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The OAO Diva Search Thread for 07.19.04

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July 19, 2004


Last Thursday night, over 25 of the world's most beautiful women competed for just 10 spots in the finals of the $250,000 RAW Diva Search. RAW Superstars Triple H, Randy Orton, Chris Jericho and Edge made the decision. Tonight, you make the decision. Watch RAW, as all 10 girls strut their stuff for you, the fans. Then you decide which girl you like the best. Details on voting will be made available on RAW.


WWE.com has just learned of a huge Vengeance rematch that will take place on this week's RAW. The new Intercontinental Champion, Edge, will defend his gold against former champion, and Evolution member, Randy Orton. Will the belt go back around Orton's waist? Find out tonight on RAW.



On Monday Night RAW last week, Eugene thought he had captured the World Heavyweight Championship. Then, during his post-match celebration, he thought his new "friends" Evolution were coming down to celebrate with him. Little did he know that the faction was coming to tear him apart. Led by Triple H, Evolution decimated Eugene, leaving him a bloody mess. What will happen next in the Eugene/Evolution saga? Tune in to RAW to find out (9/8 CT on Spike TV).




Prediciton: the diva search segments bomb in the quarter hour ratings breakdown.


Not much of a preview for tonight. More Triple H and Eugene...and not much else to go on. I'm assuming we'll see Rhyno chasing La Rez some more, and if we're lucky perhaps the re-packaged Helms will debut.


NOTE: Post has been edited to reflect updated Preview announcing Edge vs. orton

Edited by BHK

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Guest Fook

Pro: No mention of the Kane/Lita/Hardy fiasco.


Con: That rediculous Diva Search gets top billing.

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So is the repackaged Helms a go? or are you just guessing by what happened last week?

As far as I know, speculation. it makes sense though.


Helms, the face, loses to flair, the heel, cleanly. Helms feels dejected and realizes what Flair said about him being a joke and not taken seriously is true. and bam, perfect reason for a gimmick change.

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If the diva search replaces the usual crappy women's match, then I'm all for it. Watching women in bikinis is alot better than watching women try to wrestle. I just pray we don't get "Sugar" Shane Helms with dancers and crap, we need Three Count!

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Guest Evolution

I'm pretty confident that the Diva Search won't get TOP billing...I get a feeling that they'll run it as the hour one main event, actually, bring out all ten girls in one lump quarter-hour segment.


If the Diva Search is the last 15 minutes and overrun, however...that will suck.



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bringing back Three Count with Tank Abbott as their manager would qualify as mark out moment of the year. Man, how I miss WCW sometimes.

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If the Diva Search is the last 15 minutes and overrun, however...that will suck.



They wouldn't dare do that, I don't think. Vince isn't THAT stupid.



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I'm assuming we'll see Thuno chasing La Rez some more, and if we're lucky perhaps the re-packaged Helms will debut.

If you really think they'll use that as a springboard to give Helms a new gimmick, then you're giving Gerwertz and the rest of the writing team more credit than they deserve.


Chances are Hurricane only lost to help push Flair's book.



**Suddenly remembers old storylines.**


"Helms, you're an embarrassment! I know when I hired you and Mighty Molly back when I was co-owner I said the company needed some super-heroes, but you're still an embarrassment."

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Guest The Ultimate Fantasy

Woah that guy was right about the 10 weeks, but how is anyone suppose about the contestents like in Tough Enough? Will the particapate in judging pose downs? Perhaps some trivia? Oh well I don't have TV now so, ha ha.

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I'm assuming we'll see Thuno chasing La Rez some more, and if we're lucky perhaps the re-packaged Helms will debut.

If you really think they'll use that as a springboard to give Helms a new gimmick, then you're giving Gerwertz and the rest of the writing team more credit than they deserve.

No, they'll repackage him, but as a super-VILLIAN instead of a super-hero. He'll sport the exact same look, but it'll be black and red instead of black and green.


Look forward to super-villian Hurricane vs. S.H.I.T. for the PPV.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

I'm all for a repackaged Helms. Maybe even move him back to Smackdown and let him work with the Cruisers again. Or Program him against Tajiri on RAW. It's been to long since I've seen him work a cruiserweight style match....

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Guest Coffey

The Hurricane is an interesting case. He can wrestle, but he can't talk. In wrestling, that's actually pretty common. The problem is, can his lack of promo skills (mostly due to his speed problem, which he seems to be working on) and his lack of size both be overlooked by his wrestling talent?


Well, considering Paul London & Jamie Noble haven't done so yet, chances are, most likely, less than slim.


It's not like The Hurricane could ever hope to get anywhere above the Intercontinental Title anyway. Still, The Hurricane in the IC division would be better than him not doing anything. At least then we could get some PPV's matches with him against Christian or something like that. Those could be decent.


I like The Hurricane, but Ric Flair was right. He is looked at like a joke. I mean, just look at his Chokeslam!


"Why, because I wanna make people happy!?" - The Hurricane


The Hurricane has a point of his own as well. The question is, do the WWE care about the demographic that The Hurricane character would be targeting?

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Guest The Last Free Voice

I don't think they do, or they would have put out a Hurricane Comic book by now.

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The Hurricane has a point of his own as well. The question is, do the WWE care about the demographic that The Hurricane character would be targeting?

What demographic is that? The Jack Black haters?

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Guest Coffey
The Hurricane has a point of his own as well. The question is, do the WWE care about the demographic that The Hurricane character would be targeting?

What demographic is that? The Jack Black haters?

No, silly, the kids.

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Guest GreatOne


Sure are pushing Benoit as champion.



Going by the preview (as if that's the be-all-end-all), you could say the same about THE ENTIRE ROSTER................

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The Hurricane is an interesting case. He can wrestle, but he can't talk.

Dude, those Hurricane/Rock segments were GOLD.


Ok, so that's only one particular case, and it was The Rock, but hey, better than nothing.


Additionally, there's nothing wrong with the fact that Helms could never get above IC title level. What's wrong with having a solid IC division? I mean, that hasn't happened in a while.

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Guest TigerDriver91

Hmmm. Maybe I will wait until midnight to watch the repeat of RAW on TSN, so I can decide whether or not tonight's show is even worth viewing at all.

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Guest JMA

Are there even any credible challengers (that he hasn't beat) to Benoit's title now?

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Wow, no mention of Benoit and Eugene/Triple H is all that matters? I am SHOCKED!


And why do they bother with this Raw divas crap getting top billing? NO ONE CARES. Pushing it that hard won't make people care. And why are there no normal girls in it? Actors, models, singers, dancers, I don't give a crap about these people.

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Guest wrestlingbs
The Hurricane is an interesting case. He can wrestle, but he can't talk.

Dude, those Hurricane/Rock segments were GOLD.

Ah. The Grimace and Hamburglar did indeed rule all.


Repackage Helms? he may need it, considering the dire situation the Hurricane character is in. But to what? Generic Cruiserweight #284? Changing his image won't matter unless the actually use him.


I'm taping it tonight, so I can fast-forward over the Diva search thing. I think Vince should cut out the middle man on this one and have all the contestants battle to the death naked in the middle of Raw's ring. But I guess that would be too controversial for some.

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Are there even any credible challengers (that he hasn't beat) to Benoit's title now?

No. Just Triple H. Which is why he NEEDS to be given the title at SummerSlam. That why, he can put over some new stars who will carry the main event for years to come. ;)

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The problem is, can his lack of promo skills (mostly due to his speed problem, which he seems to be working on) and his lack of size both be overlooked by his wrestling talent?


Well, considering Paul London & Jamie Noble haven't done so yet, chances are, most likely, less than slim.

When he's not using his super-redneck voice, Knoble can cut a good enough promo. He did a damn good one backstage after losing a match right before they brought in Nunzio.

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Guest MikeSC

Am I the only one who HATES when they don't have any big match mentioned for the show? RAW got on track when they hyped up a big match every week.


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