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Worlds Smallest Political Quiz

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I want a candidate who is small govmt. We haven't had one in a while, and I will sacrifice my liberal socail standpoints for someone like that, since social issues are: slow moving and largely decided by the courts.

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Forum broke on me last night as I was posting my result: 17. You can consider that either close with Bubba, or a short distance from Colin Powell. But hell, we all know which side the blow and the beer is on.


Just a tad to the left of center, which is what I expected.

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According to your answers, your political philosophy is: centrist



Centrists favor selective government intervention and emphasize what they commonly describe as "practical solutions" to current problems. They tend to keep an open mind on political issues. Many centrists feel that government serves as a check on excessive liberty.

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The red dot on the Chart shows where you fit on the political map.



Your Personal issues Score is 60%.

Your Economic issues Score is 60%.

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Guest Olympic Slam

Your Personal issues Score is 50%.

Your Economic issues Score is 70%.


I put Maybe for most everything

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I haven't taken that one in a while..


Economic Left/Right: -3.88

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.36


Still in the same quadrant as Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, and the Dalai Lama...

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Guest Olympic Slam

Economic Left/Right: 4.00

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 1.38


Wow! When I took this test last year I used to be waaaay over to the right when it came to economics. What can I say, I guess I've become more jaded and cynical when it comes to the market. But, the system we have is the best there is, so therefore I support it.


EDIT: Got a 32 on the political quiz show: Somewhere between Jack Kemp and Bob Dole. Olympic Slam in 96'!

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Economic Left/Right: -2.50

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.64


Yay left-liberals!


Here's a short summary of my views.. at least the ones I remember from the quiz


*Keep Gov't out of people's bedrooms

*Legalise Marijuana (actually, they didn't ask, but I don't see the Constitutional justification for Federal Drug Laws {"Narcotic Prohibition"} either. Leave it to the states)

*You can't legislate morality, since not even all sects of Christianity are the same for this. And as well, if you put a church or religion too close to government, you corrupt the church in the process.


The ecnomic stuff put me a bit to the left. But then again, there has to be a way to make spending more 'efficent'. Basically, to not waste it on total bullshit. As well, there's revenue potential with some drugs (Yay Sin Tax!). But, no internet tax please.


I'm sorta blanking out on other things raised.

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