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Lord of The Curry

Choken One..........banned?

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Guest Loss

I think it's a good ol' boys network. You're a conservative; I'm sure you understand.



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Guest FrigidSoul
1) As a team, we can ban you, ban Rudo, ban RVD823958 or paint the board pink and delete the Love, Sex and Dating folder, and not offer any explanation whatsoever.

TSA would cry and pull a Marney


Well *I* think the solution is to appoint me a mod.

Your application is automatically rejected if you were taken off the OAOAST Mods. I'm sorry Alf

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If we elected people then think what would happen. If we did this in the past both you and I would be mods.



Anyone else find this hilarious? CWM thinks he is a popular poster on here?

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I don't think that the mods are required to give an explanation over anything. However, after reading both this and the "WWE folder" thread, I think the question needs to be asked:


If a poster had the same attitude that Nik seems to have, How long would they last around here?

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
AoO made me cry once.

I told you beforehand that I wasn't looking for a long-term relationship.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
If we elected people then think what would happen. If we did this in the past both you and I would be mods.



Anyone else find this hilarious? CWM thinks he is a popular poster on here?

CWM does have a grandiouse impression of his TSM reputation and legacy.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I think he's got a grandiose impression of TSM in general. Lots of folks here are guilty of that.

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Guest FrigidSoul
I think he's got a grandiose impression of TSM in general. Lots of folks here are guilty of that.

I was going to put up a picture of the Garden of Eden here, but when I typed "Eden" into Google's Image Search this came up instead. Maybe it still applies



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Guest cobainwasmurdered
If we elected people then think what would happen. If we did this in the past both you and I would be mods.



Anyone else find this hilarious? CWM thinks he is a popular poster on here?


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Guest FrigidSoul

I'm going to PM 'A MikeSC' and ask him to post something in here because it'll just be alot better coming from him.

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Guest MikeSC

Kids, this banishment gets filed under "Tough shit".


...You're welcome, FS.

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Guest Anglesault

On the flip side, it might be an effective way to curb the pompous attitudes that certain moderators tend to have here.


Maybe if a mod could be voted out, we wouldn't see the "Fuck you, I'm a mod and you're not, so I don't even know why I have to talk to you" type responses that we saw in either this thread or the other one.


It's incredibly evident that you have a personal problem with me,

I don't have personal problems with people over the internet, the same way I can't be good friends with someone over the internet.


I'm friendly on this boar to people who are friendly to me, less so to people who aren't.


But I have a personal problem with no one.

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Guest SP-1

OMG SUM 1 waz BANNED~!~!~!~! and a vocal minority doesn't liek it! We must have ELECTSHUNZ! and new MODZORZ~! cwmSUCKZHAHAI'MATOOLTHAT LIEKS TO STIR TRUBBLE.


Good night, people. Choken was banned for being a twit. This isn't a democracy. There are no elections. Dames, who owns the board, okayed the people in power to be in power because he apparently trusts them. You don't have to agree, but you do have to deal with it.


So deal.

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Guest FrigidSoul

Actually SP the mod staff is a puppet regime while me, CWM, and to a lesser extent Banky are in charge. You didn't hear that from me though


*shifty eyes*

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Guest SP-1

I wish to be a part of this regime.


CWM, as your former lackey, I'd like a lower level of security clearance at least.

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