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Guest JoeyStyles

Does RVD deserve a chance....

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There are a few things they could do for him to make money.


First, they have WWE Films and RVD has appeared on television and straight to cable action films. Produce a martial arts/action film for him. Even if it's straight to DVD or a Spike TV movie. He has enough of a fan base to guarantee buys or a decent cable rating with the right promotion.


This would get him off of television for a bit for filming.


When he returns to television, repackage him slightly without the airbrush tights like someone mentioned. Bring him in as an arrogant heel who believes he is a movie star now. Have Paul Heyman be his agent.


Maybe have occassional "ECW rules" matches with no DQ's and no countouts where RVD can again use chairs in his offense.


There is still more of a future for him on Smackdown despite the fact that they didn't push him upon jumping like they should have. I actually think he looks slightly more motivated on SD than Raw. He's probably grateful that he gets longer matches on SD and he has more athletic/quick guys on the roster. Especially if they turn him heel and let him go with Eddie, Mysterio, London, Kidman, etc.

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Guest whitemilesdavis
WMD, there is considerable doubt that he is capable of putting on classic matches. I think Kevin Nash actually had more classic matches than RVD.


If you don't include those 4 or 5 matches with Jerry Lynn that EVERYONE at the time was calling *****, then maybe you are right. Oh wait, his match on SD with Austin was really good, and that's one more than NASH ever had.


Take a guess in which three letters you can't spell oVeRrateD without. He isn't even at the level of Jericho, total-package wise, and we all know the first undisp-U-ted champion nevermind HIS flaws hasn't shut people up about him not being a perma-headliner.


Except for RVD has been, and could easily be again, more over than Jericho + HHH have ever been combined.

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Guest whitemilesdavis



All great ideas. Heyman as a manager would be the icing on the cake.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Make him a bad guy who Van Daminates everyone. Allign him with Angle and Luther Reigns. After their whole thing passes over, we could have a really made RVD/Angle fued. Have it so RVD eventually becomes to evil and diabolical for Angle.

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Guest MikeSC
WMD, there is considerable doubt that he is capable of putting on classic matches. I think Kevin Nash actually had more classic matches than RVD.


If you don't include those 4 or 5 matches with Jerry Lynn that EVERYONE at the time was calling *****, then maybe you are right. Oh wait, his match on SD with Austin was really good, and that's one more than NASH ever had.


RVD v Lynn never hit higher than *** at any point. Hate to break it to you. The only people calling them ***** were the ECW marks who called almost anything ECW did as being great.


Nash v Hart and Nash v HBK is better than anything RVD has been involved with outside of his match with Eddy at JD 2002. Hell, RVD dragged Benoit to a lacklustre match at SSlam a few years back.

Take a guess in which three letters you can't spell oVeRrateD without. He isn't even at the level of Jericho, total-package wise, and we all know the first undisp-U-ted champion nevermind HIS flaws hasn't shut people up about him not being a perma-headliner.


Except for RVD has been, and could easily be again, more over than Jericho + HHH have ever been combined.

Funny, Jericho gets buried, stays over, and never appears obviously unmotivated in the ring. RVD does it and gets even WORSE in the ring than he was.


Hell, Randy Orton had to revive the IC Title after RVD's pointless reign.

Make him a bad guy who Van Daminates everyone. Allign him with Angle and Luther Reigns. After their whole thing passes over, we could have a really made RVD/Angle fued. Have it so RVD eventually becomes to evil and diabolical for Angle.

This requires RVD being able to portray a character. Nothing I've seen out him shows that.


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Guest GreatOne

Except for RVD has been, and could easily be again, more over than Jericho + HHH have ever been combined.


It takes significantly more than just people chanting your name for about 5-10 seconds.


If you don't include those 4 or 5 matches with Jerry Lynn that EVERYONE at the time was calling *****, then maybe you are right. Oh wait, his match on SD with Austin was really good, and that's one more than NASH ever had.


Oh and this just in, the ECW arena closed it doors..................BTW Nash had a great match with Shawn Michaels, so much for the 'RVD is a great worker cause he had a good match with Austin' argument eh?

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Guest whitemilesdavis
RVD v Lynn never hit higher than *** at any point. Hate to break it to you. The only people calling them ***** were the ECW marks who called almost anything ECW did as being great.


Have you honestly seen those matches? I find them incredibly entertaining, the only off one of the series being at Guilty as Charged '01. And EVERYONE was calling them classic at the time, it's the only reason I checked them out, as I wasn't an ECW mark.



Nash v Hart and Nash v HBK is better than anything RVD has been involved with outside of his match with Eddy at JD 2002. Hell, RVD dragged Benoit to a lacklustre match at SSlam a few years back.


Hart/HBK marks would prefer any Hart/HBK match to the next coming of Christ. I disagree. Nash is, was, and will always be a turd. I really don't think I need to back that up.


Funny, Jericho gets buried, stays over, and never appears obviously unmotivated in the ring. RVD does it and gets even WORSE in the ring than he was.


Well, I'm a Jericho fan, too, and would love to see him used more, but his ring work for the last year or so has not impressed me at all, and he appears to be out of shape. But yeah, Y2J is over, and could be moreso.


It takes significantly more than just people chanting your name for about 5-10 seconds.


What else then? Normally people chant the names of the over wrestlers. This isn't a good argument for you. They also pop for his entrance, and his crappy signature moves. He's over. Sorry.


Oh and this just in, the ECW arena closed it doors..................BTW Nash had a great match with Shawn Michaels, so much for the 'RVD is a great worker cause he had a good match with Austin' argument eh?


This is pretty much incoherent. Is that even directed to me? I'd love to respond, but I'm not sure what you're trying to say.

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RVD v Lynn never hit higher than *** at any point. Hate to break it to you. The only people calling them ***** were the ECW marks who called almost anything ECW did as being great.


Have you honestly seen those matches? I find them incredibly entertaining, the only off one of the series being at Guilty as Charged '01. And EVERYONE was calling them classic at the time, it's the only reason I checked them out, as I wasn't an ECW mark.


The RVD/Lynn series is the most overrated tripe I've ever seen. A bunch of spots with no discernable psychology or story.

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Guest whitemilesdavis
The RVD/Lynn series is the most overrated tripe I've ever seen. A bunch of spots with no discernable psychology or story.


OK. To each his own. Regardless, alot of people did like the matches. Lately, the net has kinda turned on them, but at the time they were incredibly hot.

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Nash v Hart and Nash v HBK is better than anything RVD has been involved with outside of his match with Eddy at JD 2002. Hell, RVD dragged Benoit to a lacklustre match at SSlam a few years back.


RVD Vs. Eddie at JD, and RAW Ladder Match were all great matches IMO.


Benoit and RVD had a great match on RAW in 2002 where Benoit won the IC title. And I dunno what you were watching but their Summerslam 2002 match was great.


Plus the Ladder match with Jeff Hardy at Summerslam 2001. Plus he had good matches with Undertaker in late 2001 of all people.

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Guest GreatOne

RVD-lovers: please refrain from using Lynn/RVD as your defense as to what a 'great' worker RVD is when ECW marks themselves ruined the product with their constant whoring of 'EC-fuckin-W'. Hell Balls Mahoney put out *** and **** matches left and right to those clowns,l Al Snow vs. Shane Douglas at Wrestlepalooza was the best match of 1998 says them.


(god I'm actually agreeing with--I won't drop names here but his initials are also the same as the abbreviation for Saskatchewan--as far as the ECW marks go)


Why would Jericho have had any reason to lash out at the net in 02, since he just came off a match with 'Workrate God' RVD? No one should have shat all over that match because it's RVD, which automatically guarantees ***, right?

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If a match entertains me, I'm all for it.. weather it be a great show of psychology or a spot fest..


When RVD's music hits for a match I can almost always guarantee that I'll at least be entertained during it.


There aren't too many wrestlers who I can say that about..

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No, he had his chance. Jericho is better than RVD in everyway, by the way.

He had his chance?


Like in 2001, when he was REALLY getting hot - and they just cut him off at the knees?


Or, in September 2002, when his popularity was surging once again.....when he was actually next-in-line to become the World Heavyweight Champion - and they blocked him yet again?


Van Dam has NEVER had a fair chance to succeed in WWE. Every time he came close, they always found a reason to stop him.


He at least deserves a fair chance. One that he hasn't gotten yet, mind you.

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No, he had his chance. Jericho is better than RVD in everyway, by the way.

He had his chance?


Like in 2001, when he was REALLY getting hot - and they just cut him off at the knees?


Or, in September 2002, when his popularity was surging once again.....when he was actually next-in-line to become the World Heavyweight Champion - and they blocked him yet again?


Van Dam has NEVER had a fair chance to succeed in WWE. Every time he came close, they always found a reason to stop him.


He at least deserves a fair chance. One that he hasn't gotten yet, mind you.

Yes, it's a vast conspiracy against RVD, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with the him being an ass backstage and on talkshows and generally being sloppy and not giving a fuck in and outside of the ring. The stoner image doesn't help either.


RVD is not, was not and never will be a main event wrestler and it's not become HHH or Vince is holding him down, it's because once he is in the ME then all of RVD's flaws are going to be exposed, and his flaws outweight his benefits. And to nip the upcoming remark in the bud, I know Bradshaw has more flaws than merits, but Vince likes hosses, doesn't he?

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These guys must really hate Rob when they start praising a Nash match over an RVD match.Love him or hate him if RVD ever gets the chance to main event he would do a better job than a JBL or a Big Show in entertaining a lot of fans outthere.

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Guest whitemilesdavis
RVD-lovers: please refrain from using Lynn/RVD as your defense as to what a 'great' worker RVD is when ECW marks themselves ruined the product with their constant whoring of 'EC-fuckin-W'. Hell Balls Mahoney put out *** and **** matches left and right to those clowns,l Al Snow vs. Shane Douglas at Wrestlepalooza was the best match of 1998 says them.


(god I'm actually agreeing with--I won't drop names here but his initials are also the same as the abbreviation for Saskatchewan--as far as the ECW marks go)


Why would Jericho have had any reason to lash out at the net in 02, since he just came off a match with 'Workrate God' RVD? No one should have shat all over that match because it's RVD, which automatically guarantees ***, right?


Good God, what are you even talking about? Could you at least try to make statements that in some way relate to the topic at hand. It's really frustrating trying to decipher hidden messages in your crap.


For instance: What does Balls Mahoney have to do with RVD / Lynn? Could they not have a good match because someone who sucked was in the same company? Well, don't say Bret ever had a good match, cause Yokozuna was also in the WWF at the time. It's a stupid argument. It honestly makes me think you are either stoned or mentally handicapped. If the latter is true, I apologize.


Point 2: How does Jericho bitching at the net prove RVD sucks? I'll tell you how, it doesn't. Apparently Jericho thought their work was UNFAIRLY judged. In other words, Jericho thought it was good. Me too. And who Called RVD a "Workrate God"? I've read this entire thread, and your post is the first time I've seen it. Most would say he's over, entertaining, and capable of putting on good matches, but noone (except you) called him a workrate god. It makes it easy for you to argue against our points if you make up our points for us, huh?


Point 3: Al Snow vs. Shane Douglas - I didn't see it. Please refer to point 1.


I am not an ECW mark. I only for the most part saw the matches that were highly heralded. Some lived up to the hype (RVD/Lynn) and some didn't. This discussion is about RVD.

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Guest GreatOne

The points are (since comprehension apparently isn't your strong point) that:


1)How would you know if RVD/Lynn was good or not, since everything in ECW was **** or ***** according to the ECW marks?


2)Why even discuss his ECW efforts? ECW's gone, the one big chance he had at headlining he blew it. It's not Vince's fault nor HHH, but RVD.


It honestly makes me think you are either stoned or mentally handicapped


This from a guy defending a guy who's best promo work consists of "DUUUUDE, WHAT'RE YOU SMOKIN?", gotcha

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I liked ECW, and although I don't consider myself a mutant, I think RVD/Lynn was infinitely better than Taker/Bradshaw and almost all of the matches put on at SummerSlam.

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Guest GreatOne

Alright, how about the last 30 mins of the Benoit/HHH ironman?


Your top headliner can't be all ***** frogsplashes. Let's say HHH played to RVD's strengths at Unforgiven 02 and puts him over, you're gonna expect everybody else to sell for RVD the exact same way and ignore his limitations? How back-asswards is that?

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Alright, how about the last 30 mins of the Benoit/HHH ironman?

I didn't exactly think much of the Benoit/HHH iron man match, especially the last 30 minutes. Too many run-ins for my taste, and the appearance of Eugene was the killer.


Your top headliner can't be all ***** frogsplashes. Let's say HHH played to RVD's strengths at Unforgiven 02 and puts him over, you're gonna expect everybody else to sell for RVD the exact same way and ignore his limitations? How back-asswards is that?


No, but RVD has/had more moves than he currently does, and if he was more motivated/had longer matches, he'd probably try to do them. A heel turn + Heyman as manager would probably make RVD main event material, regardless of how great his matches are. Eddie is stale and they think it's too early to push Cena right now, so RVD would be a good choice to elevate.

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No, but RVD has/had more moves than he currently does, and if he was more motivated/had longer matches, he'd probably try to do them.


That is why he hasn't been given the god push, why he isn't a main eventer and why he'll never be the champion.

Edited by Highland

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Guest GreatOne
No, but RVD has/had more moves than he currently does, and if he was more motivated/had longer matches, he'd probably try to do them.


That is why he hasn't been given the god push, why he isn't a main eventer and why he'll never be the champion.



If HHH hadn't shown any he never would have gotten a title run in the first place, if Brock hadn't at least acted the part two years ago, same deal. Thus why Vince probably looked at it as a chore putting the belt on Goldberg last year.


I know RVD-marks don't wanna hear it, but the argument can be made that JBL's putting more effort into his character than RVD has ever.


Eddie Guerrero wouldn't have a job right now if he showed as much as RVD has, and Chris Benoit would be currently feuding with Spike Dudley likewise.

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No, but RVD has/had more moves than he currently does, and if he was more motivated/had longer matches, he'd probably try to do them.


That is why he hasn't been given the god push, why he isn't a main eventer and why he'll never be the champion.



I know RVD-marks don't wanna hear it, but the argument can be made that JBL's putting more effort into his character than RVD has ever.

Ok, so JBL is putting more effort into his character. Does that make him a better choice as champion? Don't you think that maybe JBL is putting so much effort into his character in an attempt to get over with fans BECAUSE he is champion?

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I tend to think that JBL's title run is a thank you from Vince for years of loyal service. Just be thankful he picked him instead of Holly.

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Guest GreatOne
No, but RVD has/had more moves than he currently does, and if he was more motivated/had longer matches, he'd probably try to do them.


That is why he hasn't been given the god push, why he isn't a main eventer and why he'll never be the champion.



I know RVD-marks don't wanna hear it, but the argument can be made that JBL's putting more effort into his character than RVD has ever.

Ok, so JBL is putting more effort into his character. Does that make him a better choice as champion? Don't you think that maybe JBL is putting so much effort into his character in an attempt to get over with fans BECAUSE he is champion?

Whether you liked Bradshaw at any time or not, you can't say that he was going through the motions (at least as an Acolyte), something Mr ECW can't say................


Oh and your little "BECAUSE he's champ' argument might hold water if the whole JBL character hadn't had three and a half months before he was champ

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Make him a bad guy who Van Daminates everyone. Allign him with Angle and Luther Reigns. After their whole thing passes over, we could have a really made RVD/Angle fued. Have it so RVD eventually becomes to evil and diabolical for Angle.

I like that idea. It'll be like Frankenstein's monster.


And to whoever said that RVD should cut his hair, change his attire, ect: Why? So he looks like everybody else? Bad idea.

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