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Pepsi Edge

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Last night I had some Pepsi Edge for free when I swiped it from the cooler at my friend's work.


I expected the second coming of Pepsi One and Pepsi Blue, but I was pleasantly surprised. It's the true middleground between Diet & Regular, and for some reason it's great. It reminds me of a soda I used to drink a while ago. It also wired me the fuck up for a few minutes or so, which is weird since there's not as much sugar in it.


I'd still go with regular Pepsi over Edge, but for the people leeching to the low-carb shit, I think they'll enjoy it. However, all these Soda companies would save themselves so much money if they just repackaged their Diet brands as "no carb".

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Guest Fook
Last night I had some Pepsi Edge for free when I swiped it from the cooler at my friend's work.


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I've wondered why soda companies haven't cashed in on the carb-counting trend and made it bloody obvious their diet sodas are carb-free. Then I realized that the obvious answer is because that wouldn't allow them to make and sell horrid "half and half" products like C2 and Edge.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I think it's so when the carb-free phase results in a nation of sluggish dodos with LDL cholesterol counts in the quadruple digits, they won't be attached to fad diet lingo.

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I think it's so when the carb-free phase results in a nation of sluggish dodos with LDL cholesterol counts in the quadruple digits, they won't be attached to fad diet lingo.

Someone on TV made the comment that Low Carb diets make it easier on the paramedics when they put you in the ambulance after a heart attack.

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Someone on TV made the comment that Low Carb diets make it easier on the paramedics when they put you in the ambulance after a heart attack.

Really? That's weird. Did they give a reason?

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Guest FrigidSoul
Last night I had some Pepsi Edge for free when I swiped it from the cooler at my friend's work.


You're god damned correct

When I was 17 and visited my friend at his work(Gas Station) I would grab a bag of chips, 20oz bottle of soda, and a kit-kat bar. I would then have some guy from those medical van companies charge it to his gas card. From there it was off to get stoned.


Nevermortal, you make me proud.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
Someone on TV made the comment that Low Carb diets make it easier on the paramedics when they put you in the ambulance after a heart attack.

Really? That's weird. Did they give a reason?

Probably because the weight loss from a diet of meat, cheese, and eggs still doesn't counter the fact that said fad dieter is taking in an outrageous amount of cholesterol and saturated fats. If a body is too lazy to eat a balanced diet and exercise in the first place, exchanging excess pounds for even more advanced plaque in the arteries doesn't help their overall health. Whole grains and fiber are full of HDL cholesterol as well as complex carbohydrates, both of which are essential to good health.


Mark my words, when the current overweight 30-40 somethings hit their autumn years after shunning carbohydrates in favor of losing a couple inches off the beltline by doing basically nothing, the drug companies will be making a mint off of cholesterol meds. It's a terrible fad diet that I wish would go away, for the sake of people's overall health. Imagine what someone's COLON must look like, with no dietary fiber to get in there and scour the sucker out. Poor colon.

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Someone on TV made the comment that Low Carb diets make it easier on the paramedics when they put you in the ambulance after a heart attack.

Really? That's weird. Did they give a reason?

Probably because the weight loss from a diet of meat, cheese, and eggs still doesn't counter the fact that said fad dieter is taking in an outrageous amount of cholesterol and saturated fats. If a body is too lazy to eat a balanced diet and exercise in the first place, exchanging excess pounds for even more advanced plaque in the arteries doesn't help their overall health. Whole grains and fiber are full of HDL cholesterol as well as complex carbohydrates, both of which are essential to good health.


Mark my words, when the current overweight 30-40 somethings hit their autumn years after shunning carbohydrates in favor of losing a couple inches off the beltline by doing basically nothing, the drug companies will be making a mint off of cholesterol meds. It's a terrible fad diet that I wish would go away, for the sake of people's overall health. Imagine what someone's COLON must look like, with no dietary fiber to get in there and scour the sucker out. Poor colon.


Actually, I have no problem with the elimination of people who believe fad diets work with no side effects to begin with. If logic doesn't flick on your brain then I guess you can go bye-bye. Thankfully, most of them realize when they start getting out of breath walking to the bathroom that maybe something is wrong with the diet.


Plus never mind the creator of said carb diet is...well you know, dead. Of heart problems no less.


I tried one of those low carb bowls from Hardees, and for god sake it was like 5 pounds of food in that bowl. That thing should have been called the "artery buster breakfast bowl".

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

But NO CARBS..it's healthy!


Obesity is more dangerous than SMOKING in this country, and the media just prolongs the stupidity. It's a fucking health hazard.

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It's a terrible fad diet that I wish would go away, for the sake of people's overall health.

The fact that Agent cares so much surprises the hell out of me for some reason.

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There's one gas station in my town that still has 12 packs of Pepsi Blue. It's a bit scary.


I loved Crystal Pepsi way back in the day. Actually, I loved the initial form - a few months in, I swear they changed the recipe, and it ended up being much less delicious.

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There's one gas station in my town that still has 12 packs of Pepsi Blue. It's a bit scary.


I loved Crystal Pepsi way back in the day. Actually, I loved the initial form - a few months in, I swear they changed the recipe, and it ended up being much less delicious.

Yeah, I remember that. They did some citrus bullshit with it. Fucked it all up to hell.

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Guest Smues

I couldn't stand Crystal Pepsi, but I loved Pepsi Blue. I wish it would have caught on.

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I couldn't stand Crystal Pepsi, but I loved Pepsi Blue. I wish it would have caught on.

I doubt the idea of drinking something that looked like a cross between toiletbowl cleaner and windex would ever catch on. Its one of those "What the hell were they thinking?" things...The stuff could have been the best tasting soda ever and it would have still flopped because of its color.

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Diet Rite is tremendous. I drank it before I even knew what weight loss was. Try the tangerine.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
It's a terrible fad diet that I wish would go away, for the sake of people's overall health.

The fact that Agent cares so much surprises the hell out of me for some reason.

I might smoke like a chimney, pound my head full of drugs until my accountability has found its resolve, listen to loud music until my hearing is impaired, stare at the sun, and a million other things that will hopefully kill me before fifty, but goddamn it, I eat right and exercise.

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