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Most dissapointing games ever

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Guest Crazy Dan

I didn't like the Enter the Matrix game that much. I just couldn't feel it while playing it for a while. I was really excited to play the game, as I was still a big Matrix fan so the chance to fight "Matrix Style" appealed so much to me. Well I tried playing and I didn't like the controls as much. I am not the best combo fighter there is, so I had a hard time doing all the cool slow motion kicks and punches and stuff. So I sold the game back, and normally I will try to win the game at least. But this game was a disapointment to me.


And going back old school... I remember I had just watched ET in 82. and this movie blew me away, this movie was my all time favorite for a while, until I discovered the Godfather and such, but at the time, this was the bomb to me. Well Atari comes out with ET the game, and being the dumbass I am, and not having the convenience to rent it first, I begged my mom to get for a X-Mas president. Well the day comes, I open the present, thank my Mom and go straight to the Atari 2600. Well to my sadness, the game sucked. Only three levels to play out, with one being too easy. And the other two were eventually conquered as well. So this game I had high expectations for, but was disapointed to say the least. After watching G4TechTv, I was happy to see that I was not the only one who also thought so. Man this game was a main reason the Atari2600 fell from the top video game counsil.


X-Men - NES game. I was getting into the comics, so I figured that a game with everyone's favorite Mutants could not possibly go wrong. Well it does when the graphics suck, the powers are not clear, and the game is impossible to figure out. I rented this one with high expectations and ended taking the rental back early out of spite.


Silent Hill 2 - I enjoyed the First one a lot. And with this new version, you get better graphics. So I am thinking this is going to be a new series i must play. Well I played this one, and I was really disappointed by the whole game. I really had a hard time following the story, or why the town was going crazy this time. I mean you can speculate, but I found that hard to do. And worse, I really don't like games where you have to play a certain way to get the best ending. I like to play and win the story line of a game, and usually I am ready to move on. Well I got the ending where you hear the note of his wife to Harry. It is the most downer ending ever. And worse, he commits suicide. But you never see it at all. So it might not be the most disapointing ever, but I was disappointed. And plus, in Survival Horror games, I hate saving ammo. I want to kill all the bad guys. In this game I found myself running away from fights.


TMNT - NES - I was disappointed in this because it was too damn hard, and you couldn't die at all. Except you could find one of your captured turtles. But if one died you couldn't win the game. Plus there were no save points, so this is a game that drove me insane, as I would try not to die. Also, they made the weopans not have equal strengths. As Donatello was the most powerful, and hence you would not want to use him at all becuase why lose your best fighter. And it went down to Raphael's, which really didn't do crap. So you use your weak fighter, and he would end up getting killed. And so on. So instead of the weapons being able to do = damage, you ended up not being able to want to risk losing the best weapons. And I hated that. Plus, there was not enough power ups to restore your health. I mean there would be a slice of pizza here and there... but never enough to heal those damaged. And so I tried to win this game, and got to frustrated to continue. Did anyone ever win this game? If you did I may call you Master.

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D'you know how much Tekken 4 sold? That isn't intended to come across as nasty, I'm genuinely interested.

Somewhat over a million. If I'm not too lazy I may find the exact numbers later.

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Heres a perfect one, Shining Force 3 for the Sega Saturn. What the hell was that? I remember getting to the end of the game and thinking "thats it?" No stand-out characters like in the previous games either. Did they either make another after that?

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Shining Force 3 was actually made into three parts (like .hack). What was brought over here was in fact only Part One. Apparently Sega figured the rest of the game wouldn't sell.


And Shining Force 3 as a whole (or so I've heard) is actually much better.

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Yeah, I researched a bit after my last post and I fund that out. Makes a lot of sense, when I reached the end of my copy I was pissed because nothing was resolved. Complete waste of money, considering one of the reasons I got the Saturn was to play SF3

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