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Redskins vs. Broncos Monday Night Football Chatter

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CANTON, Ohio -- Preseason games don't get any juicier than this.


Joe Gibbs coaches his first NFL game in 12 years, returning from NASCAR to lead the Washington Redskins. Clinton Portis and Champ Bailey, traded for each other in one of the biggest football deals in recent memory, square off immediately.


And with their first Hall of Famer, John Elway, in the audience, the Denver Broncos try to make it a perfect weekend for the franchise.


Not bad for the kickoff to the NFL's exhibition season.


Gibbs, himself a member of the Hall after coaching the Redskins to three championships, not surprisingly is taking a business-first approach to Monday night's game.


"We'll just treat it as our first go-around working against another team," he said. "It will be good from that standpoint. We are a new staff, it'll probably take us an extra game or two in preseason to get a feel for some of the problems that we will have going through our first game. And you know, through that standpoint I'm looking at it as a positive thing."


Gibbs will have plenty of adjustments to make, beginning with the challenge system for replays, and including the coach-quarterback transmitter for relaying plays to the huddle. He's never worked with either.


"I practiced it," he said of the transmitter. "The first thing you do is you start off and hit the button and you go, 'You idiot!'


"The bad thing is they shut it off with 15 seconds to go."


Actually, though, Gibbs likes it.


"I think it's much more efficient. It's quicker," he said.


"The hand-signal thing really drives you crazy. Somebody picking something up, you're constantly worried about that. I think this is a much better system. I think it speeds play-calling up. I'm just glad they can't talk back to me: 'You idiot. Why did you call that?'"


As for replay, Gibbs admitted, "That's going to be different for me. You're going to have to make decisions, and some of those decisions are 'Can you appeal this play or can't you?'"


Providing Gibbs with something of a comfort zone will be Clinton Portis. Gibbs' strong Redskins teams were predicated on a balanced offense featuring one ball carrier. That guy will be Portis, the 2002 Offensive Rookie of the Year who rushed for 1,591 yards and 14 touchdowns last season.


Portis doesn't expect to see a lot of time Monday night, particularly with the Redskins having an extra preseason game this summer.


Still, Portis wouldn't mind one breakaway run against Denver, preferably with star cornerback Bailey chasing him.


"It's somewhere in the back of my mind that if I go out and get one carry for 85 yards, I probably haven't got to play anymore that game," Portis said. "I'm just hoping I get one carry for 85 yards."


That's not what Bailey wants to see, of course. After the Redskins traded him to Denver for Portis in March, Bailey doesn't mind facing Washington immediately.


"How ironic? Like they really made that mistake," he said. "It's good for me to play it. I get to see a lot of my old teammates.


"We take it serious, but we aren't going to be out there that long. We'll get our work in and see how it goes. It doesn't count until September."


Yet, maybe it counts a little more for the Broncos, who would like to put on a good show in front of their greatest player. Elway was inducted into the Hall of Fame on Sunday along with Barry Sanders, Carl Eller and Bob Brown.


"I just get real excited because of John the person," said receiver Rod Smith, one of Elway's prime targets through the years. "He taught me a lot and I just have so much respect for him as a person, as a man, as a businessman, and on top of that he was a great football player. That's the only place he should end up. First ballot for sure, and the best to ever play the game."


Football (even though it's preseason) returns in a little more than 16 hours. God it will be nice to watch some football again even though the 1st team will only play a quarter or so and it will be scrubs throughout the rest.


My pick is the Redskins.

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Guest Smark-Raving Mad

I can't believe football season is here again already. It seems like yesterday I watched my Eagles choke again.

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Don't worry -- you'll be watching them choke in a few more months.


That is, everyone will choke but McNabb -- none of it will be his fault...

But he didn't choke in the championship game this year......he got injured......how is that choking?


"DAMN that McNabb for tearing his stomach muscles! What a choker!"

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Well I am a diehard Skins fan, and I will be sitting in a classroom when the game airs. I have the tape set, as well as the Raw being taped, so I am gonna have a lot to get to when I get home.....


I just hope no injuries happen.


Gibbs said Brunell gets a quarter, and Ramsey gets a quarter, and then Hassleback/Halbram get the rest of the game. So it will be interesting to see who looks sharper thus far, Ramsey or Brunell......

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What did he do the year before?


Or the year before that?


Stick to OU football and making out with 16-year olds... :)

I didn't deny previous choking. I said he didn't choke this year though. He got hurt.

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Guest Vitamin X

Y'know, Brunell playing with the Redskins will be great for them in the short-term, but long-term if they have any hope of keeping and/or developing Ramsey, they're screwed.


Just a hunch from what I've seen in the NFL.

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Guest Flyboy

Ramsey will go to another team and thrive therefore making the Redskins looks foolish.

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Actually Brunell is only expected to be the starter this year and possibly the beginning of next season. His contract is setup to where once the number start to escalate he will be cut or the contract will be reworked.


Ramsey has stated already that he wants to stay with the Skins, and is confident in Gibbs....

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That is, everyone will choke but McNabb -- none of it will be his fault...

I never saw McNabb as a choker ever... ever...

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Wow, this McNabb stuff just does not die, does it?


Phi/St.Louis - The Rams were the better team, playing in their home stadium, and went on to win it all. Let's see, maybe the Eagles just got beat. Wait, that can't happen. McNabb must have choked. Yeah, that's the ticket.


Phi/TB - Every single person on that team, played terrible that day. Everyone came up short. So if you are really desperate for material, fine, I'll give you this game where he choked.


Phi/Carolina - Todd Pinkston is your goat here. Any arguements to the contrary just prove a significant bias against McNabb.


I'll reiterate what I said in a previous thread. I won't disagree that McNabb is overrated, but just because he is overrated does not mean that he is a choker and all of the losses are his fault.

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I personally don't feel McNabb is a choker, but moreso he just isn't quite the QB people tend to think he is. He is a playmaker, he can make plays scrambling and throwing, however just based on throwing the ball, he is not ELITE. McNabb's poor throws are often overshadowed by the fact that he can get first downs by rushing. He is definately a playmaker, but as a pocket pass he is easily a middle-of-the-pack type of guy.

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Guest Vitamin X
Actually Brunell is only expected to be the starter this year and possibly the beginning of next season. His contract is setup to where once the number start to escalate he will be cut or the contract will be reworked.


Ramsey has stated already that he wants to stay with the Skins, and is confident in Gibbs....

This is exactly why Ramsey won't ever live up to his potential. They're taking away valuable NFL experience when he needs it most, in favor of trying to win now with Brunell. Players need PLAYING TIME in order to get better. This is where the Bengals went wrong with Akili Smith, this is where the Chargers are going wrong with their quarterback situation (why a change at quarterback when there's so many other important positions they need to fix first?!), and it's not going to help Ramsey any to spend time on the bench after he's been out on the field and playing.

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Actually Brunell is only expected to be the starter this year and possibly the beginning of next season. His contract is setup to where once the number start to escalate he will be cut or the contract will be reworked.


Ramsey has stated already that he wants to stay with the Skins, and is confident in Gibbs....

This is exactly why Ramsey won't ever live up to his potential. They're taking away valuable NFL experience when he needs it most, in favor of trying to win now with Brunell. Players need PLAYING TIME in order to get better. This is where the Bengals went wrong with Akili Smith, this is where the Chargers are going wrong with their quarterback situation (why a change at quarterback when there's so many other important positions they need to fix first?!), and it's not going to help Ramsey any to spend time on the bench after he's been out on the field and playing.

ermm, Chad Pennington sat on the bench 2 or 3 years, and look how he turned out? Pretty damn good. You don't think Joe freakin' Gibbs knows how to coach? He has a history of keeping at least 2 potential starters on the roster. If this was Spurrier doing it, I might question it, but Gibbs knows what the hell he is doingl.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

It doesn't help Ramsey's confidence level to lose his job to someone who was having about the same kind of season as him. I think it's a bad move as Ramsey was showing signs last year but he was getting held back because the defense was hitting him almost as soon as he touched the ball.

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Guest Frank_Nabbit

Rison to Be Jailed for Not Paying Support


Mon Aug 9,12:45 PM ET


By ELIOTT C. McLAUGHLIN, Associated Press Writer


DECATUR, Ga. - A judge ordered the arrest of former star receiver Andre Rison on Monday for failing to pay $107,350 in child support.





Superior Court Judge Cynthia Becker ruled that Rison is in contempt of court and should be jailed for 20 days. She asked that other jurisdictions outside the state assist in the arrest. Rison was not at court Monday.



Rison hasn't paid his $3,500-a-month child-support payment for his 16- and 18-year-old children since August 2002, the order said. The child-support total is $87,500, with the additional amount coming from interest and attorney's fees.



Randall Kessler, an attorney for Raycoa Handley, the mother of two of Rison's children, said he thinks Rison is in Michigan or Florida.



"I just want him to come forward and pay his child support. I didn't want him to go to jail," Handley said.



She said Rison hasn't seen or talked to his children in 2 1/2 years.



Kessler said asking for Rison's arrest and extradition is the only way to get his attention.



Rison's attorney, Max Richardson, said he is going to "try and see Mr. Rison does what he's supposed to do." He declined further comment.



Last month, a district judge in Michigan dismissed a felony charge against Rison for failing to pay child support to his ex-wife for their 16-year-old son. Rison owed more than $90,000 to Tonja Rison and had been charged with felony nonsupport in December 2002.



Rison last played for the Oakland Raiders (news) in 2000, finishing with 41 catches for 606 yards and six touchdowns while helping them reach the AFC championship game. He was suspended for four games in 2001 for a repeat violation of the league's substance abuse policy and has been out of football since.



Rison, who played from 1989-2000, had 743 catches for 10,205 yards and 84 touchdowns in 12 seasons with seven teams.

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Guest Vitamin X
Actually Brunell is only expected to be the starter this year and possibly the beginning of next season. His contract is setup to where once the number start to escalate he will be cut or the contract will be reworked.


Ramsey has stated already that he wants to stay with the Skins, and is confident in Gibbs....

This is exactly why Ramsey won't ever live up to his potential. They're taking away valuable NFL experience when he needs it most, in favor of trying to win now with Brunell. Players need PLAYING TIME in order to get better. This is where the Bengals went wrong with Akili Smith, this is where the Chargers are going wrong with their quarterback situation (why a change at quarterback when there's so many other important positions they need to fix first?!), and it's not going to help Ramsey any to spend time on the bench after he's been out on the field and playing.

ermm, Chad Pennington sat on the bench 2 or 3 years, and look how he turned out? Pretty damn good. You don't think Joe freakin' Gibbs knows how to coach? He has a history of keeping at least 2 potential starters on the roster. If this was Spurrier doing it, I might question it, but Gibbs knows what the hell he is doingl.

Pennington, Vick, hell even Favre all sat out their first seasons. But once the job was theirs, it was theirs and they didn't change that. One of the first things Bill Parcells wanted to emphasize with the Cowboys was picking a starter and sticking with it, and when Quincy failed the drug test this summer, he had to move on, however he gave Quincy a vote of confidence he never had before and responded by playing his best season, albeit he still needed some work. And we all know how well Belichick giving Brady the vote of confidence worked out for them, and even Bledsoe was able to respond when Brady was out for the AFC Championship game during their first Super Bowl run. Yet Brady has never faltered, and having a coach who believes in you and isn't willing to pull the plug so quickly (hello Tim Couch!) definitely helps.


Confidence and self-assurance are two of the most important things a young quarterback needs to have, and that may be all part of the reason why Brunell and Warner have had such down seasons recently, because of the young guys looking over their shoulders (Bulger and Leftwich, respectively). Now that Brunell has the starting spot locked up for sure, that's great and gives the Skins a hell of a chance quite possibly in the short-term, but long-term when Ramsey comes back, he won't have quite nearly the amount of experience he should have and won't be as ready.

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Actually Brunell is only expected to be the starter this year and possibly the beginning of next season. His contract is setup to where once the number start to escalate he will be cut or the contract will be reworked.


Ramsey has stated already that he wants to stay with the Skins, and is confident in Gibbs....

This is exactly why Ramsey won't ever live up to his potential. They're taking away valuable NFL experience when he needs it most, in favor of trying to win now with Brunell. Players need PLAYING TIME in order to get better. This is where the Bengals went wrong with Akili Smith, this is where the Chargers are going wrong with their quarterback situation (why a change at quarterback when there's so many other important positions they need to fix first?!), and it's not going to help Ramsey any to spend time on the bench after he's been out on the field and playing.

ermm, Chad Pennington sat on the bench 2 or 3 years, and look how he turned out? Pretty damn good. You don't think Joe freakin' Gibbs knows how to coach? He has a history of keeping at least 2 potential starters on the roster. If this was Spurrier doing it, I might question it, but Gibbs knows what the hell he is doingl.

Pennington, Vick, hell even Favre all sat out their first seasons. But once the job was theirs, it was theirs and they didn't change that. One of the first things Bill Parcells wanted to emphasize with the Cowboys was picking a starter and sticking with it, and when Quincy failed the drug test this summer, he had to move on, however he gave Quincy a vote of confidence he never had before and responded by playing his best season, albeit he still needed some work. And we all know how well Belichick giving Brady the vote of confidence worked out for them, and even Bledsoe was able to respond when Brady was out for the AFC Championship game during their first Super Bowl run. Yet Brady has never faltered, and having a coach who believes in you and isn't willing to pull the plug so quickly (hello Tim Couch!) definitely helps.


Confidence and self-assurance are two of the most important things a young quarterback needs to have, and that may be all part of the reason why Brunell and Warner have had such down seasons recently, because of the young guys looking over their shoulders (Bulger and Leftwich, respectively). Now that Brunell has the starting spot locked up for sure, that's great and gives the Skins a hell of a chance quite possibly in the short-term, but long-term when Ramsey comes back, he won't have quite nearly the amount of experience he should have and won't be as ready.

Oh please, azif the Cowboys QB situation is even comparable. Dallas had a squad full of backups. Parcells did the same exact thing. He didn't walk into camp and declare a starter. He had an open competition. Washington has a proven veteren that can win games NOW, and a young stud that is learning a brand new offense and coming off a nightmare of a season that could have perhaps caused him to get a little shell shocked. Brunell will only be around another year or so. Ramsey knows the job is his, and he is going to have Portis to hand the ball off to. Sounds like a pretty good gig to me. And secondly, Brunell isn't guaranteed the starting job anyway. Gibbs has stated it is an open competition, and Ramsey is starting against Carolina. Hell after last nights game Hassleback looks like the starter, but then again that was like the practice squad D out there.......lol. And I believe Pennington was on the bench sitting for 2 years. Spurrier got Ramsey into something dangerous, and then walked away from the team. leaving Ramsey in limbo. Blame Spurrier, not Gibbs. Gibbs is doing what a new(well not technically) coach does when he takes over a team, makes the players fight and prove themselves and earn a starting spot. Ramsey showed FLASHES of greatness last year, but that is no reason to throw him back into the fire under a brand new offense.

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Wow, this McNabb stuff just does not die, does it?

No. And it never will.


Actually, the "McNabb choker" remarks, at least made by me and (I'm 99.9% sure) Slayer, aren't really directed at McNabb, but rather at ESPN.


Funny enough, I'm a McNabb fan and think he's one of the Top 5 QBs in the league, although I don't wish him success because then I'd have to hear the ESPN shitheads go "OMG HE'S SURE OVERRATED NOW LOL..."

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