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Guest Doyo

gag order placed on 9/11 whistleblower

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Guest Doyo


http://www.911truth.org/ network


Most Americans have never heard of Sibel Edmonds. While the citizens of our great nation have plenty of time to entertain discussing topics such as sports, the Atkin's Diet or the Olsen Twins - somehow that which is truely important gets lost in the dust.


Sibel Edmonds was formerly employed by the FBI as a translator. During her time of employment she overcame some very disturbing information. She decided to take the chance and relay these findings to her superiors. She was fired soon after and warned not talk about anything she found.


Edmonds claims that the centerpiece of her findings had to do with some government officials having foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks. In many interviews, she also has alleged that some government officials are involved in large scale drug trafficing, illegal weapons sales and have connections to foreign terrorist groups.


Edmonds filed a lawsuit against the government. The Constitution of the United States guarantees her right to do so. The government has denied her rights and will not let her case be heard! They have made all information pertaining to her case classified, even though a short time ago much of it was public. They say that it would jeopardize "national security" if she is allowed to present evidence.


Sibel Edmonds has made it clear that any information she provides will absolutely not endanger the lives of any Americans. If she wanted to give out sensitive intelligence to terrorist groups, she could have done that a long time ago. Her case has more to do with exposing the corrupt people that operate within the government. She also wants to make it clear that most people in the government are good citizens - she only wants to bring the "bad apples" to justice as she is disgusted by what she knows.


Many families of the victims of the 9/11 have lawsuits in place against the government. Naturally, they want to use Sibel Edmonds as a witness. The government has forbidden her to testify!


Many of you probably don't believe this as it sounds like something out of Nazi Germany. Links with stories from major news organizations are provided below.


Please join with people such as:

- Senator Patrick Leahy D-Vt.

- Senator Charles Grassley R-Iowa

- Max Cleland, former 9/11 Commissioner and Senator

- Catherine Fitts, former Assistant Secretary of Housing for Bush Sr. administration

- Gore Vidal, historian and author

- Paul Hellyer, former Defense Minister of Canada

- Donn de Grand-Pre, retired U.S. Army Colonel

- Ed Asner, actor

- 9/11 victim families from the world over


in an effort to let people like Sibel Edmonds present her information to the public. Help protect our nation from corruption by cut & pasting this across the internet. Let freedom ring!













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You know, chances are in a huge bureaucracy such as the US Government there's bound to be a few or more members that are less than upstanding.


She did her job, reported to her superiors and was fired for it. Something smells like Bullshit indeed.

Edited by Highland

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Guest MikeSC
You know, chances are in a huge bureaucracy such as the US Government there's bound to be a few or more members that are less than upstanding.


She did her job, reported to her superiors and was fired for it. Something smells like Bullshit indeed.

I don't take the word of a group called 911truth.org as gospel. Sorry. This is a group with a DEFINITE axe to grind.


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Guest Doyo

You are damn right they have an axe to grind. Maybe you would be too if your relatives

died on 9/11.


It's a legit story. Click the news links in the article. She has been on 60 Minutes.


Go to http://news.google.com and type in her name and get over 200 articles on her, many from "normal" news sources.

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Normally, I'd say that this story is a bunch of crap. However, since you have my hero Bubb Rubb in your avatar, I'm going to let it go.

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Guest MikeSC
It's a legit story.


So, you're implying that I'm simply playing along so I can steal a lot of money from casinos?


...If this is legit news and easily found on google --- then provide the links...

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Guest Doyo

Can you guys read? There were links in the original article and I pointed this out in my second post. Show a little respect for the victim's families who are doing everything they can to get this story out to the public.


Here they are again:









regular google search on her name will get you 25,000 results. google news will get you 200 recent articles.


pic of her at press conference:



pic of her on tv show "60 Minutes":



mp3 interview with her:


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I remember a tiny blurb about this story awhile back, and then it just up and dissapeared, which either means complete bullshit, or there is some truth to the story. I wonder if there have been any updates.

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Guest MikeSC

So, a suit tossed out of court by a judge constitutes NEWS?


Man, talk about a witch hunt.


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Guest FrigidSoul



I'd hit it.



That being said if its bullshit then she should be allowed to state her case and then they can prove its bullshit. The fact they aren't letting her speak makes it all the more in her favor. I mean c'mon, why would you silence somebody if what they're saying is provable bullshit?(If you do answer that question then give an actual answer and not a talk in circles or spin my words around answer)

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Guest MikeSC


I'd hit it.



That being said if its bullshit then she should be allowed to state her case and then they can prove its bullshit. The fact they aren't letting her speak makes it all the more in her favor. I mean c'mon, why would you silence somebody if what they're saying is provable bullshit?(If you do answer that question then give an actual answer and not a talk in circles or spin my words around answer)

The judge tossed her suit out of court. He obviously agrees with the administration.


Or have they bought the judiciary now?


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Guest FrigidSoul

Why the gag order though? She can still be a witness in other cases.

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Guest MikeSC
Why the gag order though? She can still be a witness in other cases.

FS, we don't know why a gag order. We can rest assured, though, that the court had a reason for it.


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Guest Doyo

By law, cases are only to be thrown out after the plaintiffs have given an outline of their case and the judge deems that there is no possible way they could win. If I sue someone on the street for giving me a dirty look, before the case gets thrown out, I still have a legal right to briefly show the courts why I think I should be able to present the case.


In the Sibel Edmonds case, the judge only met behind closed doors with people from the government and never once met with Edmonds or her lawyers. This is a blatant violation of the legal system and the Constitution. Even if she is insane, she is guaranteed rights.


Besides throwing out her case, they also deemed most anything to do with her case as "classified." Supposedly she isn't even allowed to tell what languages it was that she was translating, even though this and other details were already spread all across the internet.


The only reason given for the gag order was for "protection of certain foreign and diplomatic relations for national security." There have been plenty of court trials dealing with sensitive topics such as espionage. Trials can take place where certain documents are only shown to the judge or jury in private. Like they said, if she wanted to give info to help terrorists she could have done it a long time ago and still could.

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It's a legit story.


Oh come on


You can see the guy's head turn a second before the punch fake-hits him


Are you doubting the great American actor George Clooney turned his head a second before a punch hit instead of taking it like a man?


Cause that's just total slander!

or something.

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Guest wrestlingbs

I'm sure the court had a reason for it. Because in a case where a former government official claims she's being silenced by the government, having said government throw out her case for no known reason is not suspicious at all.


Yep, not even remotely suspicious.




No way.

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Let the woman speak. I would like to hear what she has to say so that I can judge for myself. So what if it MIGHT do damage to Bush and his wacky crew. Gotta wonder what they are so afraid of.

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Guest MikeSC
Let the woman speak. I would like to hear what she has to say so that I can judge for myself. So what if it MIGHT do damage to Bush and his wacky crew. Gotta wonder what they are so afraid of.

Because, God knows, Bush has shown an ability to control the courts thus far.


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A judge looked at her case, decided she had no grounds nor any reason to waste the courts time so they tossed it out. And the gag order can be as simple as she pissed off the judge by getting on them when her case was tossed.


Frankly I don't care if she speaks one way or another but this blaming Bush stuff is going over the top now. God, I dislike the guy and people are now making me feel like I should defend his dumb self.

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Guest Doyo
A judge looked at her case


The judge did NOT look at her case. The judge, who was appointed by Bush, was told by Attorney General John Ashcroft that he should throw the case out for national security reasons. The judge didn't look at one document or speak to Edmonds or her lawyers.


The gag order has to do with Ashcroft changing just about anything to do with her case into "classified information."

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Umm. It isn't a big suprise a court judge was appointed by Bush


Do you have an idea of how many times a President will appoint a Judge in a four-year term.




Oh, yeah, Hi, DOJ guy here...I'd like to think I knew a little about this case...thanks.

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Guest Doyo


Ashcroft's Magic Act


Retroactively Classifying Public Documents is Bureaucracy Gone Nuts


Jul. 9, 2004 12:00 AM


Even the phrase suggests a sort of cognitive dissonance: retroactive classification. Come again?


How does one render government documents that have been in the public realm, in some cases for years - some posted on Web sites, for all the world to see - retroactively classified? How does one put an information genie back into its dark, federal bottle?


The Bush administration, led by Attorney General John Ashcroft, is attempting to show us how it is done. Spare us the magic act.


As a long-time, staunch defender of the administration's efforts to improve the nation's defenses against terrorism, as well as an ardent defender of the First Amendment, we at The Republic find ourselves uniquely positioned to say, emphatically and without qualification, that Mr. Ashcroft, this time you truly have gone too far.


Invoking a seldom-used "state secrets" privilege, the nation's chief legal officer has ordered that information provided by a former FBI translator about events leading up to Sept. 11, 2001, should be made classified.


That includes material the translator, Sibel Edmonds, provided to members of Congress two years ago, as well as information that has been posted on Web sites for at least that long.


Shortly after the 9/11 attacks, Edmonds - who is fluent in Turkish and Farsi - learned that a number of intercepted documents that had been poorly translated into English would have given solid clues to the imminent attacks had they been properly translated. The information even included references to skyscrapers.


After uncovering still more of what she contends were security lapses within the FBI, Edmonds was fired some months later. She has since sued the government in federal court over what she discovered, but her suit was thrown out earlier this week by a judge who said Edmonds' testimony could expose the now-reclassified government "secrets."


Ashcroft's heavy-handedness strongly smells of a bureaucrat attempting to cover up deficiencies in his own agency.


That suspicion is bolstered by the fact that ongoing investigations into Edmonds' charges appear to be drying up fast, likely because of the retroactive classification of the researcher's claims about the department. The FBI's own investigation into Edmonds' charges has yet to see the light of day, and an investigation by the Senate Judiciary Committee is now spinning its wheels since lawmakers now are loathe to discuss now-classified information.


It is nearly always disturbing when government officials act to suppress information about their own actions. Sometimes, especially in times of war, some such actions are justified. But sometimes, too, secrecy-happy officials stretch the public's tolerance too far.


This is a case of secrecy taken too far. Retroactive classification? Rubbish.

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Forget about whether or not Bush should drop Cheney, the real question is how much of a liability Ashcroft is. I've yet to hear anything positive about him and the way he has done his job.

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Forget about whether or not Bush should drop Cheney, the real question is how much of a liability Ashcroft is. I've yet to hear anything positive about him and the way he has done his job.

wha wha what? By gawd, he went after Tommy Chong for selling bongs over the net.....He is my HERO..... :huh:

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Forget about whether or not Bush should drop Cheney, the real question is how much of a liability Ashcroft is. I've yet to hear anything positive about him and the way he has done his job.

wha wha what? By gawd, he went after Tommy Chong for selling bongs over the net.....He is my HERO..... :huh:

That didn't make you feel safe?


Terrorism isn't just killing people...the real evildoers are passed out on Doritos stained sofas.

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