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Matches Announced for 7/23 and 7/31 IWA Events

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From the IWA Message Board...


IWA Mid-South Wrestling, in association with NWA Midwest, returns to action on Friday, July 23rd at the National Guard Armory (5220 East 200 South) in Lafayette, Indiana. Bell time is 8pm. Tickets are $20, $15, and $10, and will be available at the door. Ringside seats can be reserved by leaving your name and how many tickets you'd like held on the IWA Louisville hotline voicemail at 502-569-1701.

On the card for Lafayette 7/23...


***IWA World Heavyweight Title Match***





"The Future" CHRIS SABIN vs. NWA Wildside's RAINMAN




Then, IWA is back at the Lincoln Center (2450 Lincoln Street) in Highland, Indiana on Saturday night, July 31st. Bell time is 7:30pm. Tickets are $20, $15, and $10 and will be available at the door.


On the card in Highland 7/31...


***IWA World Heavyweight Title Match***

[Champion] PETEY WILLIAMS vs. "The Future" CHRIS SABIN




"Anarchist" ARIK CANNON vs. "American Dragon" BRYAN DANIELSON


"The Phenomenal" AJ STYLES vs. DELIRIOUS


SAMOA JOE vs. "The New Age Punisher" B-BOY




Plus "Spyder" NATE WEBB, JIMMY JACOBS, MARK WOLF, and more IWA stars in action.


Stay tuned to the IWA web site at www.iwamidsouthwrestling.com during the coming days for further matches to be announced for both events.





07-23 Lafayette, IN @ National Guard Armory

07-31 Highland, IN @ Lincoln Center

08-13 Lafayette, IN @ National Guard Armory

08-21 Highland, IN @ Lincoln Center

09-17 Highland, IN @ Lincoln Center

09-18 Highland, IN @ Lincoln Center

09-23 Lafayette, IN @ National Guard Armory

Plus during the month of October: IWA presents The Revolution 2004 Strong Style Tournament in Lafayette, as well as the first IWA-MS Women's Wrestling event.


Call the IWA hotlines at 502-569-1701 in Louisville and 630-585-3958 in Chicago.


www.iwamidsouthwrestling.com www.midwestwrestling.com


Holy fuck, talk about an awesome card for a "B-Show". Lafayette on 7/23 is sure to at least be good, with those matches announced, plus a potential Tank/Ian match.


Then, they deliver another tremendous-looking Highland card. I don't even need to describe how good that looks.

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Guest Soylent Green Is People

Very happy to see American Dragon in the IWA, hopefully this puts us one step closer to seeing a Dragon/Hero matchup at some point in the future. Both shows typically look really good, it's getting to the point that it's going to be hard to keep up with all the good stuff the IWA keeps putting out.

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This fucking rocks! Ian and company at IWA-MS are completely rocking my world right now.


Danielson/Cannon? Awesome.


Samoe Joe vs. B-Boy? Everyone said it was great in PWG, so why not IWA-MS?


Petey vs. Hero? That should be FANTASTIC.


Styles/Delirious? Punk/Sydal? Petey/Sabin? Good God this is going to be fantastic. :)

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WOW, I suddenly want to order a tape IN ADVANCE. Those are two AWESOME cards.


::starts wondering about the possible off the charts spots that AJ/Delirious are going to do to beat their first IWA-MS match::

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I'm really looking forward to these:




"Anarchist" ARIK CANNON vs. "American Dragon" BRYAN DANIELSON


"The Phenomenal" AJ STYLES vs. DELIRIOUS


Matt Sydal is going to be a very huge star one day [at least on the indies], and he's very entertaining to watch. So I'm intrigued by that match. Plus Cannon vs. Dragon should be huge. And Styles vs. Delirious will be interesting.

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Guest Evolution



I've been waiting to see Rainman for a long time (having been a NWA Wildside mark since their days on America One), but that weekend with my wrestling buddies is already packed with the Chicago Ridge ROH on 7/24 and Pro Wrestling Iron on 7/25. Shoving in Lafayette (affectionally known in my little "clique" as LA FAT~!) on 7/23 would make for one HELL of a weekend, but one that would drain on all of us physically, mentally, and financially.


7/31 might be a possibility, provided we don't have a ScW show that night. And we better not. We should never have our shows when such talent is performing so close to us. The bastards.

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Guest Markingout

WOW! Arik Cannon vs Bryan Danielson.... I am speakless, this is going to be so fucking excellent. Cannon vs Danielson will most likely steal the show, but it's going to be hard with all these great matches. Petey vs Sabin will be good like all there other encounters. Punk vs Sydal..... wow. Should be marvelous. Sydal's encounter with AJ was awesome, and I am betting his match with Punker will be great. AJ Styles vs. Delirious will be interesting to say the least. AJ works a completely different style, but I think he can adapt to Delirious' odd pacing of a match. Joe vs Buh-Boy, should be stiff, and fun to watch. What an unbeliveable card by IWA-MS.


Sabin and Rainman on 7/23 should be very interesting. I have seen Rainman in ROH, a few times, very impressive for a big man. Rainman also has awesome offense manuevers. Hero vs Petey will deliver.

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IWA-MS is probably the hottest indy around right now. Hopefully they can continue to expand their fanbase.


I'm somewhat disappointed that there's no shows scheduled anywhere in S. Indiana (or even in Indianapolis) at all though.

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Great looking cards...


AD in IWA:MS will be amazing. I just hope this leads to Hero Vs. American Dragon in the near future. Someone somewhere needs to book that match...

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Guest Markingout

Dragon vs Hero happened in England, but never caught tape. We just need to see the match on American soil. Two of the best in the country, squaring off. Ian would be dumb not to book it, he is saving it, though. Hero vs Danielson will happen.

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Guest ArchoanJB

Absolutely breathtaking. I went to the 6/11 "One More Time" show and am now a huge IWA-MS fan. I hope to pick up "One More Time" at the tape table at 7/23 or 31 (yay I'm actually going to both!)


[Champion] PETEY WILLIAMS vs. CHRIS HERO - Looks amazing. I haven't seen too much Williams in the indies, mainly his decent/good TNA stuff. I'll love it I'm sure.


"Anarchist" ARIK CANNON vs. JIMMY RAVE - Cannon was great vs. Smothers and heard he's been impressing a lot of people lately. I don't get the Rave hate, he'll prob. be hated here too for no reason. Match will be fun.


"The Future" CHRIS SABIN vs. NWA Wildside's RAINMAN - Sabin is awesome, while I don't know about Rainman, I saw a so-so match from Wildside, but it wasn't a very good telling of his skills. Hopefully it'll be fun as well.


IAN vs. Ray Gordy - Will prob. be fun, I hope.




[Champion] PETEY WILLIAMS vs. "The Future" CHRIS SABIN - Heh, this will be awesome.


MATT SYDAL vs. CM PUNK - Matt Sydal impressed me at 6/11. CM Punk is CM Punk, awesomeness all around. It'll be fun to awesome.


"Anarchist" ARIK CANNON vs. "American Dragon" BRYAN DANIELSON - It'll be cool just to see AD in person finally. This match should be really good-great mat wrestling.


"The Phenomenal" AJ STYLES vs. DELIRIOUS - Same as AD, it'll be cool to see AJ in person, and with Delirious as a heel, it won't be a semi-comedy match.


SAMOA JOE vs. "The New Age Punisher" B-BOY - Holy hell yes, Samoa Joe made lots and lots of fans in Lafayette, even so many that I felt bad for Hero as Joe punked him out while the fans chanted Joe! Joe! Joe! B-Boy is usually good too and this will bring the stiffness.


MsCHIF vs. TRACY BROOKS - Dunno much about these 2, MsChif had a fun tag match at STB5.


These 2 shows should be really great. I'm glad I'm going to both, I converted one of my friends on 6/11 and were bringing someone else who's heavily into WWE with us this time too.

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Guest Aecas

Bloody hell. Not much more to say other than these are going to be two shows to snap up without pause!

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Guest ArchoanJB

It's confirmed, me and 3 of my friends are making 2 road trips this weekend.


Friday were going to IWA-MS in Lafayette.


And Saturday were going to ROH.


Its going to be a kickass busy as hell weekend. I'll give reports on Sunday.

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Guest Evolution
It's confirmed, me and 3 of my friends are making 2 road trips this weekend.


Friday were going to IWA-MS in Lafayette.


And Saturday were going to ROH.


Its going to be a kickass busy as hell weekend. I'll give reports on Sunday.



I too, wanted to go to Lafayette, but the trip with my wrestling buddies would've been nothing short of impossible.


Although it should be mentioned that I will be going to ROH on Saturday, Pro Wrestling Iron-Midwest on Sunday, NWA: No Limits Wrestling on the 30th, IWA-MS on the 31st, and then I have a show to referee on the 1st.


Packed weekends, my friends.



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Guest ArchoanJB

If we weren't going to be broke after ROH, I'd almost want to got to PW-Iron but damn are we going to be burnt out.


Were going to IWA-MS In Highland next week though.

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Guest Evolution

The Paradise City Ninjas.


You can probably check out Phoenix Fury's sig for more info.

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Guest ArchoanJB

well I changed my mind anyway, I'll be wearing a black diesal boyz shirt

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Joe vs. B-Boy this weekend has been replaced by Toby Klein vs. Madman Pondo in a Barbed Wire Tables match due to Joe aggrivating his leg and tailbone injuries at ROH this past weekend.


Chad Collyer and Nigel McGuinness are now booked as well.

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