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Guest Anglesault

The Regal-HHH segments

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I loved that opening segment, both HHH and Regal showed good fire. Was it just me or were they stiffing each other on those punches, Regal seemed to be firing them in there very snug. I thought at first regal was busted open hardway on the back of his head, as it appeared that he had a circle of blood on the back of his head and I couldn't see a stream coming from the forehead to the back.

Also, that strecher bit was brutal, how could you fake that fall? There was no way for Regal to protect himself.

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Guest wildpegasus
I loved that opening segment, both HHH and Regal showed good fire.  Was it just me or were they stiffing each other on those punches, Regal seemed to be firing them in there very snug.  I thought at first regal was busted open hardway on the back of his head, as it appeared that he had a circle of blood on the back of his head and I couldn't see a stream coming from the forehead to the back.

Also, that strecher bit was brutal, how could you fake that fall?  There was no way for Regal to protect himself.

Regal is one of the top guys I've seen for taking hits stiffly. He, Finlay and Benoit are built from the same mold. On avearage they'll take a hit more harder than other wrestlers will.

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Guest Brian

I would imagine the easier way would be to hold the hammer right under the head then over it, like you would an axe.

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Guest Duncan Eternia

I absolutely loved the Regal promo and the match/brawl too. Regal is simply awesome on the mic and was really over with the crowd. Here's hoping for a decent push.

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Guest Anglesault
I would imagine the easier way would be to hold the hammer right under the head then over it, like you would an axe.

In my own personal experience, it feels too heavy that way, unless you're trying to just do a standard axe cutting type action with the hammer. If you just want to move in almost a horizontal direction, it feels funny.


Granted, I've never actually hit anything with all my might in that position, so I have no idea if it really works. But just standing there it feels right.

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As nikjohns said, the only thing that could've made it better was that if it wasn't a match. You know, if they had (either this week or last week), one of those backstage segments with a face like Hurricane, Val Venis, Maven, etc. that leads to what the audience thinks will just be a typical Triple H squash. When Triple H was making his entrance, that could've led to the Regal attack, with the opponent just kind of quietly slipping away to the back.

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Guest JRE

I loved all the Regal/HHH stuff


But I do agree with the Regal attire thing....the women's bathing suit look didn't help the intense vibe they were going for

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One thing-Regal HAS to lose the jobber-style tights.

What type of ring attire would you suggest he get then?


British Bulldog's "British Luger" style tights?

What's wrong with what he had before this?

Um...what he's wearing now basically IS what he wore before...


He just added a top to them.

I honestly think his old black with dark purple trim trunks are better than his red and blue 'Taz singlet''. I wish he would go back to them because he honestly looked bad out there.




Regal with his good outfit (ignore the rest)

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As an englishman, I was very proud of Regals performance, he does my town of Blackpool very proud

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Guest Dynamite Kido

Now after seeing this.....I fully agree that this was an AWESOME angle and was very surprised to see how it turned out. I was extremely impressed by Regal as he really helped get the whole thing over by bleeding unbelievably and doing the stretcher job. I will be curious with what happens after Summerslam(where I am sure Regal will make his triumphant return to help Eugene against Trips), or weather or not they will go with a Regal/HHH program that would really be a breath of fresh air.

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Guest Anglesault

After the last couple of weeks, I'd love a Regal/HHH feud ending in a streetfight.

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Did Regal have a welt above his left eye? It kinda looked like it, but I couldn't tell for sure.


Also, I loved how after all the extreme violence, at the end, HHH just walks up Regal on the stretcher and casually just tips him over for good measure. The way he did it just had "total dick move" written all over it.

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Also, I loved how after all the extreme violence, at the end, HHH just walks up Regal on the stretcher and casually just tips him over for good measure. The way he did it just had "total dick move" written all over it.

Yes, yes it did.


It kinda reminded me of WrestleMania 2 (which I watched before Raw) where Piper kicked Mr. T in the boxing match after knocking him down, just to make sur.e

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Great stuff from both men last night. I'd love for them to feud for about 2-3 months culminating at a ppv, possibly Survivor Series. If HHH plays ball and Regal doesn't start up with the health issues that have plagued him for over a year, we may have ourselves another upper-midcard player in Regal.

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Last night once again reminded me why I love HHH. To hell with his backstage antics, it's what is shown on TV that matters to me, and more offten than not, I love his work.


The Regal/HHH thing was just about the only thing I cared about also last night.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
Great stuff from both men last night. I'd love for them to feud for about 2-3 months culminating at a ppv, possibly Survivor Series. If HHH plays ball and Regal doesn't start up with the health issues that have plagued him for over a year, we may have ourselves another upper-midcard player in Regal.

You know what.....I was thinking the same thing for Survivor Series. I could totally see a Evolution(of course where they start decention between Trips and Orton) vs. Eugene/Regal/Benoit/Jericho or something of the sorts. This all leading to the slow burn where maybe HHH and Regal have a singles match at the December PPV.

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I'm still shocked that everyone is into Regal now, and actually want to see him wrestle.


I thought the majority of people here hates his style. I've always loved it, but I seem to remember when he was active, that a lot of people bitched about him being in the ring.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I wouldn't call hima smark darling that's for sure. Still Regal is a extremely good choice to wrestle HHH if they are going to have him come back(in ring). Regal has vast knowledge of actual technical in ring stuff and that could benefit someone like Triple H, who's matches are generally worked in the same manner(while working with Regal this would change because NOBODY wrestles the same style that he does.)thus freshening up the matches.

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Guest Trivia247

One of the great points was the history that was established...


they busted out the old WCW blueblood reference between HHH and Regal.


Regal should make a run in during the inevitiable Eugene vs HHH match.


It was definately an awesome moment...


It also proves the true loyality Regal has to the segment and making HHH look like a berserking monster at his expense, not to mention the loyality he has to the WWE. Keep in mind the WWF at the time helped Regal with rehabbing his addictions even after they released him. They watched him redevelope back in WCW and then stole him right back when he was repolished up. I don't think Regal has ever been taken so care of by a wrestling promotion and probably knows he is giving back without complaint to this company and the people therein.

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Guest Bad Brad Jacobs

Did anyone else notice that HHH briefly considered calling Eugene a retard on national tv before settling on dolt, simpleton, etc.



HHH is underrated/

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Guest Fook

It looked to me like he was actually trying not to call Eugene a retard (I don't think they want trouble from PC groups) so he was running through the list of synonyms in his head.

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Guest SteveyP93
The biggest problem with the segment was that theoretically Regal should be dead. You don't take sledgehammer shots to the head and live to tell about it.


Yeah, but Trips rarely swings it like a baseball bat. He uses it more like a pair of brass knux or a roll of quarters in the fist...palms it and jams it into their head or gut. I think that the only two people who have been hit in the head by a sledge being swung are Big Show and Taker...and they are supposed to be super-human.

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Aren't HHH/Regal legit good friends? I thought I remembered reading that they were pretty close in 2001/02.

They are indeed legit friends. This is why I can see this turning out good because HHH might actually give Regal something to work with before winning out in the feud as opposed to the usual HHH way of wringing out the wet laundry and letting it hang out to dry. HHH usually gives his buddies stuff to work with, although I will give him credit in that he gives Benoit plenty of good stuff and they aren't buddy-buddy, however Benoit gets shafted by not being allowed to talk hardly and not having the ME focus be on him unless HHH is in the picture.

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Guest Staravenger

I can't believe I'm saying this, but Regal is one of the main reasons I watch RAW now. All hail Regal. Regal is great. All hail Regal...


Last night he definitely was part of the best segments before the main event.

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The biggest problem with the segment was that theoretically Regal should be dead. You don't take sledgehammer shots to the head and live to tell about it.

If you take wrestling that seriously, you should just stop watching it.

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Guest Dazed

Why shouldn't he have some degree of expectation of realism? Because it's fake old wrestling?

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Guest Anglesault
I'm still shocked that everyone is into Regal now, and actually want to see him wrestle.


I thought the majority of people here hates his style. I've always loved it, but I seem to remember when he was active, that a lot of people bitched about him being in the ring.

Because as a pissed of face, Regal works at a fast pace. Noth his slow, deliberate boring heel work.

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After re-watching the Pillman match w/ Benoit and seeing how the "WWE" style is changing into a more story-driven base, does anyone else think Regal can thrive right now in the ring? I think he can pull off some fantastic stuff with this style, especially as a face (Good point, AS.).

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