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Guest Leon

Unforgiven and Survivor Series

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Guest Leon

At Unforgiven, I think will see either Orton vs. Batista for the title OR Orton and Edge vs. Flair and Batista with Edge turning and joining Evolution.


At Survivor Series, I think we'll see HHH, Edge, Batista, Flair vs. Orton, Benoit, Jericho, Eugene


What do you think we'll see at these next two PPV's?

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Guest Leon

Call me crazy, but with HHH being a huge mark of the NWA, and with the clout he has, I wouldn't be surprised to FINALLY see a WarGames match at Survivor Series pitting:


Orton/Benoit/Jericho/Regal/Eugene vs. HHH/Edge/Flair/Batista/Christian

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Guest Staravenger

WWE will never use The War Games match concept, which is why we get the Elimination Chamber and Hell In A Cell.

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Call me crazy, but with HHH being a huge mark of the NWA, and with the clout he has, I wouldn't be surprised to FINALLY see a WarGames match at Survivor Series pitting:


Orton/Benoit/Jericho/Regal/Eugene vs. HHH/Edge/Flair/Batista/Christian

I would love to see a war games match between those two teams or just Raw and Smackdown in general. I highly doubt that it will ever happen now that the WWE has the Elimination Chamber.


I think we're going to see something involving HBK coming back and interjecting himself into the Kane/Hardy/Lita angle because of what Kane did to Shawn to put him on the shelf.

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Guest Mickey Al

I dunno, but I see Orton vs. Benoit vs. HHH at Unforgiven. Double burial~!


What about Oct's Taboo Tuesday?

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At Unforgiven, I think will see either Orton vs. Batista for the title OR Orton and Edge vs. Flair and Batista with Edge turning and joining Evolution.

I could see that happening.


But knowing WWE, this will take place on Raw.

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>What about Oct's Taboo Tuesday?


Speaking of, anyone know when tickets go on sale for this? WWE doesn't even have it listed on their homepage. Ticketmaster turns up nothing as of yet, but I want to go.

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To steal a quote from the Raw thread:


The other thing was that it was done quickly. As someone said, it could have been coming over several shows, but they did it so quickly that it caught us all by suprise, even if the plot development was pretty obvious.



Does anyone else have a problem with the lack of that for this? I mean, it's been a long while since WWE didn't do something right away.


aThey could have had some brilliant, compelling television if they'd stretched out the turn over numerous weeks. Everyone knows that the better the buildup to something, the more compelling the pay off. It's like Vince thinks that fans have 5 second attention span now, and has conditioned them as such. Sorry to get off the topic of the thread, but that jsut really bothered me.



As for Unforgiven I thought htey were going to do the ORton/Benoit rematch, but I guess not. I also don't think thwey'd give away Orton/HHH now(?). This leaves what, a face orton to square off against...newly heel turned Edge I guess.

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An Edge heel turn would work out very well during a 5 Man at Survivor Series but there's no way they can hold out that long.


My picks for the SS match:


Orton/Benoit/Jericho/Benjamin/Michaels vs HHH/Batista/Flair/Edge/Kane.

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Guest Tjhe CyNick

Based on the angle they did Monday, the only thing that makes sense is HHH vs Orton in some form. I could see them throwing in Benoit to make it a 3 way, but RAW made it seem like they'll go to Benoit-Batista so Benoit can slide further down the card.


If HHH is so pissed that someone else took the World Title, why would he let anyone else get the title shot? My thinking is that Orton faces HHH, there is a bunch of interfernce, HHH gets the belt, and then Orton can chase HHH till Mania.

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I'd be turned off by an Orton/Triple H main event, personally. I guess I'd just have to hope that the SD! title match is good.

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I don't think Orton/HHH is going to be happening at Mania 21 myself. The latest I see their match is Royal Rumble. Those rumours seemed to be too well placed and the wwe giving us that turn last night makes me think they have done a good job swerving "know it all fans" and shaking things up for the casuals. I think it will headline Survivor Series and then perhaps Royal Rumble. In the meantime there might be some triple threat match this month and then something gimmicky at Taboo Tuesday.

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Guest GreatOne

What's with the current shift to 'they rushed the turn' over the last 12 hours?


It may have been accelerated by the 'Maple Leafs' sucking the life out of Summerslam a bit, but in storyline terms, HHH is going to just sit back and accept Orton doing what he couldn't--beat Benoit for the world title? This is the same guy that one-upped his idol just to prove a point. So how ghey would that be?


Would anybody have thought Flair, in storyline terms, to allow Luger, Windham, Sting, or had it gotten that far, Sid Vicious, to hold the world title and just sit back and endorse them? Of course not.


Hell if HHH wants to book old-school NWA for this from now til Wrestlemania I say bring it on. So much for Vince's 'hatred' of NWA/WCW....................

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I think they're gonna run with some form of RAW vs. Smackdown at SS. That being said, I could see Orton as the captain of the RAW squad with Benoit, Michaels, Edge and Christian (mixed group of RAW talent, since it's not really face vs. heel, it's show vs. show). They'd take on Bradshaw, Angle, Guerrero, Cena and Van Dam. SD! wins when Triple H runs out and costs Orton the match, and tells Bischoff (who'd be pissed at losing to SD!) that getting at Orton and wanting the title back is more important than even the RAW brand as a whole.

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Guest ally mccoist

War Games. HHH is a mark for shit like this, I can see it happening. I'd do it like this:


faces: Orton, Jericho, Benoit, HBK, Regal


heels: HHH, Flair, Batista, new evolution member (whoever that may be, im assuming there will be one) and badass heel turned Eugene (having admitted the spaz routine was a hoax)


That way you got HHH vs Orton and Regal vs Eugene, two potentially hot feuds going into the match. And hopefully lots of blood and violence. But you're not blowing your load on the feuds, you can still book em in singles matches for the next ppv. Or save Orton/HHH for WM, which is apparently going to happen. The Eugene turn needs to happen before the character gets too stale. The timing has to be good. I'm thinking turn him in 2 months time, although I can imagine them keeping him babyface until WM at least. I can see them doing the "Eugenes dream of going to WM has come true" type of shit around then.

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