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Guest Choken One

The One and Only Vengeance Thread

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And it's back to Edge


There's a portion of fans who'll always cheer the cocky arrogant heel champ (Flair, Rock, Rude, Perfect) cause it's cool.

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I love the little bit of Randy biting at Edge's fingers when he tries to grav hi chin.

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Guest Real F'n Show

The crowd should just chant something like "Stevie Richards" for no apparent reason. That'd be hilarious. Too bad WWE fans are never funny with their chants.

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The risk a 'boring' chant if they stay in this too long.

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Guest Staravenger
The Men chant Orton, the bitches chant Edge, which is shocking because from a male POV, Orton is better looking...let the gay jokes comense!

Oh stuff it. They're cheering for Orton because he's a cool heel and Edge is vanilla.

Yeah, but the female portion of the crowd was still cheering Edge. Me no bad-mouthing the majority of the crowd, because I too am cheering for Orton over Edge. I don't know why, since both are pretty plain, but Orton's arrogant character is more interesting.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
The Men chant Orton, the bitches chant Edge, which is shocking because from a male POV, Orton is better looking...let the gay jokes comense!

Oh stuff it. They're cheering for Orton because he's a cool heel and Edge is vanilla.

Yeah, but the female portion of the crowd was still cheering Edge. Me no bad-mouthing the majority of the crowd, because I too am cheering for Orton over Edge. I don't know why, since both are pretty plain, but Orton's arrogant character is more interesting.

I meant the gay jokes part. It just sounded ridiculous.

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Barring injury, Orton will be World champ withtin 1-2 years, he's just finding his groove so well.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

This PPV has had everything but wrestling so far.


Good to see the WWF rewards guys for blasting the fans over things. Seems you get pushed on how badly you treat the fans these days.

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This is a really good match.

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Guest Staravenger

Everything but Wrestling & Diva Search crap. Decent match, but it's getting a little too long. This isn't the NWA, and niether men are Tully Blanchard.

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Guest Real F'n Show
Barring injury, Orton will be World champ withtin 1-2 years, he's just finding his groove so well.

I seriously hope not. The middle of his matches are boring as hell if he's on offense. The hot finish and crowd heat is all that saves them if he doesn't have a good/great opponent.

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Guest MikeSC
This PPV has had everything but wrestling so far.


Good to see the WWF rewards guys for blasting the fans over things. Seems you get pushed on how badly you treat the fans these days.

God I hate people who come to a folder and shit on something because it's not TNA.


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Decent match, but it's getting a little too long. This isn't the NWA, and niether men are Tully Blanchard.

That's the risk you run when you only schedule 7 matches on a PPV




Wrong wrong finish, Damnitt HHH use your stroke, Orton didn't need to lose it yet!

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Guest Staravenger

Super Hot finish, and so long to Shelton Benjamin vs. Orton at SSlam. I loved the leap frog to counter the spear.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

That's two matches in a row where the wrong person went over. Kane's what? 0-4 or 0-5 on PPV now? Not the way to make a monster heel.

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I demand rematch for RAW, don't worry Randy, that won't be the last title you see (Protests of Real F'N show notwithstanding)

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Orton should snap in the back and clock Eugene, then HHH steps up to him, planting seeds or HHH/Orton

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Guest Salacious Crumb

This makes me real uneasy about the ME though. Evolution has no gold right now and it's making me think Triple H is going to win the title.

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