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The Undertaker vs John Bradhaw Layfield

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I believe so. I've been a wrestling fan for about 14 years now, and I was not only extremely bored with this match, but also dissapointed, as I though both guys might be able to kick it up a notch since they were wrestling for the WWE Title on the second most important PPV of the year.


Not only did this "match" not have any real buildup going into SummerSlam, but judging by the crowd reaction, the most over participant in the match was the SPANISH TABLE. The crowd, not believing the shit that is before them, started doing the WAVE while the Undertaker Fighting Champion was working "WWE Style" by putting JBL in his Zombie-Locks and then the two proceeded to lay down and roll around doing "submissions" which added little to no psychology to the match. Zombie Taker had decided he will still fight UFC style despite him not being able to properly, yet he STILL only sold Bradshaw's working of the leg when he felt like it while the times he didn't Tazz and Cole covered it up by telling us things like "The Undertaker can't feel pain". To top it all off, after sitting through this SHIT, we get a DQ finish which means....YAY! We get to sit through Suckfest Volume II at the next Smackdown PPV.


The only reason I would sit through that rematch is to see if they can do the impossible and top the number of clothslines that were delivered in this match. A petition must be started to stop this rematch from happening.

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Guest Staravenger

You've obviously never seen Hulk Hogan vs. The Undertaker from Judgment Day 2002.


Too bad this is only WWE, or I'd say any WCW main Event from 1998-2001.

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Depends on what you mean by "WWE Title". Are you talking as a whole or just the SD version? Either way, there's been worse.


- Brock Lesnar vs Hardcore Holly, Royal Rumble 2004

- Kurt Angle vs Big Show, Armageddon 2002


Much, much worse.

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Guest Staravenger

Don't forget Brock Lesnar vs. Big Show from Survivor Series 2002. 4:00 World Title Match that shouldn't get anything more than a big fat DUD. I'm shocked they had good matches at Rumble & J-Day 2003, considering Anyone/Show usually ends up sucking because of the fat guy vs. not-fat guy style.

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Guest Staravenger

OK, take away the hot crowd, and then you have a poor excuse for a World Title Match. They should've just canceled it the day after Show squashed Brock's ribs or something.

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But at least those matches had things going for them. Undertaker/Bradshaw has NOTHING going for it. The crowd wasn't into it. It had a DQ finish. No good buildup. No really cool spots. The only thing I enjoyed about the whole match was Undertaker slipping on the limo.

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Guest Trivia247
But at least those matches had things going for them. Undertaker/Bradshaw has NOTHING going for it. The crowd wasn't into it. It had a DQ finish. No good buildup. No really cool spots. The only thing I enjoyed about the whole match was Undertaker slipping on the limo.

from what I heard of the event the crowd wasn't helpful in alot of the matches, I wouldn't base crowd reaction on this .

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Guest Staravenger
But at least those matches had things going for them. Undertaker/Bradshaw has NOTHING going for it. The crowd wasn't into it. It had a DQ finish. No good buildup. No really cool spots. The only thing I enjoyed about the whole match was Undertaker slipping on the limo.

Again, HHH/Steiner. Homosexual Arm-Wrestling as buildup? Crowd turning on Steiner, who did liek 87 belly to belly suplexes? a DQ finish? A match that turned the crowd for NWO 2002 against Steiner before the match started? THAT HAD NOTHING.

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Guest Staravenger
Nah, that was so bad it was funny. Steiner/H is enjoyable.

So was Brock/Goldberg (Non-Title from WM XX) but that doesn't mean it was a good match. The crowd made it entertaining because it was clear shit, Steiner was blown up in 30 seconds, and HHH did everything to salvage it. (they CHEERED HHH running away)

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Guest thebigjig

Jesus... UT vs. JBL as the WORST title match?!


I think this is a textbook case of letting a personal hatred/bias get in the way of logic


Do ANY of you remember the matches Yokozuna had?

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Guest Staravenger
Steiner was at least made to look like a threat to HHH. He really did look like a good challenger until the match actually started.

Push-up contests, posing challenges, arm wrestling and stripping Triple H down to his underwear doesn't really qualify as "Good Challenger" to me.

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To say that UT/JBL had nothing is ignorant.


- Taker bumping more in one match then he has overall since coming back at Mania.

- JBL bringing the workrate and bumping his ass off

- More submissions then you'd see in any Benoit/Angle contest (cept for the Ultimate Submission Match). This is a good thing, regardless of what the crowd thought. It gave the match meaning as both men were aware of each others strength and power so they decided to take an alternate route and see if they could bring each other down by tapout.

- JBL big boots Taker right in the mush and Taker responds with a SWEET lariat.

- Did a really good job of putting over the striking of both men, moreso then any WWE match I can remember.

- Believeable near falls (The crowd bought the Last Ride finish 100%).

- UT busting out some new offense with his shoulder-trap downward spiral, which btw, looks pretty farkin' deadly.

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But at least those matches had things going for them. Undertaker/Bradshaw has NOTHING going for it. The crowd wasn't into it. It had a DQ finish. No good buildup. No really cool spots. The only thing I enjoyed about the whole match was Undertaker slipping on the limo.

Again, HHH/Steiner. Homosexual Arm-Wrestling as buildup? Crowd turning on Steiner, who did liek 87 belly to belly suplexes? a DQ finish? A match that turned the crowd for NWO 2002 against Steiner before the match started? THAT HAD NOTHING.

That was somewhat of a dream match, and I'm sure a lot of people ordered Royal Rumble 2003 to see it.


Jesus... UT vs. JBL as the WORST title match?!


I think this is a textbook case of letting a personal hatred/bias get in the way of logic


I've always liked Taker, and Bradshaw's character is starting to grow on me.


- More submissions then you'd see in any Benoit/Angle contest (cept for the Ultimate Submission Match). This is a good thing, regardless of what the crowd thought. It gave the match meaning as both men were aware of each others strength and power so they decided to take an alternate route and see if they could bring each other down by tapout.[/


There may have been more submissions, but these two made it as exciting as watching two chickens racing in a 10 mile event. While putting on submissions they LAYED DOWN. It was boring. At least in Angle/Benoit matches, they moved around and, you know, try to REVERSE/BREAK OUT OF the submission.


- JBL big boots Taker right in the mush and Taker responds with a SWEET lariat.


One of Undertaker's 35 lariats in that match.


- Did a really good job of putting over the striking of both men, moreso then any WWE match I can remember.


Undertaker's clothslines/clothsline/submission technique sucked as did almost all of Bradshaw's offense. Did you see Undertaker's uppercut attempts when he was holding JBL's arm? They were laughably bad. They missed by a mile.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

I think the people are forgetting the crapfest that was the WWF main events in 95.


Come on people!!! Diesel/Mabel ring any bells?!?!

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Guest Trivia247

I'd rate worst matches as unredeamible...


alla Giant Gonzales or Bastion Booger matches..


You can't equate Yokozuna because for a man his size he could still wresle and when he was a lean 500 pounder he could bust out a superkick.

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Depends on what you mean by "WWE Title". Are you talking as a whole or just the SD version? Either way, there's been worse.


- Kurt Angle vs Big Show, Armageddon 2002


Much, much worse.

I liked that match, damn it!


Good psychology, some creative spots from Angle, and the right guy went over.

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- Did a really good job of putting over the striking of both men, moreso then any WWE match I can remember.


Undertaker's clothslines/clothsline/submission technique sucked as did almost all of Bradshaw's offense. Did you see Undertaker's uppercut attempts when he was holding JBL's arm? They were laughably bad. They missed by a mile.

[TSM MMA mark] What? C'mon, Taker did a triangle choke!




Best WWE Title Match EVAH~!!!!! [/TSM MMA mark]

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