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Can you cite one successful major league pitcher who had massively below average K/9 numbers in his first 140 innings like Jimmy Gobble has?


Quite frankly, I can't find a pitcher quite like Jimmy Gobble. He's combined his low K rate with an even lower BB rate. I can't find a pitcher with such a low K rate, but I don't have any better research tools than simply combing through lists of pitchers. LaTroy Hawkins K'd 9 batters in 27 innings when he was 22, but I doubt you'll find that convincing.


Still, there are several reasons Gobble's K rate is low. He might be overmatched in the majors. He could be nursing an injury. It could be a result of his pitching coach, ballpark, or defense. Almost all of the Royals' pitchers have abnormally low strikeout rates. His HR rate isn't abysmal, and his walk rate is excellent.


There's alot to like about Gobble, and the only negative is that K rate in the majors. That's contradicted by his minor league stats, and if the AA numbers were troubling, neither John Sickels or Baseball Prospectus indicated any concerns. With pitchers, I can't say if they will succeed, they are a tricky breed. However, I do think Gobble should become a solid contributor in a year or two.

As for Hawkins.. I keep in mind the requirements to be a rookie (50 innings). His K Rate was fine in his next "cup of coffee". But, he went on to a career in relief anyways.


Gobble's low BB rate is positive, but he just gives up too many hits anyways.


As for the Royals, they did just fire a pitching coach who had the asinine theory of trying not to strike guys out.


His K-Rate in the minors really isn't too impressive, he didn't strike out any more than 6 per 9 in AA.

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Something tells me the Phils are going to pull away in the NL East. On their current homestand, they are averaging around 9 runs a game. Watching as a Mets fan, nearly every Phil seems to have a .400 OBP or better. They have the makings of a tremendous offensive club. In fact, looking at the talent they have, it is amazing to me they are only 7 games over .500.

For the Mets, they are on their best offensive stretch since the 99 club, which was probably the best offensive club in Met history. Hidalgo has been a steal so far and Floyd is starting to drive in runs at a rapid pace. However, Jason Phillips is really hurting this team. Last year might have been a fluke. In 2003, he had well over a .400 OBP for the better part of the season, before he started to slump in September and it dropped quite a bit . He provides no power or run production and he should not play at all if he isn't going to be the high OBP guy that he was last season. There have been grumblings in the New York Media of Wigginton moving to first when David Wright is called up, and Piazza then returning behind the plate. That would mean doom for Jason Phillips, which might be a good thing, but could also slow down Piazza down the stretch. These next 12 games against the Phillies and Marlins could knock the Mets right out of contention and they could be sellers, not buyers, by the 31st. Al Leiter anyone? Red Sox? Yanks?

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I'm heading south to Boston on Thursday. Hopefully I can get scapled tickets to the Red Sox game but Pedro's pitching and it's against the As. $50 bleacher seats here I come....

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Rob, if it makes you feel any better, the Astros haven't gained any ground in the NL Central since the Beltran trade. In fact, they've lost ground and are now eight games behind the Cards. I gotta believe that if it gets much more spread out, it's going to take a major collapse of the Cards and a true surge from the Stros to put them back into the race.


And how bout them Pirates? Winners of 10 straight and they're still comfortably in last place. Were it not for that streak where they were losing almost everyday, they'd be in the thick of the race right now.

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How long would you wait, if you were the Astros, before trying to turn Beltran around to another team?


If I am 8 games out with 4 other teams ahead of me, if my team doesn't take a chunk of that before the AS break I have to look into moving him again.

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Guest Real F'n Show

Santana vs. Greinke tonight as far as Twins vs. Royals go. Possibly another shutout, the way Santana's been pitching.

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Santana vs. Greinke tonight as far as Twins vs. Royals go. Possibly another shutout, the way Santana's been pitching.

And considering that the Royals have scored 11 runs in the 50 1/3 innings that Grienke's pitched.. they'll let him down and give him no run support AGAIN.

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How long would you wait, if you were the Astros, before trying to turn Beltran around to another team?


If I am 8 games out with 4 other teams ahead of me, if my team doesn't take a chunk of that before the AS break I have to look into moving him again.

I'll bet they don't trade him, no matter how far back they are or how many teams are in front of them. The Astros built this team to win this year, 2005 and beyond be damned. I'd expect that they're going with this group and will either sink or swim.


In fact, Gerry Hunsicker said here in a radio interview just this morning that he does not expect any other "major" moves to be made.


They better at least try to get another middle reliever. Trading Dotel is starting to really look like a bad move, particularly since their bullpen is pretty bad now (outside of Lidge) and Beltran's arrival (despite his own best efforts) has failed to ignite the offense.

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Guest FrigidSoul

I'm starting to wonder should the Astros continue this slide if they'll start a mini fire sale. Beltran already said he isn't going to resign unless they get that hill out of CF, Jeff Kent is a FA next season...no clue if they would trade anybody else.


Anyways some Miami paper is reporting that there could be a possible deal in the works between Boston and the Marlins. Due to the Marlins being in the bottom 3rd of hitting with runners in scoring position they're considering renting Nomar. Boston is said to want Brad Penny or Carl Pavano + for the deal to happen. Maybe the Red Sox could swing a Brad Penny and Alex Gonzales deal and then either have a middle infield of Pokey at second and Gonzales at SS or swing Gonzales around to a team in need of a SS for something.

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Penny has really been struggling as of late and Alex Gonzalez in your lineup is death because of his offensive offense. I don't care how good his glove is, he's nothing short of an automatic out most of the time.


As for the Astros, I doubt they'll trade off Beltran, even if they continue to fall back. They've still got a few series with the Cards, so if they win the majority of those games, they'll be back in the thick of things.

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Guest FrigidSoul

As a Boston fan, even if Penny is struggling


Penny > D-Lowe, Arroyo, Frisbee Kim


Not to mention he's a horse and right now our bullpen could use another starter than can give them 7 strong.


Josh Becket went back on the DL though with blisters so I don't know how willing the Marlins would be to give him up. Not to mention the Marlins also covet Doug Mirabelli for his bat. In a perfect world the blockbuster deal would be


Nomar and Mirabelli


Penny, Alex Gonzales and Mike Redmond(just for a defensive back-up to Tek).


Sox would save about $6mill in that deal and pick up a great pitcher



Oh, and the White Sox gave Freddy Garcia a 3 year $27million extension. The same deal he asked from the Mariners.

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I would still do it as only his last two games are really bad. In the two prior to that he allowed some runs but had 20 Ks compared to 3 BBs in those games. The only thing I would do is to make sure he is healthy and that the low K total in the last two games is not the result of some oncoming arm trouble.

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Seriously, Cubs need to step in, get themselves Nomar to fill the gaping cavernous hole at shortstop because Alex Gonzalez, though better than Triple-A Rey, still sucks. I'm willing to deal Clement now because it seems like the Cubs hitting just doesn't want to help the poor guy out. He's pitching like awesome but we can't score.

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Alex Gonzalez isn't a bad shortshop at all, but his bat leaves a lot to be desired for me.




How about:











Actually, that's crazy on my part isn't it? Florida couldn't be THAT dumb to give up Luis Castillo, could they?

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Looking at Gammons' latest column, I am trying to figure out what is up with his NL ROY pick to this point. He doesn't even mention Ryan Madson or Jason Bay. His debate is between Matt Holliday and Khalil Greene. In 45 games Bay has put up superior numbers to either of those two and in relief appearances Madson has about a 1.10 ERA in 49.2 IP. You're telling me Bay nor Madson can enter the debate when you have



32/4/28 .263/.351/.395/.756, along with 13 errors



37/9/34 .294/.356/.494/.849 in Coors Field

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Guest FrigidSoul

NL RotY thus far certainly is Bay. Crosby probably takes it from the AL with his recognition from being hyped as the next big thing to SS

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Seriously, Cubs need to step in, get themselves Nomar to fill the gaping cavernous hole at shortstop because Alex Gonzalez, though better than Triple-A Rey, still sucks. I'm willing to deal Clement now because it seems like the Cubs hitting just doesn't want to help the poor guy out. He's pitching like awesome but we can't score.

I said it the other day and I'll say it again: no. Clement is more valuable to the Cubs this year than Nomar would be. Would you really want Rusch or Mitre in the rotation full-time, especially while knowing that Wood is no cinch to come back strong? Not me.


The Cubs' offense is ok, but they won't win without Clement, and especially with the year he's having. The fact that they don't score for him has no effect on the way he pitches; it's more bad luck or coincidence than anything, so why trade him just because they don't score for him?


And just out of curiosity why is it so disastrous for the Marlins to get him?

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Guest FrigidSoul

And again, Rusch is pitching well for the Cubs not to mention they have Ryan Dempster waiting in the wings. If Wood comes back I'm sure the Cubs could live with having Ryan Dempster as their 5th starter to upgrade SS.


Either way, as a Red Sox fan I want him gone for SP

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And just out of curiosity why is it so disastrous for the Marlins to get him?


Because their team is ghey.

No, because the Marlins don't have any fans.

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I'm willing to deal Clement now because it seems like the Cubs hitting just doesn't want to help the poor guy out. He's pitching like awesome but we can't score.

That's no reason to deal him away because of that. You can't blame him and to an extent, you can't blame the Cubs' offense. Look at this situation more closely. Because of the injuries that've plagued the Cubs' pitching this season, Clement, who's supposed to be their 4 or 5 starter, has had to go up against the opposition's number one starter. In his last few starts, check out some of the names Clement's been up against: Ben Sheets, Roger Clemens, Chris Carpenter, Mark Redman, and Kelvim Escobar. So it's not like they're not trying to score for the guy. It's just that Clement's had the bad luck of going up against these guys in his last several starts. Even at their worst, it's tough to get more than a couple of runs off of them.

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Well, as a Red Sox fan, you can get someone other than Clement.


Rusch is pitching well for the Cubs


Look at Rusch's career numbers; his success this year is out of the ordinary. I would hate to have to depend on him for a full season. There is a reason he was 1-12 last year.


not to mention they have Ryan Dempster waiting in the wings

Yeah, depending on a guy that hasn't pitched effectively in almost four years and also coming off major surgery as an everyday guy is a bad idea regardless of whether he's "only" a fifth starter or not.


If Wood comes back

Emphasis added. You have no idea how Wood will do when he gets back. If the injury flares up again and you have to shut him down (again) and Clement has been traded, guess what: you've got TWO holes in your rotation. Cubs can't afford that if they're still trailing St. Louis by 5 games or more.


It's just too many "ifs" for me. The bottom line is that SS isn't killing the Cubs. True, it isn't their strength, but no lineup is perfect and they've weathered the storm pretty well thus far...why would you expect that to suddenly become a huge hole that drags their whole season down?


It just doesn't make sense to trade away one of your best players this year for a guy who's coming off an injury, has a bad attitude (apparently), and who doesn't have a contract for next year, especially when it's to "upgrade" a position that isn't killing you all the while weakening what is the strength of your team.

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According to some guy on the net who has no credibility whatsoever and I don't even remember how he got my SN, somebody asked Dusty if he would ever consider Grudz playing shortstop again, and he said "he isn't ready."

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And just out of curiosity why is it so disastrous for the Marlins to get him?


Because their team is ghey.

No, because the Marlins don't have any fans.

And you know once he goes to Florida with 73-year-old Jack McKeon he'll realize his true potential and they'll win the division and crap. I hope the Mets sweep the Marlins and put that crappy team to rest.

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Guest Anglesault

Who in the hell decided Garcia was a 9 million a year pitcher?

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The White Sox GM (Ken Williams?), then again White Sox management thought Albert Belle would help fan relations. Luckily I found out Pedro is pitching tommorow not Thursday (When I'm going to Fenway). Unfortunately Bronson Arroyo is, I don't even know if it's worth the trouble finding a decent scalper to see a Bronson Arroyo Vs Rich Harden match up. Then again it is a playoff rematch....

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