Mussina, Lieber and Contreras's five inning GEMS hold up in a short play off series.

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Guest Anglesault

It should be noted that I forgot Kevin Brown in my last rant. Unfortunately, even if ol' Kev can get his ass healthy for the playoffs, we can't face Tampa in the first round.

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Guest Anglesault

Well, it's over.


Just concentrate on winning the series tomorrow, I guess.


Maybe if I cross my fingers whoever the hell is staring can *gasp* get through seven.

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I'd say it's over for the Cubs tonight, since Kolb has become nothing short of automatic. Sammy's near homer in the 8th is a perfect example of almost nothing going the Cubs' way tonight. I think Patterson leading off with the triple and being left there was the defining moment of the game, though. And the Cards have taken the lead over the Reds, which means most likely, they'll have a five game lead over the Cubs after tonight.


And losing against the Brewers is tough, but it always has been and this year, they're a much better team. Let's not forget that their rotation was flip-flopped so that their best starters would pitch in this series. I'm not making excuses for the Cubs, as they'd probably be winning tonight if it weren't for defensive errors and missed offensive opportunities, but I think a bit of perspective is needed here.

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No. Don't forget, the Cubs are yet to have the team they expected to have on Opening Day take the field. I'd say it's a long way from being over.

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If the Cards keep playing this way, then I think so. I love the Cubs, but the way they can't get completely healthy at once is killing them. They get Sosa and Prior back and lose Hollandsworth and Ramirez. I keep trying to put things in perspective, but that can't stop me from throwing my remote control into the floor after they lose. I'm going to have to take a picture of it to show you just how frustrated they've made me over the years.

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I don't think anybody mentioned that the Mets beat the Phillies 4-1...Hidalgo doesn't hit a HR (he had a streak of 5 games w/ a HR) but he was 2-5 with 2 RBI


Oh and the Mets are 42-40, 2 games behind the Phillies and tied with the Marlins for 2nd place

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Guest Anglesault
I keep trying to put things in perspective, but that can't stop me from throwing my remote control into the floor after they lose. I'm going to have to take a picture of it to show you just how frustrated they've made me over the years.

Remote throwing is for pussies.


The Yankees have caused major damage to my house and major household appliances.

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I keep trying to put things in perspective, but that can't stop me from throwing my remote control into the floor after they lose.  I'm going to have to take a picture of it to show you just how frustrated they've made me over the years.

Remote throwing is for pussies.


The Yankees have caused major damage to my house and major household appliances.

If the Yankees lose again...the headline in the next day's Newsday will read:



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No. Don't forget, the Cubs are yet to have the team they expected to have on Opening Day take the field. I'd say it's a long way from being over.

And there's nothing ensuring that that's going to happen. I'm sure that we'll see games with the whole team, but if someone gets hurt as soon as someone comes back, it's going to be hard to have everyone at the same time.


Let's look at some of the Cubs' shortcomings right now. Number one is obviously the injuries, but that isn't what's accounting for everything. The defense over the past two weeks has just been disgusting and probably cost them the game tonight, as none of the Brewers' runs were earned. When you play strong defense, you ensure that you'll at least stay in the game. Plus, you won't make your pitcher throw extra pitches. Prior was in the 70s before the third frame was in the books. Had his defense not made those errors, one could assume that he would've gone at least two more innings.


Next, I think we need to look at second base. Todd Walker was brought in to be an off the bench sort of guy. When Grudz went down, Walker stepped in as the everyday second baseman. He wasn't an offensive machine, but he was reliable a great deal of the time. His defense was also much better than most thought it'd be. So now that Grudz is back, they're platooning over at second. I think it's a bad idea. Grudz' had a career season last year, but that doesn't take away from the fact that prior to that, his career was thought to be more or less finished. I think that's the Grudz we're seeing right now. So why not play Walker most of the time then? I feel more comfortable seeing him at second that Grudz.


The pen has been in question all season, but it seems that they step up in tough situations. Their middle relieve has been really good most of the time; it's just that people focus more on the end of the pen, which I think needs a change, too. Borowski isn't the solution and I think Hawkins is better setting the table for the guy in the ninth. Perhaps once a few more teams fall out of contention, the Cubs can go out and snag a real effective closer.


Personally, I think it's all a matter of the key guys getting healthy and one or perhaps two somewhat significant trades. The latter sparked them last year and I think the same's needed this season. I think by this weekend, we'll have a better idea on just where the Cubs stand in the NL Central.

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So should we give up on the Cubs taking the Central now>

Well I love the Cards, but I can't say the Cubs are out yet. They have 8 straight home games after the break, so they may gain some ground.


One other reason I think the Cubs are still in is the fact that every team in the Central seems to get up for each other so gimme games against Pittsburgh and Milwaukee in August may not be the gimme's anymore.

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Stupid, slow board caused me to double post for the first time in I can't remember how long.


AS, throwing the remote has become a bit of a tradition with me. Besides, I live with other people, so I'm not exactly at liberty to go around chainsawing couches in half and throwing lamps down the stairs.

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Guest Anglesault
Besides, I live with other people, so I'm not exactly at liberty to go around chainsawing couches in half and throwing lamps down the stairs.

I broke a door and threw an iron out a window.


No need to exaggerate.

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Guest Real F'n Show
Grow up.  Seriously, your bitching is really growing tiresome.  No team wins every single game, nor can they be expected to.  TEAMS LOSE GAMES.  Deal with it.  Or at least stop complaining every damn time it happens.

Lose a game.


Don't get blown out.


That's all I ask. I hate when my fucking team gets blown out. You'll notice I wasn't upset with the team after the Subway Series.

See, this is why I have respect for fans of crappy teams, like Rob E. Dangerously (no burn intended). The Royals have been shut out two nights in a row now by the Twins, and he's not freaking out. It's not like it matters anyway, you care WAY too much. We all know there's no chance in hell the Yankees won't make the playoffs. Trust me, you have nothing to worry about, when your a fan of the Yankees, who buy there way into the playoffs. I could never be a Yankee fan, because half the fun is watching my team fight for a playoff spot. With the Yankees, that's pretty much a guarentee. And if they don't win the World Series, of course, they go out and buy better players. I'm guessing the Yankees will destroy the Twins again in the first round of the playoffs...

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Guest Anglesault
I'm guessing the Yankees will destroy the Twins again in the first round of the playoffs...


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Besides, I live with other people, so I'm not exactly at liberty to go around chainsawing couches in half and throwing lamps down the stairs.

I broke a door and threw an iron out a window.


No need to exaggerate.

I wasn't actually referring to you, as I didn't even know you had done those things. Yikes, an iron? Weren't you at all considering the consequences you were bound to face the next morning when you needed something to wear?

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I don't think anybody mentioned that the Mets beat the Phillies 4-1...Hidalgo doesn't hit a HR (he had a streak of 5 games w/ a HR) but he was 2-5 with 2 RBI


Oh and the Mets are 42-40, 2 games behind the Phillies and tied with the Marlins for 2nd place

And Al Leiter now has the lowest ERA in the majors at 2.05. If he had gotten run support at the beggining of the season, he would be up there with Schmidt and Clemens in the NL Cy Young race

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I know this isn't a fantasy thread, but god damn do I hate the Giants' pen. I got Schmidt on my fantasy team; he goes 7, strikes out 12, gives up one hit, one earned run, left with a five-run lead...and won't figure into the decision because of the pen.

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Guest Anglesault
Besides, I live with other people, so I'm not exactly at liberty to go around chainsawing couches in half and throwing lamps down the stairs.

I broke a door and threw an iron out a window.


No need to exaggerate.

I wasn't actually referring to you, as I didn't even know you had done those things. Yikes, an iron? Weren't you at all considering the consequences you were bound to face the next morning when you needed something to wear?

Who the hell owns only one iron?

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Cubs fans should not worry, as they are right in the wild card race. If they cannot catch the Cards it really does not matter, as the Cubs would win in a short series. Can you imagine facing Wood, Prior, Zamb., and Clement in a 7 game series.


One last thing, 2 days after being named to the all star team, because everyone thought it was his last year, Barry Larkin announced he will probably play next year, barring major injuries. How strange, just 2 days after the team was announced this decision just popped into his head. Evil genius or asshole you decide.

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