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Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

Memo meant for TheBigSwigg

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RE: TheBigSwigg wishing to emulate Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye


Dear TheBigSwigg,


The first thing you must do is work to adopt my most obvious message board image. You must carry my avatar, title and signature as your own. Of course this can be problematic for 'boarders who feel that image should not make the man, but somethings just have to be done for the greater good of your social standing. To make life even easier, you can just take the links from my avatar and signature for your own new setup.


One important note before we continue. You must keep links intact! I cannot stress this enough. Those aren't just grim, goofy and gorgeous pics I carry around...they are portals to other realms of knowledge that must be maintained!


Since I understand that you are a truly unique (and special!) individual, I will allow you the option of either keeping your existing member name or adopting a name that closely resembles mine. "Tribute" names are also acceptable ie: Thumbtack4:20 or TackPwns 3:16.




Since this memo is being displayed on a public website for all to see, I would like to request that a moderator help my young friend achieve these ends. I would be most grateful if someone could help him along.


Once you have completed this first task, report back to me via this thread at which time I will decide when the next time for us to re-convene will be. These are major life decisions that you are making right now, but upon writing your name on the contract you have committed to bettering yourself and your community. I'm very proud of you for taking this step and I know that soon enough everyone else will be aswell.


Thank you.





Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye.

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So basically, you're telling me that I have to mimic everything about you? I have to use the same pictures, the same links, while keeping my own member name? Do I have to use the same pictures in my signature, or can I change them to suit my own personality.

Inquiring mind...or half of one, wants to know...

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That question looks more like a hint at apprehension than it does curiosity. That's completely understandable. I mean my god, you should have seen the trouble I went through trying to mold Frigid Soul to my image. A real heartbreaker that was.


Simply, in order to become your own man living in the realm of Tack worship, you must first endeavour to become Tack. You must resolve yourself to the ideals I lay out and adopt the Board wear that I adopt.


At this point I want you to take a deep breath, save your avatar and signature and copy onto your person my avatar and signature. That is the first, and easily the hardest, step that you must take.

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Actually, I would prefer not to have ass in my signature, that's all.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Oh yeah, I'm a glutton for punishment.

pretty much.

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Ok, we can work around that due to your posting from work(that is the reason right? I mean...you aren't one of them are you?) You may use only the fire bagged man in your signature if you wish.

Yeah, I post mostly from school and soon from my apartment complex's "Business Center." Ass isn't necessarily what I want people to think of when they see me.

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Someone's a little bit impatient, aren't they?


I hope I haven't fucked myself over with this.....

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You misspelled confusion.


I thought my standards were low before.

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I'm learning, give me a break. Or a kit-kat.


I'd really like a kit-kat.




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I will allow you the option of either keeping your existing member name or adopting a name that closely resembles mine. "Tribute" names are also acceptable ie: Thumbtack4:20 or TackPwns 3:16.




Hi, my name is Spiny Norman!

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How was that?

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How about Red Hot Thumbtack in TheBigSwigg?

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Scratch myself?

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Spiny goes for a ride....





(How's that?)

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Ok, I'm looking at this thread and all I see is poor performance all around. I think I jumped the gun on my disciple selection and, well...this whole thing was generally botched. I'd like to thank my Monkey for playing along. It just didn't work out too well. You may carry on as you were, but I'd like to note one thing. You're still young and I feel that you have some upside. Stay the course and you'll be fine, but staying the course and moving towards the northstar of the spirit of Tack will get you to places of wonder and intrigue.


My final request is that you never change your name so that we can all see it forever and keep it as a reminder of our mistakes. Someday I may send for you again, but today was clearly too early. All binds of contract have been cut, go as you will.


Truly this is a sad day and a blemish on my TSM record. I hope that I may be forgiven for this abomination of message boarding.

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