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Rob E Dangerously

Jim Cornette AOL chat

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a mix of work and some shooting. ;)


OnlineHost: Jim Cornette has entered the auditorium!!


WWFLive1: Jim: I am ready to answer all of your questions in a truthful, upright and honest manner as I always do.


Question: What happened between the men and yoko?


WWFLive1: Jim: Yokozuna has been repeatedly messing up and losing matches not only for himself but for Owen and Bulldog as well. I simply informed him that he was fired and that's when he physically attacked me.




WWFLive1: Jim: Well Dennis Condrey has retired from wrestling and his whereabouts are unknown. Stan Lane became a WWF broadcaster and has now decided to pursue other sports broadcasting . And Bobby Eaton is still trapped in limbo in WCW.


Question: What were the terms of agreement between Vader and the WWF for him to enter the Federation?


WWFLive1: Jim: Well he entered the RR and the agreement was that if he won it, he would get the title shot at Wrestlemania. Unfortunately the agreement didn't cover attacking officials and the President.


Question: Will you get Vader reinstated in the WWF?


WWFLive1: Jim: Due to the confidence that I have in my attorney Clarence Mason, I feel confident that we can buy off / convince the officials to reconsider.


Question: Why the tennis racquet?


WWFLive1: Jim: I carry the tennis raquet simply to illustrate to my critics that I am a real athlete and as such have a place among other great athletes like other WWF superstars. I never use it to interfere in wrestling matches as my insidious critics lead you to believe.


Question: Jim Cornette, If you could manage anyone in wrestling from anytime past or present. Who would this person be?


WWFLive1: Jim: I would have to say Nature Boy Buddy Rogers and Nature Boy Rick Flair as a tag team.


Question: How long have you been involved with wrestling?


WWFLive1: Jim: Directly since 1982, however for 6 years before that in the capacity of pr, press relations photography etc.


Question: Any chance SMW will be revived?


WWFLive1: Jim: Never say never but the donkey may fly first.


Question: Jim, Where do you buy your Cloths? THEY RULE!!!!


WWFLive1: Jim: Everything is custom made because of my tremendously muscular physique.


Question: Jim, you managed some great tag teams is there a chance there in going to be an incarnation of the midnight express in the wwf?


WWFLive1: Jim: I would hope so, although perhaps not with the original members but hopefully with someone who could carry on the tradition.


Question: Jim, Whst is your opinion on the war that is going on between the WWF and the WCW?


WWFLive1: Jim: I wish it was more even so that the WWF would have a good fight. As it stands now, our neighbors to the south have as much chance as Sadam did in Iraq.


Question: What made you decide to finally move to Connecticut?


WWFLive1: Jim: The beautiful weather. Question: Jim, What do you think of Sunny as a manager?


WWFLive1: Jim: I would say that she is improving at a rapid rate, and while she doesn't have my experience, she has some tremendous natural assets. I predict big things for her in the future. As a matter of fact, she has a couple of big things in front of her right now.


Question: Are you worried now that Roddy Piper is Pres....?


WWFLive1: Jim: Of course I am worried. It's like giving a can of gasoline and a blow torch to an arsonist. But he better not get in Vader's way either.




WWFLive1: Jim: I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.


Question: How would you compare working for the WCW ,compared with working for theWWF?


WWFLive1: Jim: There is no comparison. If it came to a choice of WCW or Jiffy Lube, I'd be standing here with a can of 10W-40.


Question: Are you now a full time booker for WWF?


WWFLive1: Jim: Yes, I am now a full-time book maker for the WWF and I'm laying 10 to 1 on Russo in the third.


Question: What is your reaction to being forced to shut down Smoky Mountain Wrestling?


WWFLive1: Jim: I think it is something that unfortunately had to be done, for business reasons as well as to preserve my sanity. I had alot of fun and accomplished alot, but the world has changed too much for something like that to go on forever.


Question: Jim: You are the greatest manager ever..Do you and Stan Lane still talk? What about Bobby Eaton?


WWFLive1: Jim: Yes I do. As often as possible and your check is in the mail.


Question: How did you first break into wrestling?


WWFLive1: Jim: I was in the right place at the right time and used my genius and ingenuity. Also, my mother's money.


Question: In your opinion who is the underated wrestler in the Federation?


WWFLive1: Jim: Skip.


Question: Are you positive that Owen will win at In Your House?


WWFLive1: Jim: He has done it before, and now he will do it again with all the marbles on the line.


Question: Is it true you financed Sunny's boob-job?


WWFLive1: Jim: No, I just fitted the bra.


Question: Would you ever consider another scafold match?


WWFLive1: Jim: Not no, but Hell No!


Question: Jim: What do you think of ECW?


WWFLive1: Jim: I don't think of ECW. If you like wrestling, stay away. If you like movie-stunt men or horror movies or heavy metal then that is the place to be.


Question: If Vader is reinstated, who will be first?


WWFLive1: Jim: Whoever holds the WWF title at whatever point in time that happens. We don't care who holds the title as long as they defend it against Vader.


Question: How do you feel about the low blows by Bischoff and the WCW?


WWFLive1: Jim: When you are dealing with a whining, smart-alic cry baby who just got his lunch money stolen after 3rd grade gym class, you don't expect wit. However, for someone whos credentials to operate a wrestling company are as phony as his hair, teeth, tan and talent, even Bischoff has surprised me with his lack of class.


Question: Do you have any plans for Tony Anthony or Tracey Smothers to enter the WWF?


WWFLive1: Jim: I would love to see that happen because we have old scores to settle in the ring from down south. Their one of the top tag teams in the business and I think it would be agreat addition to the WWF.


Question: Hey Jimbo, did you pull the plug on Nitro last night?


WWFLive1: Jim: It was a mercy killing. So it must of been Dr. Kevorkian.


Question: Do your clothes come with a brightness control?


WWFLive1: Jim: No but they do come with 9volt batteries in case of power failures.


Question: What is your reaction to being called "The Prince of Polyester" or "The Blue Plate Special?"


WWFLive1: Jim: Merely jealous, as I am a paragon of sartorial pulchritude.


Question: Any plans on managing Mankind?


WWFLive1: Jim: First I think we have to figure out who or what he is. He seems to me to be a really eerie type of guy. I'm not sure whether I would manage him or psychoanalyze him.


Question: Jim are you gay?


WWFLive1: Jim: No, I'm just friendly.


Question: Jim, How do you think wrestling has changed from your days in the NWA?


WWFLive1: Jim: To talk about this subject in any detail would take longer than we have and stretch the limitations of our typist. I stll believe that some of the old ways will still work in a new setting.


Question: Hey Jim, Has Goldust ever come on to YOU? We promise not to tell!!


WWFLive1: Jim: No he hasn't, but his director threatened to kick my BUTT if I looked at him.


Question: Jim, why would you want to manage ANYONE from the WCW?


WWFLive1: Jim: Several from the WCW, because I view them as prisoners of war. There where they have to be, but not necesarily where they want to be. Flair, Arn, Pillman, Eaton, and several others could flourish in the WWF if parolled.


Question: Before you broke into the wretling business, who where some of your favorit wrestlers?


WWFLive1: Jim: First off, don't make me sound like a burglar. From the time I was a child some of my favorites were Jackie Fargo, Don and Al Greene, Dick the Bruiser, and as I entered the business, Jerry Lawler.


Question: What is your views on wrestling newsletters?


WWFLive1: Jim: They say that the pen is mightier than the sword. However in many cases it is just more annoying if you report the facts and balance your opinions it's a free country. Too many newsletters write whatever they hear and claim it to be true and don't realize the trouble they cause other people.


Question: I noticed whenever you get involved in a match you don't wear your glasses to ringside.Why?


WWFLive1: Jim: If this idiot would notice when I go to the ring for a match, I don't wear my glasses. When I go to the ring for an interview, I usually do wear my glasses. This is so I can see who I am talking to.


Question: Have you ever thought of getting a hairstyle that would bring you into the 90's?LEGO MAN!!!!


WWFLive1: Jim: Have you ever considered getting a job that would bring you into solvency?


Question: Hey Jim, will you ever get it on with Sunny?


WWFLive1: Jim: Absolutely. We intend to get it on this coming weekend. We've been working on getting it on for the past year. And the time has finally come. Yes our new TV pilot will be on this weekend!


OnlineHost: Thanks for joining us on America Online!! Jim Cornette!!!!!


WWFLive1: Jim: All I would have to say in closing is that Shawn Michaels has proven that it takes a good man to beat him, but it doesn't take him long. Enjoy seeing Michaels while you can because this time Owen will put him out permanently.


OnlineHost: Thanks again!! Jim Cornette!!!

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Question: Jim, you managed some great tag teams is there a chance there in going to be an incarnation of the midnight express in the wwf?


WWFLive1: Jim: I would hope so, although perhaps not with the original members but hopefully with someone who could carry on the tradition.


And we all know how that worked out... (Bombastic) Bob Holly & (Bodacious) Bart Gunn! Wasn't Cornette actually pissed about the whole New Midnight Express angle or something?

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Those were the work comments, I assume.


The way Cornette tells the story, Vince didn't even know who the ME were until Cornette showed him. Then afterwards, Vince said (in his classic enthusiastic-but-dumb Vince voice) "Hey pally, well why don't we make a new Midnight Express?"


Cornette's response: ".....Huh?"

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Question: Are you now a full time booker for WWF?


WWFLive1: Jim: Yes, I am now a full-time book maker for the WWF and I'm laying 10 to 1 on Russo in the third.


I don't know why, but I laughed my ass off for about a minute after reading that one.


Of course, this was February 1996, so not too many people got the joke.

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Question: Are you now a full time booker for WWF?


WWFLive1: Jim: Yes, I am now a full-time book maker for the WWF and I'm laying 10 to 1 on Russo in the third.


I don't know why, but I laughed my ass off for about a minute after reading that one.


Of course, this was February 1996, so not too many people got the joke.

As did I.

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