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Guest Maurizio C... Version 2

Getting to know each other better

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

First name: Matt


Last name: no thanks


Old Smarkboard name: N/A, i was a lurker


Age: 18


From: Melbourne, VIC, Australia


Music genre: Metal, Heavy rock, Nu Metal, some dance, pretty much anything except R&B and country


Fav drug:  none, drugs are bad :)


Fav alcholic drink: its all good :)


Fav movie: Star Wars Trilogy


Fav wrestler: Angle, RVD, HHH (as heel), Austin, Bret, Flair, Benoit, Jericho, E&C


Fav series of matches: Bret/Shawn


Brand of cigarettes: I don't smoke


Fav site (wrestling or not): thesmarks, rajah (spoilers)


Newsletter subscriber?: Nope, too expensive


fav writer: Cubano, L4W, scotsman, ken anderson


Who promises the most?: Cubano, L4W


Who promises the least: some of those guys at 411


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: WWF, and ECW tho i never got it on tv here


Best international match you've ever seen: cant say, i havent really seen very much.


Past post count title: N/A


Fav poster: L4W, Cubano, PORNFAQ!, Shockmaster


Fav porn babe (because we're all eteros, right?!: Aria Giovanni


Fav wrestling bitch: Stacy Kiebler

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Guest WarMachine

First name: All you get is my middle name, being Dion. I hate my first.


Last name: Romero


Old Smarkboard name: N/A


Age: 21


From: Colorado


Music genre: Any thing except country, pop, and other select bands which are worthy of my hate.


Fav drug: Marijuana is as far as I'll go.


Fav alcholic drink: Beer. Whiskey. Rum. Bourbon. Hard Lemonade. Vodka.


Fav movie: Can't nail it down to just one. So I'll say any Kevin Smith movie. And a good mob movie or "crime caper" type of film. I'll leave it at that.


Fav wrestler: Benoit. Ken Shamrock. Austin. Vampiro. Sting. Bret. Rey Mysterio Jr. Eddy Guerrero. Savage. Juvi Guerrera. I typically like wrestlers out of the Cruiserweight mold though. I can even sit through three hours of the horrible AAA/CMLL block on Galavision. I see it as an acclomplishment.


Fav series of mtches: Only series I can really remember watching is Benoit/BookerT.


Brand of cigarettes: Tried em. Don't like.


Fav site (wrestling or not): thesmarks. pwtorch. wrestlingobserver. IGN. wrestlecrap.


Newsletter subscriber?: Nah.


fav writer: Keith.


Who promises the most?: Never pay attention.


Who promises the least: See above.


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: All. I mark for all. Unless the promotion is terribly bad and wretched, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever, I'll watch it.


Best international match you've ever seen: Never seen too much to really know. Only seen clips and such. I really have to get some tapes.


Past post count title: N/A


Fav poster: Haven't been around long enough to know.


Fav porn babe (because we're all eteros, right?!: Aria Giovanni. Tera Patrick. Briana Banks. I don't really care though. Whatever babe gets me through a quick jerk when I need it.


Fav wrestling bitch: Stacy Keibler. Trish. Steph. Chae. And I don't care what any of you say, I liked Daffney as well. She's my goth goddess. Jazz is at the absolute top in wrestling skill.

Molly is the best all-around, in skill as well. Gotta love her ass.


What piece/s do you recommend to the newcomers?: Never paid enough attention to form an opinion.

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Guest CanadianChris

First name: Chris


Last name: pass...


Old Smarkboard name: Benwahhh


Age: 27


From: Ottawa, Ontario


Music genre: Pretty much anything except country.


Fav drug:  codeine :)


Fav alcholic drink: none


Fav movie: Raiders of the Lost Ark


Fav wrestler: Benoit, Jericho


Fav series of mtches: Flair/Steamboat


Brand of cigarettes: don't smoke


Fav site (wrestling or not): thesmarks, slash


Newsletter subscriber?: no


fav writer: Keith, Szulczewski (disagree with most he says, but he's entertaining), Bower


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: 80s Stampede always rocked my world.  


Best international match you've ever seen: Kobashi/Kawada


Past post count title: Metal


Fav poster: Loss4Words


Fav porn babe (because we're all eteros, right?!: Asia Carrera


Fav wrestling bitch: Stacy Keibler


What piece/s do you recommend to the newcomers?: Any of the old Keith rants are really good.  Any try to find old Sean Shannon ECW recaps, just to see why we hate him so.

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Guest JerryDrake

First name: Jerome


Last name: Not telling


Old Smarkboard name: JerryDrake316


Age: 14


From: Calgary, Alberta,


Music genre: Rap/Hip-Hop/R&B


Fav drug: Only do pot


Fav alcholic drink: Bacarties


Fav movie: Down To Earth, with Chris Rock.


Fav wrestler: Booker & Angle


Fav series of matches: Angle/Austin


Brand of cigarettes: Dont smoke, but i do weed.


Fav site (wrestling or not): thesmarks.com


Newsletter subscriber?: Nope


fav writer: Scotsman, Loss4Words, and Kieth is good.


Who promises the most?: Who gives a fuck


Who promises the least:I Dont give a shit


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: WWF


Best international match you've ever seen: Dont watch that shit


Past post count title: Raw


Fav poster: xkiller gona hit em up


Fav porn babe (because we're all eteros, right?!: Carmen Electka


Fav wrestling bitch: Torrie Wilson


What piece/s do you recommend to the newcomers?:I dont give a fuck

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Guest dreamer420

First name: Clint


Last name: WHAT?


Old Smarkboard name: dreamer420


Age: 20 (21 in 8 days)


From: B.C. Canada


Music genre: Rap, Alternatice


Fav drug:  Weed, Shrooms


Fav alcholic drink:  I don't drink.


Fav movie: Ed Wood


Fav wrestler: Kurt Angle, Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Ric Flair, RVD, Tommy Dreamer, Sandman, Steve Corino, Randy Savage


Fav series of matches: Rob Van Dam/Jerry Lynn


Brand of cigarettes: I don't smoke


Fav site (wrestling or not): gwpwrestling.com


Newsletter subscriber?: Waste Of Money


fav writer: Cubano, L4W


Who promises the most?: Don't Care


Who promises the least: Don't Care


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: I like em all (except for XPW)


Best international match you've ever seen: Dynamite Kid vs. Tiger Mask


Past post count title: Heat


Fav poster: dreamer420, JerryDrake


Fav porn babe (because we're all eteros, right?!: Devon


Fav wrestling bitch: Mighty Molly

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Guest super sayan jericho
keep it up...

First name: Jason


Last name: Thomas


Old Smarkboard name: same as now


Age: 17


From: New York, New York


Music genre: Any kind sans country


Fav drug: My best of Benoit tape


Fav alcholic drink: Remy Red.


Fav movie: The Chinese Connection


Fav wrestler: Benoit... Black Tiger(2 and 3)... Saturn... Cima... Flair... Midnight Express....Bret Hart


Fav series of mtches: Flair/Steamboat... Bulldogs/Harts... Savage/DDP... Flair/Savage, Benoit/Booker, Benoit/Sullivan


Brand of cigarettes: don't smoke


Fav site (wrestling or not): thesmarks, WrestlingFourms, Puroresu Power


Newsletter subscriber?: nope


fav writer: Keith, Scotsman, Bower,


Who promises the most?: dunno


Who promises the least: dunno


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: 1987 WWF... 1995-96 ECW... old NWA... 1997 WCW (the cruiserweight)


Best international match you've ever seen: Benoit/Lyger/Samurai vs. Kanemoto/Ohtani/Takaiwa


Past post count title: HWA


Fav poster: Shockmaster and Anglesault


Fav porn babe (because we're all eteros, right?!): Heather Hunter


Fav wrestling bitch: Stacy Kiebler


What piece/s do you recommend to the newcomers?: Any of Scotsman's stuff or some of Justin's puro reviews


Fav Tag Team: Midnight Express, NWA Road Warriors, Hart foundation, Benoit/Ohtani, Kanemoto/Ohtani


Most important person in life: My mother


Person you look up to outside of family: my girlfriend

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Guest HBK16

First name: Mariano


Old Smarkboard name: HBK16


Age: 19


From: Glendale, AZ


Music genre: Rock


Fav drug:  weed


Fav alcholic drink: Beer.


Fav movie: Con-Air, anything with Jackie Chan


Fav wrestler: Hayabusa (FMW), Dragon Kid (Toryumon), Shocker (CMLL)


Fav series of matches: Owen and Bret


Brand of cigarettes: It can kill you


Fav site (wrestling or not): Stickdeath.com and Smarks of course


Newsletter subscriber?: no


fav writer: Kieth


Who promises the most?: I don't know


Who promises the least: See above answer


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: WWF 1994, ECW throughout


Best international match you've ever seen: Super J Cup 94 finals. Mainly anything with CMLL's Shocker


Past post count title: Heat


Fav poster: Anybody than doesn't give me shit


Fav porn babe (because we're all eteros, right?!): Jenna


Fav wrestling bitch: Steff

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Guest Anorak

First Name: Gareth


Old Smarkboard Name: N/A


Age: 20


From: Leicester, England


Music Genre: Rock/Metal/Rap/New Country


Fav drug: None


Fav alcholic drink: Beer


Fav movie: Star Wars


Fav wrestler: Bret Hart/Chris Benoit


Fav series of matches: Bret/Austin


Brand of Cigarettes: Dont smoke


Fav site: Smarks/Worldsoccer.com


Newsletter Subscriber: No


Fav writer: Jay Bower & Scott Keith


Who promises the most?: Don't Know


Who promises the least?: Don't Know


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: WWF


Best International Match yourv'e ever seen?: Misawa vs Kawada.Not sure which exact match of theirs it was date wise.


Past post count title: N/A


Fav poster: Anyone who doesn't act stupid for the hell of it.


Fav porn babe: None


Fav wrestling bitch: Trish Stratus

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Guest My Pal, the Tortoise

A fine thread to bump.


Fav drug: mixing Sudafed & Benadryl

Fav alcholic drink: Zima



#59, huh. When will we hit #100,000? I propose a special folder called "Mission to 100,000" which will only be used for running up the thread count so that it doesn't take another year and a half to get 11,047 threads.

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Ah yes, back when I'd only gotten drunk like twice in my life and I'd yet to touch anything resembling a drug. The cold medicine is a weird coincedence, that was just a joke at the time.

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Guest My Pal, the Tortoise

Fav wrestling dog: Terri Runnels


Haha, we had word filters once. I think Scooter said the server was owned by Christians or something.


Okay, so here's an idea for the Mission folder. Instead of bumping old threads to celebrate ourselves, start new threads with links to the old ones, so that we can go "haha, we were young" or whatever, while getting us closer to 100,000 threads. I'm sure Kinetic is with me on this.

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Guest My Pal, the Tortoise
Fav poster: xkiller gona hit em up

Mine too. Wasn't this the guy that masturbated to a picture of Keyshawn Johnson?

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It's weird looking back on all the people I haven't heard from in years. There's like a 3-to-1 ratio of people who've vanished into the mists of time compared to us losers who hung around. Whatever happened to Tony149 and Jaw Bower, anyway?

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Hell, I came on here in July of '02 and was lurking for three or so months before and I don't even remember two-thirds of the guys in this thread whatsoever. Either that's a sign of my poor memory or an abundance of forgettable posters circa February '02.

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Okay, so here's an idea for the Mission folder. Instead of bumping old threads to celebrate ourselves, start new threads with links to the old ones, so that we can go "haha, we were young" or whatever, while getting us closer to 100,000 threads. I'm sure Kinetic is with me on this.


I am. This would at least enable us to contain the board nostalgia in one folder. For my part, I don't really like reading things that I wrote before my spirit was crushed.

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Okay, so here's an idea for the Mission folder. Instead of bumping old threads to celebrate ourselves, start new threads with links to the old ones, so that we can go "haha, we were young" or whatever, while getting us closer to 100,000 threads. I'm sure Kinetic is with me on this.


I am. This would at least enable us to contain the board nostalgia in one folder. For my part, I don't really like reading things that I wrote before my spirit was crushed.

Consider this part of your "Pursuit of Perfection"

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I'm sorry, I can't offer you any personal advice until you fill out a survey.



i would, but everyone else's survey is dated from five freeking years ago. i can't compete with that.


this survey is almost as old as my youngest :lol:

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I took out a few of the wrestling things, as it was a little to wrestling heavy





First name: Evan


Last name: Morrison


Old Smarkboard name: same


Age: 22


From: Cincinnati, Oh


Music genre: Early 90's rock


Fav drug: None.


Fav alcholic drink: Capt. Morgan's and Coke


Fav movie: Taxi Driver


Fav wrestler: Bret Hart, Cactus Jack


Fav series of mtches: Bret/Austin Mania 13


Brand of cigarettes: I don't smoke.


Fav site (wrestling or not): imdb.com


Newsletter subscriber?: Nope.


fav writer: JD Salinger


Who sports team?: -- Cincinnati Reds, Chicago Cubs


College or School attending: -- University of Cincinnati--graduating in May


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: I don't really watch wrestling that much anymore, so I guess I'll go with WWF prior to buying WCW


Future ambition, goal: Make it through law school over the next three years, after that probably just waste the law degree


Past post count title: I think clever rank, but I don't really check it


Fav poster: Mike the Admin.


Fav porn babe: --


Fav valet: Sunny or Trish


What piece/s do you recommend to the newcomers?: JN New's favorite restaurants thread

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Ok, I'm going to answer it too.


First name: Dave


Last name: McLaughlin


Old Smarkboard name: I've only been Milky and IDrinkRatsMilk (and briefly Tigger)


Age: 25


From: Tampa


Music genre: death metal and gangsta rap


Fav drug: I'm so antidrug I make Nelson Mandella look like GG Allin


Fav alcholic drink: Smirnoff and blue Gatorade


Fav movie: Texas Chainsaw Massacre


Fav wrestler: Benoit (didn't much like him before he butchered his family, but now, yeah)


Fav series of matches: Cage of Death


Brand of cigarettes: Marlboro


Fav site (wrestling or not): wikipedia


Newsletter subscriber?: Fuck that.


fav writer: HP Lovecraft?


Who promises the most?: Myself. I'm always promising "I'll never do that again."


Who promises the least: Jesus




Best international match you've ever seen: Jun Kasai vs. Jaki Numasawa


Past post count title: What the fuck are robster craws?


Fav poster: Leena


Fav porn babe (because we're all eteros, right?!: Anastasia Blue


Fav wrestling bitch: Bitch? Isn't that a little derogatory? Why does porn get "babe" and wrestling gets "bitch"?

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Fav movie: Texas Chainsaw Massacre


fav writer: HP Lovecraft?


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so if i fill this out now, it'll look like i'm a bandwagon-jumping sheep.


wait, why am i worried about how i look on a message board?

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First name: Taiga

Last name: Star. isn't that funny?

Old Smarkboard name: wasn't there

Age: 28

From: Haverhill, MA, US

Music genre: metal, baby

Fav drug: weeeeeed

Fav alcholic drink: Jager!

Fav movie: Natural Born Killers

Fav wrestler: Chris Hero, Jimmy Jacobs, Sara Del Ray, Necro Butcher, Nate Webb, CM Punk, Eddie Kingston, Daizee Haze, Mike Quackenbush, Super Dragon, Pick a Briscoe, Delirious, Low Ki, Danny havoc, Jack Evans, Mschif, Claudio Castagnoli, Mickie Knuckles.... one?

Fav series of matches: Hero/Kingston, Joe/Necro

Brand of cigarettes: Newports

Fav site (wrestling or not): rotten.com

Newsletter subscriber?: nope

fav writer: Poppy Z. Brite, and whoever writes the encyclopedia

Who promises the most?: um....

Who promises the least: erm...

WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: i'm an indy geek.

Best international match you've ever seen: what's an international?

Past post count title: lol

Fav poster: hell if i know

Fav porn babe (because we're all eteros, right?!): they're all ugly and gross looking. even the guys are. *shudders*

Fav wrestling bitch: Lufisto is a bitch, i love it.

What piece/s do you recommend to the newcomers?: they're all bad for newcomers. trust me.


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